Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 802: 1 birth

"Well, I got it!"

After hanging up the phone, Arthur couldn't help showing a hint of joy!

Newton just called and told Arthur that with his support, the fourth prince of the Sugar Kingdom, who was only less than three years old, had ascended to the throne and became a puppet king under Saint Martin!

This also means that Sugar Kingdom has been the East China Sea sub-base of Saint Martin from now on!

"If it weren't for the world government to keep an eye on it, it wouldn't be so troublesome!" While Arthur was pleased, he couldn't help but complain!

Why is the start of Sugar Kingdom so complicated?

Not because Arthur didn't want to use simpler methods, nor because Arthur did not have the ability to use simpler methods!

But the world government is watching closely!

Since the emergence of the Deer Spirit Kingdom and the Whitney Kingdom, in order to prevent similar incidents from happening again, the world government has begun to deliberately collect from the world. The sudden rise in these years has become more apparent, more attention-grabbing, or offensive. Intelligence of powerful forces!

Therefore, in order to avoid being discovered by the world government, and to target it, and in order to make the East China Sea's sub-base less conspicuous, and expand under the eyes of the world government, Arthur decided to give Newton and sway Soldier, put on a vest!

That is the sugar kingdom!

The Sugar Kingdom is a kingdom with a relatively long history and a little bit of heritage in the East China Sea. If it expands suddenly in their name, it will not be conspicuous. In addition, the Sugar Kingdom is a franchise country. Even if the world government has doubts by then, as long as there is no conclusive evidence I won't mess around!

However, the vest is selected, but how to control it is another problem!

If you use simple and rude methods, such as direct attack or strong control of the king, then such a turbulent transfer of power seems a bit conspicuous, and it is easy to be spotted by the world government!

Therefore, after thinking about it, Arthur deliberately chose a role to blame!

That is Klick!

Is it normal for a group of pirates to help a prince ascend to the throne under the temptation of huge money?

As a pirate, it's normal to turn his face suddenly, right?

Not to mention burning, killing and looting, it is completely normal for the pirates to do this, and it can no longer be normal!

At the same time, it is normal for a king to find someone to expel them for the sake of the country, right?

Because these pirates were hired by themselves, it is normal for him to be embarrassed to invite people from the navy?

Because you don't want to hire the navy, it's normal to pay a lot of benefits to ask others to expel these pirates, right?

Therefore, Newton was invited over in such a "normal" manner, and then "normally" appeared on the stage, as a heroic character, defeated the Klick Pirates, became the general of the Sugar Kingdom, and then supported a puppet king. , So that the power of the sugar kingdom "normally" quietly passed into the hands of Saint Martin!

During this period, in order to avoid exposure, and to act carefully, Newton specially killed Klick and his accomplices, all using fruit power to powder them, and there was no evidence!

Recalling, Arthur took a deep breath, adjusted his emotions, and suppressed the matter!

Anyway, it's done now, and there is nothing to complain about!


Suddenly, the phone on the side rang!

Arthur picked it up and said, "Hey!"

"Your Majesty, it's like this..."

A young voice came from the other end of the phone, reporting something to Arthur.

And listening, a big smile gradually appeared on Arthur's face!

There is no other reason, smile... No, a lifetime has come!


The capital of the Kingdom of Saint Martin!

Royal Casino!

This is a casino located in the center of St. Martin, next to the Rose Hotel!

The casino is shaped like a bird cage. There are four floors, one underground and three above ground, but each floor is more than ten meters high. Therefore, the whole is not smaller than the Rose Hotel next to it. If you look closely, it is It's a lot higher!

The interior decoration is extremely luxurious, whether it’s tables, chairs, or wall decorations, they are all specially carved by famous artists. Even the floor on the ground is made of ten square meters of marble slabs. After carving all kinds of textures, then lay it on!

It can be said that the entire casino is an inch of gold!

Of course, with such a luxurious casino, there will naturally be no less people!

At every moment, there are a lot of gamblers who come from the West China Sea and other seas, who have made a lot of money, enter the casino to play.

Even during the war, the flow of people here is only reduced by half!

But today, it is such a luxurious place, but it has ushered in a unique person!


As a blind man, entering a casino is very rare!

So, when he arrived, he immediately attracted the attention of everyone including the casino staff!

"Sir, do you need any help?"

After a while, a male waiter greeted him with a smile on his face!

"Uh... I want to gamble!"

I was taken aback in my life, and then he reacted, explaining his purpose!

"Sir, please!" The waiter listened to this answer, feeling weird in his heart, but still holding a smile on his face, guiding him to the way for his life, leading him to the place where the chips were exchanged!

After waiting his lifetime to exchange the chips, the waiter asked again, "What does this gentleman want to bet on?"

"What can you bet on here?" asked for a lifetime.

"That's more! Dice, poker, roulette, mahjong, etc., as long as they are available in this world, we have them here, and even those that are not available in other parts of the world, we also have them!" The waiter briefly introduced a bit.

"Really..." After hesitating for a while, he asked, "So what is the most popular!"

"The most popular word is Mahjong!" the waiter said sternly.

"Mahjong?" asked a little puzzled all his life, "What is Mahjong?"

"Oh, it's a game played by four people, through eating, touching, bar..." The waiter briefly introduced the mahjong game for a lifetime!

Listen, he said with interest throughout his life, "Then take me there, just play this called Mahjong!"

"Okay, please here!" Although the waiter had serious doubts about whether he could play in his life, he still took his entire life to a mahjong table with two people!

"Sir, please sit down!"

After arriving at the mahjong table, the waiter took advantage of the opportunity to pull the chair away for life.

"Can you stay by and help me continue to explain?"

After sitting down ~www.ltnovel.com~ asked again for a lifetime.

Although the waiter introduced the mahjong game just now and I have memorized it all his life, it is the first time to play it after all, and I still need someone to guide me in my life!

"Okay, sir!" The waiter smiled and nodded, standing by his side for a lifetime!

"Two of you, it's the first time I'm playing. There may be some tricks, please forgive me!" Said to the other two people on the stage politely throughout his life.

"no problem, no problem!"

Out of curiosity about the blind man playing mahjong all his life, the other two on the stage were dressed in luxurious clothes and had extraordinary vibes. They knew that they were powerful people at first glance. They also seemed very polite, waved their hands and said.

At this moment, a tall and sturdy young man opened the last position on the stage and sat down!

"Add me, no problem, right?" The young man glanced at the table and said with a smile.

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