A Unique Hunter

Chapter 858: Sato's Choice

Cook directly stuffed a piece of grilled meat into Sado's mouth and sprinkled one more bite, and then a puff of oil was squeezed out of the grilled meat. The salty, sweet and spicy flavor made Sado's taste buds explode completely. Bite your mouth quickly until the barbecue is bitten into minced meat, then slowly swallow

"It's so delicious, it's so delicious, what did I eat before" Sado yelled loudly in his heart, while looking at Cook with eyesight, he looked like his own greedy puppy.

Cook waved a large piece of barbecue in his hand and said: "You continue to say I want to know the specific situation of the Canyon of the Dead"

"Respected adults and small clubs will say it, but the young ones have always lived around the lava city, so all they know is the situation around the lava city," said Saduo flatteringly

Cook gave an indifferent hum and then motioned to Saduo to continue watching Cook's actions and immediately began to narrate. At this time, Lina also came over and began to listen, but Big Mouth dismissed the Rat Demon and Jin Guangxian continued to talk to the wine and meat. Desperate fight

When Cook listened to it, he understood that this Saduo was narrating the trajectory of his own life. Cook understood very well. After all, the wisdom of the rat demon is not very high. It is impossible to say that he narrates clearly like a professional.

The bottom of the Canyon of the Undead is full of scorching lava, which is full of toxic gases, but this environment is suitable for the life of demons, so the majority of life under the Canyon of the Dead is actually demons, and the world under the Canyon also surprised Cook. At the other end of the canyon, a large amount of seawater pours in every month, which causes the entire canyon of the undead to be covered in mist and Cook discovered that most of the causes are the water element.

Moreover, according to Sato’s description, every time the sea water rushes into the Canyon of the Undead is the time for many demons to hunt for the undead. The devil eats the bodies of these creatures brought in by the sea, while the undead acquires souls and bones. Therefore, a delicate balance is reached between the demon and the undead. However, some changes have taken place in this situation thousands of years ago. That is, the number of undead is increasing. After all, the undead can sleep when they don't need to be consumed and the undead are undead. As long as they are born, they are not easy to die, but the devil needs a lot of consumption. Food for the undead finally one day the undead attacked the demon

So the undead and the demon fought several large-scale battles. The demon and the undead fought a war in the canyon of the dead, but every time the tide poured into the canyon, the two sides tacitly extinguished the war for the hunting ground.

The hunting ground is the section of the gorge where the tide flows into the gorge. There are usually no dead or demons in this section of the gorge because the force of each tide impact here is great.

After Cook listened to it, he stuffed a large piece of barbecue into the rat demon Zaduo's mouth, and then Cook and Lina walked to the side. Poor Zaduo is now tied up, although there is a supreme delicacy in his mouth. But with one mouth, the deliciousness will fall, Saduo can only use his tongue to continue to propose barbecue

"What about Cook now?" Lina didn't expect that there would be so many things in the Canyon of the Undead, the undead, even if this demon is not easy to deal with

"I didn't expect that the Canyon of the Undead would be such a complicated situation. We still don't know if what the rat demon said is true, and if we go in like this, I'm afraid it is to die." Cook also wryly smiled to know whether it is below. Undead or demons are not good for human beings. If Cook appears, be sure that these demons and the undead will target themselves.

"So is there any way to make these undead and demons fight more fiercely?" Lina then thought of a way

Cook shook his head and said: "It's not easy. I thought about this method. The conflict between the undead and the devil is not that terrible. After all, their needs are different. The undead needs souls and bones, but the devil likes other things. This is also an excellent cooperation"

"That's what I said, then forget it" Lina asked, of course Lina just like this, but I am afraid that Cook will not be reconciled.

"Not reconciled, the devil is a very good magic material" Cook shook his head to know that the devil is full of treasures, all of which are treasures. The body is strong and resistant to fire magic. This also marks all the parts of the devil. Can refine fire resistance potions, the demand for fire resistance potions is the largest and the price is stable, because the fire magician is the most powerful and the most numerous magician, which has also caused the popularity of fire resistance potions.

"Cook, let me see. Forget it. There are so many demons in the Canyon of the Undead," Lina shook her head and said

Cook looked at Saduo in the distance and said, "Or try this guy."

"How to test" Lina asked

"Let this guy cheat anyway, we won't lose anything. As long as this guy cheats other demons, can't we do it?" Cook pointed to Saduo and said

Lina looked at Cook and said, "Cook has to admit that your idea is very good, but don’t forget that the rat demon is just the lowest demon and the higher demon has a natural coercion to the lower demon. This guy wants to be against the higher It is completely impossible for the devil to lie"

When Cook heard Lina saying this, he finally remembered that Cook was still not reconciled to know that demons generally rarely act on the main plane. It is very difficult to obtain demonic materials.

If anyone else knew that Cook actually used the devil as an important material to see, I don’t know what it would be like. Cook sighed and looked at the gray mist surging above the Canyon of the Dead. This is the sea water evaporating in the Canyon. Cook can also imagine. No matter how high or low the temperature is below the canyon, professionals are likely to be directly poisoned by the highly toxic atmosphere emitted by the magma, not to mention the extremely high temperature steam

"Why don't we support a puppet" Cook can do nothing but make a living

"This is okay." Lina breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that Cook was not taking risks.

Cook walked up to Saduo and asked in a deep voice: "I have a good thing about Saduo, I don't know if you want to do it."

"Yes" Saduo immediately said, but what made Saduo sad afterwards was that the barbecue in his mouth fell down, but Saduo did not dare to express it.

"What do you want to do if Saduo gives you enough power" Cook asked with a smile

"I want to occupy a large hunting ground and grab a lot of women." What Saduo thought was to eat more barbecue

"Hehe, as long as you sign this contract with me, you will immediately gain powerful power. Don't say that the rat demon is the bullhead devil, the sheephead demon, or even the succubus can be your woman." Cook laughed and took out one. This contract should be said to be a contract, but the treaty on this contract almost turned Saduo into a slave to Cook, worse than a slave. After all, slaves have to eat, control, and take care of their wives and raising children.

"It's the master, but the master, can I eat barbecue every day?" Saduo nodded quickly and asked pitifully.

"It's up to you. You said that I will give you a lot of barbecue right now. Can you guarantee that other rats will grab your barbecue" Cook said in a cowardly manner

Saduo heard Cook say this and immediately felt very sad and could imagine that if he had a bunch of barbecue, he would definitely be robbed of the face and panties.

When Cook saw that Saduo was not blindly arrogant and nodded with satisfaction, he should know that a puppet must have a certain IQ. If the IQ is not good, it is not qualified to be a puppet.

"But I can give you some spices and teach you to cook your own barbecue. Of course, the premise is that you sign this contract," Cook said, waving the contract in his hand.

"Thank you, master, thank you," Saduo happily was about to faint and immediately nodded and agreed.

Cook put Sato down, the first thing Sado did was to pick up the barbecue that had just fallen off, and did not hesitate to urinate on the firewood just now, and then Sato held the barbecue tightly and looked at Cook with alert. It’s speechless. Who is this guy? Cook stretched out the contract to the rat demon. The rat demon doesn’t know the words and only signs the contract with blood.

"Okay, you have to eat first, and then I will improve your strength." When Cook saw the rat demon signed the contract, he packed the contract and said to the rat demon

"Yes, master" The Rat Demon Saduo saw Cook turned around and walked away. He replied in his mouth and then ran away.

Cook watched in astonishment as Sa Duo's short legs swayed constantly. Cook said to Big Mouth: "Big Mouth, go and teach that guy a profound lesson."

The big mouth said dissatisfied: "Hey, my descendants of dignified beasts actually went to deal with a rat demon."

But with the big mouth wings, she chased the Rat Demon Saduo Lina looked at Cook and asked, "Cook, how do you plan to improve the Rat Demon's strength?"

"Using the dragon potion" Cook had already figured out what method to use. The battle of the devil is mostly close combat relying on strong defense and strong physical strength, so the dragon potion is really suitable for the devil.

"But you know this guy can do it" Lina asked again

Cook put his arms around Lina's waist and said, "Lina, we will come step by step. As long as Saduo tastes the taste of power, then it is impossible for him to not come to me."

"You are so bad" Lina smiled and nodded Cook with her finger.

I didn’t know that Cook took Lina’s finger in his mouth and sucked it. Cook looked at Lina’s shy face and the fire in his heart came up instantly.

"Hey, there is a minor in front of you," Jin Guangyan mumbled dissatisfiedly.

"Fuck" Cook was interrupted by Jin Guangyan and immediately picked up a bottle of wine and threw it directly towards Jin Guangyan.

"Hahahaha, I'll get out, I'll get out, you continue" Jin Guangyan grabbed the bottle with a smile and was about to sneak away

"Cook..." Lina saw Cook doing this, thinking that Cook was really going to do something and twisted her body to break free from Cook's arms

"Okay, okay, you see that the servant didn't leave at all. I'm joking. Let's hug first." Cook hugged Lina tighter.

Lina's face was flushed, but Lina really enjoyed the feeling. Lina said, "Cook, I really hope it will last forever."

"Yes, I will always be by your side forever and ever" Cook said that Cook is already very satisfied with the current life. Any woman of his own can be said to be the arrogant girl of heaven, Cook is sometimes true I want to put aside all this and take a few women to travel everywhere, but the environment makes Cook have to keep going

Cook also knows that this world is not like the earth. There is a sanctuary **** Cook on this world who personally felt the miracle. Even a trace of the spiritual power of the gods could not resist Cook. At that time Cook felt not only deep. Deep fear and a sense of powerlessness. Cook knows that he wants a better life, he wants his family, friends, and women to live well, then he must have enough strength, otherwise he will only be bullied by stronger people. Of course the gods Having endless life is one of the reasons Cook struggles

Those emperors on the earth are willing to abandon everything and want to achieve longevity. It is not how stupid those emperors are, but those emperors long for an emperor-like life and want to continue this life forever.

"Master, I never dared to run anymore, I never dared to run anymore," he rushed back and cried all the way back.

"Boom" Saduo wanted to hug Cook's leg, but Cook kicked the guy away when he saw the feces and urine flowing

"Sado, let me warn you one last thing if you don't obey anymore, don't blame me for being cruel," Cook said coldly.

"Master, master, I don't dare anymore, never again." Tears and snot and saliva flowed out loudly begging for mercy

"Get up and find a place to wash yourself. I don't like dirty guys the least." Cook kicked and said.

"Master, I'll go right away, I'll go right away." Saduo immediately got up and rushed into the nearby forest. Saduo was frightened. You should know that there are many dangers in this forest. There are countless powerful beasts here. I have improved my body to be a great help

Saduo went all the way to a creek, although the devil hated water, but Sadao jumped into the stream while looking around, picking up a stone and scrubbing the dirt on her body.

Cook didn't know that taking a bath was a nightmare for the devil. Cook looked at his mouth and asked, "How did you do that guy just now?"

"I just cast a soul fear on him" the big mouth replied faintly

Cook is speechless. Soul fear is a kind of soul magic. In this magic, the fear in the heart will appear in the mind. A very abnormal kind of magic is silent and timid. Smaller can be scared to death.

When Sado came back, Cook found that he almost didn't recognize Sado. Sado now thinks of a prawn that is flushed and wet.

Cook took out a bottle of dragon potion and said: "Drink this and you will have the same strength as a goat's head."

"Thank you, Master" Saduo Qiang endured his fear, but Sa Duo was afraid of not knowing what this liquid was.

After Sado drank the medicine, she felt warm all over her body and Sado saw that her arms were getting thicker, her height also increased slowly, and her skin seemed to glow like black iron.

"Go there and apply it" Cook pointed to the forest in the distance

Saduo obediently came to the forest and then slammed his fist directly at a big tree. Saduo felt that she was full of power.

The big tree was directly broken with a "click"

Cook poking his mouth in the distance is not just a small tree with a thick bowl

"Oh, ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!)

As a result, the forest suffered from the rat demon, Zaduo constantly waving his fists, the big trees were knocked down, of course, for the rat demon, this bowl of thick-mouthed trees is big enough.

While playing and venting the dissatisfaction in his heart, Saduo's first thought was to go to Cook to settle the accounts, but when he was old, Saduo was stunned by his own thoughts and quickly threw this idea into his mind. Let Saduo feel confident

"Boom" But at this moment there was a loud bang next to me

Saduo looked over and saw that Cook was standing in front of a towering tree. The trunk of the tree was several times as thick as Sadao's body. Cook punched it and punched it, and the trunk was just like sand. Smashed into a big tree crashing down

"Master, master," Saduo stammered in a cold sweat

"Take this weapon and equipment for you. I need you to unify a tribe that is more than five times the rat demon. After completing the task, I will give you something to enhance your strength." Cook threw a set of tattered equipment in front of Saduo.

"I'll go with him" Big Mouth said on the side

"Then go and be careful" Cook didn't ask Big Mouth why

Big Mouth explained to himself: "I also need to fight and the undead below are good food"

"Master, the Great Master" Saduo saw the shimmering dagger and the armored helmet, which was also made of metal, although it was slightly larger. What's more rare was that there was a pair of boots. Licked Cook's boots and said excitedly

"Well, remember that you have to complete the task. The next potion is to upgrade you to the strength of the Tauren" Cook said with a smile

"Master Minotaur, I will definitely complete the task. Isn't it just some **** rat demon? I will let those guys know that I'm the king of the rat demon," Saduo said confidently

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