A Unique Hunter

Chapter 859: Cook's plan

Saduo was very excited to know that the Tauren was the direct main battle force of the demon. The Tauren was not only powerful but also large in number. It can be said that the Tauren occupies an extremely important position in the demon world. It can be comparable to the Tauren. The blood will boil

"Look at your unpromising appearance, what a tauren is. If you can complete the task I entrusted to you, it will not be difficult for you to have the power of a big devil." Cook said with a temptation to smile when he saw Saduo's appearance.

"Is the host real?" Saduo was so excited that he almost jumped up. If it wasn't for Cook's performance just now, he might have jumped up.

"Anyway, you now have the strength of the Goat Head Demon, not so after you complete the task, I will improve your strength again" Cook said with a shrug.

Saduo thought of his own strength and this sophisticated equipment and said with confidence, "Master, I will cut off the head of the damned **** patriarch and give it to my master."

"Well, you go, remember that as long as you complete the task, I will not only improve your strength, but also teach you to make the most delicious barbecue" Cook patted the rat demon's head

Saduo stood up and respectfully retreated and left, while Big Mouth left with Saduo. Lina looked at Cook and said, "Cook didn't expect you to lie."

"Lina, you are wrong. I'm not a lie. I'm giving this rat demon a chance. As long as his head is not stupid enough, then I think Saduo will definitely become the Demon King." Cook said with a smile.

Lina glanced at Cooke and said, "If this guy goes back, someone will rush over and kill those patriarchs. I think Bacheng will die."

"But I didn't lose anything, I just lost a bottle of low-level dragon power potion." Cook admitted that what Lina said is that if a Saduo is a stupid, then go directly to challenge the whole tribe of other rats. No matter how strong you are, you will end up being divided by chaotic blades. This is also one of the puppets hated by countless bosses behind the scenes.

Of course, a puppet that is too smart will also be hated by the boss behind the scenes, just like that Hadam evolved from a puppet to the person most hated by the boss behind the scenes.

Cook and Lina can be said to have failed, but Cook is not in vain. First of all, they know the general situation of the Canyon of the Dead and successfully inserted a nail in the Canyon of the Dead. Of course, there is an unknown variable. I think something is wrong because the image of big mouth is really bad

When I went back, the speed of Jin Guangyan was pulled to the extreme. Cook and Lina saw that the surrounding scenery was distorted. What is the concept? That is to say, the speed of Jin Guangyan almost breaks through the speed of breaking through the space. Distorted the surrounding scenery

The result of course was that Lina and Cooke Qiqi had motion sickness. Jin Guangyan took less than a day to catch up. When the journey was a few days away, Lina and Cook were powerful. When they landed, they still felt that their feet were floating and their heads were dizzy. The dizzy cook got car sick for the first time

"Xiaoyan, you bastard" Cook cursed loudly

Jin Guangyan didn't think there was any problem and ran away. Don't even think about it. Jin Guangyan must have gone to the halfling chef, Hobby and Naowen, but these three guys are good. Naowen and Hobby now see Jin Guangyan. The flattering energy made Cook watch and shook his head because Jin Guangyan can get any ingredients

West Asia and the others asked about the course of the matter. Cook said in detail and everyone was amazed. They did not expect that there is such a strange place in this world. The undead and demons live together.

Cook came to the base of the ancient planes. This base has become a market for super powers. This base seems to be the product of the war between gods and demons. The composite metal around ten meters thick is similar to the metal in the seal of the devil. Even more powerful. These powerhouses don’t know what the outside of the base is like. They all use their own energy to directly activate the identity card for fixed-point transmission.

After Cook and Lina teleported into this base, they found that the base had completely changed. The hundreds of rooms that were originally empty around were filled with things, but the two sides of the aisle were also full of stalls, and there were several floors in the central area. There is also a huge trading market in the space. It can be said that this place has become a huge market.

Lina said: "There were originally only a dozen strong people here, but now there are more than 600 strong people who are basically legendary and above. We only charge the management fee for the ID card. Although there is no Tianyan, we can’t communicate. Identity card can be used as a fixed-point delivery item"

"Very well, I didn't expect Lina that you are so capable in doing business." Cook nodded in praise and asked Cook to give this place to Sia and Lina to take care of it. I didn't expect it to be like this.

Lina often takes care of the rest of the strong here. I have met and greeted Lina. You should know that the trading circle of this base has been formed. This is a huge network invisible. Don't underestimate this network. Cook found a lot here. Other races, human races, dwarves, dwarfs, giants, elves, and even very uncommon races such as demons, undead, etc., also have these guys.

Cook smacks his lips now Cook knows that sometimes a friendship can transcend the boundaries of race

Cook walked and found that although there were many items here, but he didn't look at it at all, Cook looked at it for a while and went directly to the depths of the base where there was a magic pattern of decomposition. Before Cook thought it was a magic circle of decomposition. It can be said that this base is the starting point for the re-emergence of the previous empire, so the things here are basically complete.

But the completeness of this leads to a lower level. After all, if the empire still exists at the beginning, it is impossible to have high-end things.

Cook wandered around and found that only one identity card production instrument was relatively high-end, joking. But the development of dozens of magic patterns was compressed into a thin metal card. The magic patterns drawn in a thin metal card require Cook to use mental power to see clearly. It’s a very sophisticated thing, but Cook only sighed, because the materials needed to make such a miniature magic pattern can be said to be extremely high-end

It’s like a chip. At the beginning, the computer occupies a few rooms. It’s not the size of a hand-held mobile phone. It’s not only a problem with the production process, but also a problem with the materials. The material occupies a large proportion, like an airplane. It’s made with that craftsmanship, but without the materials, it can’t keep up with the design standards. PS: For details, please refer to the book "Material is King"

But Cook will not give up any of the things in it. Cook packed all the instruments in this base, whether it is to purify magic materials or decompose magic materials, and put them into the natural ring. As for the core and defense of the entire base The system Cook not only has not been dismantled, but is also preparing to upgrade the defense of the base

Although there are hundreds of magic crystal cannons on the surface of this base, the power of the magic crystal cannon is a little too small. Cook plans to gradually replace all of them with meteor cannons.

"What are the hundreds of meteorite cannons?" West Asia almost fainted after hearing Cook's thoughts.

"Yes, and I still have hundreds of turrets in it. I want to install it." Cook has also harvested hundreds of turrets under the seal of the devil. The power of this turret can be said to be similar to laser weapons.

Xia looked at Cook suspiciously and asked, "Cook, what are you doing?"

"In West Asia, we don't know what kind of people exist on this plane, and this base is a guarantee for our safety. The energy of this base can hardly be used up," Cooke explained earnestly.

Lina also said, "Cook, I don't think it's right. Don't we still have a teleportation array, can't we return to our original plane"

Cook shook his head and said: "Lina, you are also a space magician, so you can tell us how many ways to disable the teleportation array and once we encounter an enemy, so many of us who teleport back first and have so many subordinates"

"But..." Xia still wanted to say

"West Asia is not alone, I am not alone, I still have you and a lot of subordinates, so since you believe in me, I have to protect you this base can be said to be a huge trap, as long as no one provokes us, then this trap may Never use it but in case," Cook interrupted.

Sia and Lina had to give up when they heard Cook say so. It’s undeniable that Cook said it makes sense.

However, Xia said distressedly: "Meteor Cannon is troublesome to make, and there are so many magic lines that need to be repaired. I have to learn magic lines."

"Hehe, I didn't say that I refine it by myself. With so many countries in the Plane Alliance, we have openly acquired. That is, the number of meteor cannons in the Plane Alliance is not much, mainly because the number of mana crystals is small, but we seem to have no such limit." Cook laughed. Said

When Sia and Lina heard Cook say this, they took a breath of air and asked, "How many meteorite cannons are you planning to buy?"

"At least one thousand. My principle is that the more the better, this matter will be handed over to West Asia. The main thing is to check and accept it," Cook said.

"A Thousand Doors" Lina and Xia were shocked. You should know that the meteor cannon was originally a super weapon that can directly attack meteorites at a distance of hundreds of thousands of kilometers against meteorites that are harmful to the plane. The Face Alliance is also an extremely high-end weapon, but this is also the beginning. Later people discovered that this meteor cannon can only exist as a deterrent weapon.

The size is huge and consumes too much energy, so gradually only those extremely powerful mana fleets have one or two such deterrent weapons and they need to be mounted on the mana spacecraft to move easily.

"Then what price do you plan to use" Sia asked afterwards

"The price, hehe, did I personally draw the structure diagram of the meteor cannon and the full magic pattern structure. Do you think those empires should pour me money?" Cook said with a smile

Both Lina and Xia sighed. It is conceivable that once Cook releases the news, the defending alliance will be boiling in an instant. The upgrade of the magic pattern magic circle can imagine how many people will cry and give Cook money to the library. To impart this knowledge

"But Cook, your idea is good, but can you refine magicweave equipment?" Xia said worriedly

"Hehe, I will set up a studio and recruit those who are interested in magic patterns. You will be responsible for the supervision of the other disciples. I’m not afraid of you saying I’m not afraid of those guys failing to refine the magic pattern. Failed products are thrown in and then come out. There are various materials again," Cook said with a smile.

"Cook has such a good thing, don't take it out soon, or we will simply buy discarded equipment to decompose the material" Xia's eyed suggestion

"West Asia is just a small profit," Cook said persuasively

Lina asked thoughtfully: "Cook is afraid this studio is not that simple, right?

"Hey this time, of course I want it to be smooth. If the price of the equipment of the plane alliance in the future is the final word, we have the final say" Cook said with a smile.

Sia looked at Cook and said, "Cook, what are you going to do? Now you are the chairman of the Plane Alliance and you have huge wealth. Now think about reaching into the field of equipment."

"West Asia, this is to lay the foundation and let our products hit the sanctuary. I will first use a lot of low-cost equipment to hit the sanctuary equipment market and wait until this market is mastered by us. At that time, what price did the sanctuary equipment cost? "Forget it" Cook said with a smile and cast a magic shield

Lina shook her head and said, "Cook, you are so sure that this world is a sanctuary."

"It doesn't matter if I am prepared or not," Cook is not sure

"Okay Cook, I support what you want me to do" Lina asked in silence when Cook said that

"Lina, I need to set up some interference space in Wolffang Fortress. You don't need to activate it. I don't know when we come back. You see that the speed without Jin Guangzhen is close to breaking the space. I suspect that the beasts must have the ability to break the space." Cook said he didn't say anything here

Neither Lina nor Xia are idiots, knowing that if they are directly teleported to the door of the house, it will be great fun. Things that interfere with the space can make these beasts fail when teleporting or increase the error. Although it is not easy to do this, it is not very easy. Trouble, but what Cook needs is a huge area, which is a bit tossing.

"So Cook, you?" Sia and Lina looked at each other, and the two of them were full of tasks, and Cook seemed to be fine.

"I want to record some memory crystal **** for making magic patterns. There are still a lot of design drawings for the design of the meteor cannon. After the work is over, I have to go to the indigenous people in the north to see what is said to be a transaction. I want to find out where this is. "Cook calculated with his fingers

Lina and Xia began to go busy. Cook first had to make memory crystals. This thing is similar to the video. The meteorite guns made by the empires in the Planar Alliance are more than eight meters long and one meter thick. The heavy one can’t be heavy anymore, and Cook, the meteorite gun made by West Asia, can be picked up by one person. Of course, Cook’s power perversion is one aspect.

The material and craftsmanship has been improved. The small size of the meteor cannon is of course natural. Cook can now make the meteor cannon and start making the meteor cannon. The process of making the meteor cannon is extremely complicated. First of all, the need for spiritual power is a threshold, so everyone has to ask since spiritual power. Is the threshold Cook has to set up a studio

Haha, this is Cook’s brilliance. Cook is called reserve talents. You can enter the studio first, but if you want to refine Cook, you must have a standard or threshold. What are the rest of the people doing?

The rest of the miscellaneous people can first purify the magic materials and fuse the magic materials, and help control the temperature that can be refined. Of course, how much knowledge you can learn during the miscellaneous process depends on the understanding of each person.

And Cook is also preparing to study the OEM-style refining method. Just like the computer on the earth, there are so many complicated circuit chips in it. People on the earth don’t have strong mental power, but they have made sophisticated things with the help of tools. I'm not busy now

Even Cook took a day and a half to refine the Meteor Cannon. First of all, it took a day and a day to prepare the materials. The process of refining Cook only took less than half an hour. Someone asked Cook if he knew he was making the Meteor Cannon.

Still the same sentence, Cook wants to reserve talents. There is a limit to the power of one person after all. It is not too many people and powerful. This is also suitable for this world.

Even if the video is successful, just keep copying the content on other memory crystals. The following is the design drawing. The design drawing of the meteor cannon cannot be flat. It can only be a three-dimensional magic image. This is more complicated.

Each part of the design drawing made by Cook explains why it is connected like this, why it needs to be designed this way, and why it needs to be like this. It can be said that even an idiot with magic pattern knowledge can understand it, but this is also a lot of money for Cook A week's time

When the final three-dimensional design drawing was completed, Cook looked at the super memory crystal the size of a football head in his hand and smiled bitterly. The football-sized memory crystal was almost not enough.

Lina, Sia and others are all wondering what Cook’s design drawing for a week looks like. Cook put this football-sized memory crystal on a metal table made of magic patterns. The metal table has a diameter of half a person 20 cm high. Under this metal table are sixteen fist-sized magic crystals

"Cook let us see what kind of magical image that needs so many magic crystals," Xia said, looking at the metal table she made.

Cook smiled slightly, then reached out and touched the metal table with a light touch. The edge of the metal table immediately rose slowly and then resembled a lotus flower, but the petals of these lotus flowers quickly wrapped the super memory crystal and looked like a Pinch your hands tightly

When a light curtain appeared in the room, Lina and others were completely stunned and asked Xia incredulously: "Cook, how did you do it?"

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