Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 801: Puppet king

Opening the Kingdom Treasury has always been a repertoire of Saint Martin!

The Kingdom of Saint Martin often has some surprises and amazing gains in such places!

Of course, in addition to its own luck, this place is more like the kingdom treasure house itself is a place to store the treasures and treasures that a kingdom has passed down and passed down after countless years!

Therefore, it is not surprising that there are any surprises or amazing gains in such a place!

However, this time the treasure house of the Sugar Kingdom is obviously disappointing!

Except for some normal gold and silver jewels, Newton did not find any unique things that can make people feel surprises and surprises. There is not even a devil fruit that is more common in this world!


Newton himself didn't have much expectations for these, so although he was a little disappointed, it was only a momentary matter, and soon he was in a good mood!

"Take a count of the gold and silver jewels here, as well as the gold and silver jewels in the surrounding rooms, record them, and make a booklet and give it to me!"

After giving a simple order, Newton left the last few hundred soldiers who followed him and returned to the palace hall alone.

At this time, the officers who had just received the order to "invite" people happened to bring a group of invited nobles and princes and ministers from the Sugar Kingdom into the palace hall!

"grown ups!"

Seeing Newton, the officer hurriedly stepped forward and bowed respectfully, then turned sideways slightly, motioned to Newton with his eyes, and said, "Everyone has been invited!"


After Newton nodded, he waved his hand and motioned the officer to step aside.

Immediately, the officer retreated to the side with an understanding.

And Newton took a step forward at this time, his eyes focused, and with a sharp gaze, he glanced around the princes and ministers and nobles who were "invited" over!

The body trembled slightly, the legs trembled slightly, and the eyes showed three-point panic, three-point panic, and three-point incomprehension. This is the common performance of the princes and nobles who are now appearing in front of Newton!

They are scared!

Newton confirmed their current mood!

In response, he said faintly, "I don't think you guys know me, so let me introduce myself! My name is Bucky and I am the mayor of Clown Town not far from Sugar Kingdom!"

Since sharing the same body with Bucky, Newton generally calls himself Bucky in front of outsiders!

And listening to Newton's words, the princes and ministers and the nobles who were present looked at each other, and their hearts were relaxed!

Although Bucky and the others have never seen it, as a town not far from their Sugar Kingdom, and it is also a famous prosperous place in the East China Sea, they naturally know it too!

Even many of them have been there and bought goods!

Compared to the pirate Klick, Newton's identity clearly makes them more at ease!

"Mayor Bucky, why are you here!"

After letting go of the nervousness a little bit, among the group of princes and ministers and nobles in front of Newton, a white-haired old man in a light blue tuxedo walked out and asked respectfully with three points of curiosity.

Although he doesn't know why Newton is here, being able to appear here is enough to explain some problems!

You know, Klick has been in the palace before!

"You should know this stuff? Yinbei from Xihai!" Newton said in a deep voice, "you will know by listening to the contents yourself!"

After speaking, he activated Yinbei!

"I want to ask you to help me expel or destroy the Klick Pirates!"

"Yes, but I want the position of General of the Sugar Kingdom and all the sugar franchise in the Sugar Kingdom for ten years!"

"let me consider it!"



"I agreed!"


There was a conversation voice from Embene.

It's Suger Pompeo!

The princes and ministers and the nobles present, listening to the familiar voice of Embene, recognized on the spot that one of the people talking inside was the new King Sug Pompeo!

As for who the other is, they quickly reacted!

Yinbei was taken out by Newton, so who else can there be besides Newton?

As a result, everyone present couldn't help but stared at each other again!

Now, at this time, what does Newton mean by taking this out?

This is the unified doubt of all of them!

And soon, Newton's words solved their doubts!

"In the first two days, after discussing with your king, I agreed that as long as I destroy the Klick Pirates, I will become the general of the Sugar Kingdom and give the Sugar Kingdom the sugar franchise for ten years!"

After scanning the princes and nobles of the Sugar Kingdom in front of him, Newton pretended to be a sad animal, sighed and said, "Unfortunately, I am late!"

"Shortly after he agreed, he was brutally murdered by the pirate of Klick! But don’t worry, I never forgot the agreement with the king. Just now, I have taken my men to kill Klick. The thieves were defeated, and Klick himself was killed by me!"

Hearing this, the princes and ministers and the nobles present frowned and fell into thinking!

From Newton's words, the shrewd people have already noticed something!


An aristocrat wearing a cunning color on his face, his eyes turned sharply, he stood up very cleverly, and said loudly, "Since Lord Newton has completed the agreement with His Majesty the King, then Lord Newton will be the leader of our Sugar Kingdom General!"

As he said, he respectfully saluted and said, "See the general!"

And following his words, the princes and ministers and the nobles present also reacted one after another, saying in unison respectfully, "See the general!"

Upon seeing this, the corners of Newton's mouth rose up!

The goal of the first stage has been achieved!

So the next step is the second stage!

Thinking about it, Newton took a deep breath and said solemnly, "Since everyone said so, then I will recognize it! From now on I will be the general of the Sugar Kingdom!"

Immediately, Newton's voice changed, and he said in a strong tone, "As a general, it is natural to consider the kingdom! Right now, the most important thing in our sugar kingdom is not my general, but the king!"

"After the king is killed by the pirate Klick, we must elect a new king as soon as possible to restore the order of the kingdom! So I want to fix the king's position by the way today, who do you disagree? "

The princes and ministers and the nobles present, upon hearing this and thinking about it for a while, almost all understood Newton's plan!

Support a puppet to be a king!

And if it was a few days ago, they would definitely strongly oppose this!

The supremacy of the puppet king means that Newton will become the nameless king of the sugar kingdom. This is a great harm to the power of their nobles and princes and ministers!

But a few days later today, they all agree with this!

no way!

These days when the Klick Pirates raged in the kingdom have caused them too much damage. Not only did they suffer huge property losses, but because the kingdom's order completely collapsed, they felt their lives in danger at all times!

Therefore, they are extremely insecure at this time!

Therefore, at this time, they urgently need a strong figure who can restore the order of the Sugar Kingdom to bring them a sense of security!

Even if this character threatens their power!

It is better to threaten their power than to threaten their lives!

"The general is right! We all agree!" The sly noble stepped forward immediately and agreed with Newton!


"Yeah, we all agreed!"

"The general is up to you!"

"Yeah, speak up!"


A kind of princes and ministers and nobles all agreed and agreed with Newton's words!

Hearing this, the corners of Newton's mouth rose again involuntarily!

Immediately, Newton said solemnly, "Since everyone has agreed, there is no more nonsense! Now the king is killed by Klick, and he has no children, and his brothers, the prince and the second prince, are also dead. In the hands of Klick, the first choice for the position of the king is of course the fourth prince!"

"So, how about I propose that the four princes be the new king?"

With that said, Newton couldn't help but glanced at the princes and ministers and nobles in front of him with oppressive eyes!

As for Newton's words~www.ltnovel.com~What can the princes and nobles do?

Naturally agreed!

Not to mention that they urgently need a strong figure to restore the order of the kingdom in the past, but that they are surrounded by people brought by Newton. Can they still disagree?

What's the difference between that and looking for death!

"Now there is only one heir to the fourth prince, and the throne is naturally inherited by the fourth prince!" The cunning aristocrat was the first to stand up again, raising his hand to agree!


"Yes, of course the fourth prince inherited it!"

"The fourth prince can become a king!"


The princes and ministers and the nobles also quickly agreed!

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