Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 804: Why can't I do it?

After agreeing to become a guest guest in his life, Arthur deliberately took some time out of his busy schedule for the next month to accompany him to stroll around San Martin, and enhance his goodwill and sense of belonging to Saint Martin!

"The world is so big, I want to see it!"

But after a month, the words he learned in Arthur these days were left in his life, but he quietly left Saint Martin.

Simply, Arthur was mentally prepared for this, but he was not disappointed!

In his opinion, the days to come will still grow!

Furthermore, I have been a guest in my life now, and I have been in touch with Saint Martin, and the rest will take my time!


Time is flowing, and it will soon come to the end of October!

On this day, in a certain sea area of ​​the New World!


A huge steel ship pushed aside the sea, and sailed on this endless sea without any haste!

That's right!

This ship is the skybreaker!

Soon after leaving his life, Arthur and Duan Tianji directly crossed the windless zone and came to the new world!

His purpose in this trip is only one---the legendary can increase the lucky fairy fruit!

And because the relationship between Saint Martin and the world government was extremely tense at this time, and he was afraid of being encircled by the world government, this time, in addition to the skybreaker, Arthur also brought the necessities to the fairy kingdom, Nome!

In this case, once the world government takes the opportunity to encircle and suppress, Arthur can let the Skybreaker take him into the seabed and escape. No matter what, Arthur himself can fly away from the sky. In the end, his rebirth cross has not been used yet!

No matter what, he will be fine!

Of course, this period may affect the innocent person Nome!

However, it doesn't matter to him, Norm is not his own, and he can only be considered unlucky if he dies!

Thinking about this, Arthur couldn't help but glanced at Nome, who was standing on the bow looking at the scenery happily, looking forward to returning home!

If it does happen, don't blame me, Amen!

After mourning for Nom in advance, Arthur pressed the matter to the bottom of his heart!

At this time!


With the chirping, a news-delivering gull came to Arthur's ship from far and near.

Upon seeing this, Arthur beckoned directly to the bird!

Immediately, the newspaper delivery gull flew down and stopped beside Arthur.


After taking some money for the newspaper delivery gull, Arthur hung directly in the small package in front of it, pulled out a newspaper, and waved his hand to signal it to leave!

The newspaper delivery gull didn't say much, but after a very spiritual salute, he turned and flew away!

"Donglong Donglong!"

After picking up the teapot on the side and pouring himself a cup of hot tea, and sipped it casually, Arthur opened the newspaper and read it!


Before the tea was swallowed, Arthur, who saw the headlines of the newspaper, couldn't help squirting the tea out!

No other reason!

Just because the headline is him!

Well, to be precise, it was his reward order!

And Bailey is offering a reward

Full of ten billion!

Almost twice as much as the future Four Emperors!

"I've been offered a reward?" Arthur said, a little bit dumbfounded.

But after another thought, I felt normal again!

He fought the world government, and the navy fought too. It's strange not to be offered a reward!

Thinking about it, Arthur couldn't help but flipped through a few more pages of newspaper!

Well, it's also full of rewards!

Not only his, Saint Seiya, Reaper, Giant, and even various high-ranking officials in the Kingdom of Saint Martin, as long as they are strong or hold high positions in Saint Martin, and have a little reputation, they are almost all rewarded!

Only those who have low positions, are not very strong, and have no reputation are not rewarded!

Among these rewards, Arthur also saw a reward higher than him!

Yamamoto Motoryusai Shigekuni!

Pele worth 30 billion!

"To sum up the rewards of all the four emperors in the future, and even all their people who have a reward, it will be one-third or one-half more than this number, right?" Arthur thought with a weird face. .

Yamamoto Motoyagi is offering a higher reward than him, he can understand!

After all, Yamamoto Moto Ryusai Shigekuni was engaged in Marijoa, the base camp of the Denonites!

But if there are 30 billion, he is a little surprised!

When he wanted to come, although Yamamoto Motoryusai Shigekuni did a little too much, but as for offering so many rewards, right?

Surprised, Arthur couldn't help but made a call and asked about an unnamed Miss Elulita!

And through the explanation of Miss Elulita, who did not want to be named, Arthur understood why Yamamoto Motoyanagisai Shigekuni had been offered so many rewards!

Normally, Yamamoto Moto Ryusai Shigekuni would not offer so many rewards.

As a king, Arthur was offered a reward of 10 billion Baileys, and Yamamoto Motoyanyusai Shigekuni, as his subordinate, was rewarded with a reward of 1 billion.

But for this reward, the Tianlong people can't be angry!

This **** has scared us for several days. How can I not teach him a lesson?

Thinking about it this way, some of the Tianlong people took out their pocket money, you 300 million, my 500 million, abruptly made up more than 20 billion and added it, which made the reward high. To this outrageous state!

"These Tianlong people are so **** rich!"

After understanding, Arthur couldn't help but sigh!

Sighing, Arthur saw a reward in the newspaper that made him laugh and cry!

A man covered in darkness with a mask!

If Arthur did not admit his mistake, it would be his shadow!

The reward is two billion higher than the normal emperor's deputy or the captain of the four emperors, big billboards and the like!

However, this reward also surprised Arthur!

You know, the strength of his shadow is just like that, relying on the wooden fruit is so much stronger than the average lieutenant general, but it is only a little bit, not comparable to those emperor lieutenants, big billboards and the like!

But after a little thought, he understood!

Although the strength of Shadow is not high, its destructive power is amazing!

Especially the ghost army can be summoned!

According to the news that Arthur later inquired about, Marshal Kong, after the war ended and after counting the losses of the navy headquarters, he cursed Shadow all day and night!

"The ability of the world government intelligence department is really good! The shadows only showed up on the shoulders of the broken sky~www.ltnovel.com~ They were able to find the roots and connect the ghost army and the shadows! "

After Arthur praised him, he seemed to think of something again, with a tangled expression on his face, and murmured, "However, do I offer a reward of 10 billion or 12 billion?"

Except for these three reward orders, the other reward orders are still normal!

According to the strength, the rank of the kingdom, the reputation of the kingdom, the world government has given a relatively normal and reasonable price!

However, looking at these reasonable rewards, Arthur suddenly had a strange idea!

Since the world government is doing it, why can't I do it?

Thinking about it, the smile on Arthur's face gradually changed.


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