A Unique Hunter

Chapter 857: Rat Demon

Cook dropped the engineering bomb into the gray misty canyon, but after a few minutes Cook still did not hear the sound of the engineering bomb

Lina said, "Cook must be deep in this place"

"Well, at least not less than ten kilometers deep, what I dropped is the largest type of engineering bomb." Cook nodded and replied. Everyone knows that if there are noises in places like canyons, sound waves will continue to be reflected, so the business I heard is more than expected. It's a lot bigger but it's a bit unusual that there is no noise

"Then what shall we do" Lina asked

"Let’s take a look at the surrounding environment first, but it seems that the desert did not form naturally. Let’s step back." Cook looked at the sand and stones on the ground and felt that Cook was uncomfortable.

It is definitely Jin Guangxian who said that the rest is the happiest. The boy heard Cook say that he would slap his wings and then retreated hundreds of kilometers to the edge of the desert. Then the boy said loudly: "Cook, look at me. Is it so hard to get some good wine out to drink"

"Don't you say I have to take it too" Cook took out a few bottles of wine, each with different colors.

Jin Guangyan looked at the bottle in his hand and mumbled, "Why is it different?"

"Nonsense you, this is wine that can restore physical strength, and your mouth can nourish mental strength. The one between me and Lina increases perception." Cook said without angrily rolling his eyes.

It's rare for Cook to be alone with Lina, cuddling with each other, Jin Guangxian is watching Cook and Lina roll their eyes, Ka Ka is also out to eat at this time, but Ka Ka still likes the magic crystal coin, Jin Guangyan, but big mouth The magical pocket on Jin Guangyan’s belly is a natural space item. Cook knows that this pocket puts tens of thousands of kilograms of fine wine and there are many barbecues. I don’t know what kind of warcraft Jin Guangyan is.

The sky soon went dark. Cook and Lina were not drowsy. Soon after dark, Cook’s magic eyes clearly saw the blue mist rushing out of the Canyon of the Dead, thousands of meters high. These blue mists continued to spread across the Canyon. The area hundreds of kilometers wide on both sides is slowly covered by mist

"Water Element" Cook wondered why this is so. Why is there fluctuation of water element in the Canyon of the Dead

Lina whispered: "A lot of undead have come."

Cook also saw that the seemingly calm desert during the day made a rustling sound in this silent night. Accompanied by the sound of the sand, bones were drilled out of the desert, and some were like zombies, and they were fist-sized. There are also groups of half-meter-long groups of maggots that are full of black flesh.

But what surprised Cook was that these undead creatures did not move towards the forest, but moved towards the canyon in a unified manner. In the past, the beetle was the fastest and the skeleton was the slowest.

"Drink the potion and let's take a look." Cook took out a few bottles of potion and handed them to Kaka Jinguangyan Big Mouth and Lina

"What kind of invisibility potion is this" Jin Guangyan asked with bright eyes

"The disguise potion can transform our own magical fluctuations into undead-like fluctuations" Cook explained briefly

The group headed towards the canyon, but Cook didn’t let Jin Guangyan fly over and rushed into the thick fog.

"Be careful, this thick fog is actually corrosive and toxic," Cook whispered as soon as he rushed into the thick fog.

Lina added: "The thick mist is very humid and has a very strange smell."

Cook nodded and didn't say anything. Cook carefully observed the surrounding undead and found that the levels of these undead were not very high, the highest level had the lowest level, and even only the junior fighter level. Cook really doubted that he was wrong.

The speed of Cook and the others is extremely fast. Jin Guangyan saw a black skull beside Cook. The skeleton was striding forward, but the skeleton was not a human form but a beast. Jin Guangyan realized that the skeleton actually ignored his own Jin Guangyan. Immediately poked the skeleton with his paw

With a boom, the skeleton was directly poked into a pile of bones by Jin Guangyan

"Let's go." Cook looked at Jin Guangxian's appearance and immediately picked up this guy. Jin Guangxian was a divine beast. Poke a small skeleton with his paws. It was like poking a sledgehammer into an ant.

Even the soul fire of this skeleton was shaken away. Several surrounding skeletons immediately surrounded them, scrambling to eat the soul fire that had just dispersed, and the big mouth ignored it.

Although Cook's speed is extremely fast, hundreds of kilometers still took Cook a lot of time. Cook stopped when Cook was about to reach the Canyon of the Dead

With two whirring sounds, two black shadows in the sky flew over Cook and the others very fast. There was thick fog, and Cook didn’t see what it was, but Cook’s feeling in his heart was uncomfortable because what happened just now meant There are flying races in the Canyon of the Dead. The flying undead are all powerful races. The representative race is the ancient dragon.

Cook now regrets not bringing Xiao Meili here, but then Cook denied his idea.   Xiao Meili is the nemesis of the undead, but then again, the undead is also the nemesis of the angels. In such an area, a small beauty is simply a living target to attract hatred.

"Fresh meat, fresh meat" Just when Cook slowed down, a black shadow rushed towards Cook's mouth and screamed crazy.

When Cook heard this voice, the look on his face was weird. Sure enough, when Cook saw the screaming creature, a smile appeared on Cook's face. This is a person who is only half a meter tall and can be said to be shorter than a halfling. This guy is wearing a very crude leather armor. There is a skull of an unknown monster on his head as a helmet. There is also a thigh bone of a beast in his hand.

But the brown skin, long fangs and pointed ears are full of pungent sulfur. This is the devil.

"Fresh meat, fresh meat" The rat demon Sadu has not eaten fresh flesh for many days, and the rat demon in the hunting grounds did not dare to go to the rat demon's stomach is already empty, and finally found a bone and stuffed it into his belly. Inside but the bones in the belly are even more hungry, but when Saduo was about to venture to the hunting ground, he was surprised to find that there was a smell of fresh flesh and blood. The rat demon brandished his weapon and rushed over. Excited

The rat demon has already planned to knock the male man’s skull fresh, and then leave the rest of the blood sucking heart to eat slowly, while the human woman first store it as food and enjoy it by the way. Saduo waved his weapon towards the man. The human skull was lost fiercely

With a sound of "bang", Sa Duo was shocked to find that his weapon actually flew back and hit his helmet severely, making a dull sound, and then Sa Duo felt dizzy and fell to the ground.

"Okay, let's go back" Cook grabbed the rat demon and said

Lina also knows that there are rat monsters that are already rewarding. Watching countless undead rushing to the canyon of the undead and can feel the ever-growing aura of the undead. Lina didn't want Cook to take risks before figuring out the truth.

Cook looked at the rat demon in his hand. The rat demon is considered a low-level demon in the demon, but the rat demon is still a smart creature. This can be seen from the ability to use weapons to see that the rat demon is very high among the lower-level demons. Demons live in groups

However, if the adult male rat demon is not attached to the leader of the tribe, then they will be driven out of the tribe, and these adult male rat demon will wander around and even rob the female rat demon of other tribes and slowly become the new rat demon. Clan, but such a wandering rat demon generally does not end well to rob. If caught by another tribe leader, they will be killed and eaten directly.

The reason why demons are called demons is because demons swallow each other, even demons of the same race. Of course, this is really forced to do so. Just like the leader of a tribe, if it is defeated by other males, then it turns out that this tribe. The male offspring of the leader will be killed by the new leader. Of course, the female will not kill it, or even eat it.

Cook hangs the rat demon to know that the devil’s food is very mixed with bones, minerals, insects, plants and so on. The devil’s stomach can be said that even the ore can be digested, and the rat demon is most proud of its two front teeth. Sharp and hard

The rat demon was stripped and cleaned by Cook a long time ago. It's not what Cook wants to do but the smell of the rat demon is too stinky.

Saduo felt a little uncomfortable all over and opened her eyes slowly. Sado was confused at first, but when she heard the sound next to her, she turned her head and saw that the male human was sharpening a knife on a stone and the rat demon saw that the female human was actually doing it. Some firewood is placed next to it and supports a strange frame

"It's okay" Cook did this to scare the rat demon. Although the rat demon is timid in the devil, it is not timid for humans.

Cook directly put the rat demon down and stretched out the shining dagger. Sado saw the shining dagger and immediately exclaimed: "Asshole, **** humble human beings, you will be punished by the devil, I swear."

Cook looked at the Rat Demon with a smile, then swung the dagger in his hand and went out, Sa Duo closed his eyes and felt a chill in his chest.

"Ah, you bastards, human **** bastards" Saduo immediately yelled in horror thinking that he had been cut off.

Cook directly shaved the whole body of the digital model with a dagger. The rat demon called for a while and found that no one cared about him, so he opened his eyes and found that the hair on his body was actually shaved clean, and the human being continued to use water on himself. The Splasher doesn’t understand what this human is doing

But when the rat demon was put on a piece of wood and put it on top of the fire, Sa Duo finally understood what the humans were going to do. Then he saw that the humans actually took out some bottles. Although Sa Duo didn’t know him, Sa Duo knew something like salt.

"These human beings want to grill me." Saduo immediately screamed in his mind. Most demons eat raw food. Those who can grill food are some high-level demons. They have only heard of the word barbecue but have never seen it.

"Help, help." The rat demon immediately felt terrified when he saw the indifference of human beings and roared loudly. Under the horrified eyes of Zaduo, humans actually lit the fire below.

"Puff puff puff" Saduo hurriedly blew out and wanted to blow out the fire, but the more he blew the fire, the bigger the fire, Sadu felt the pungent smoke and the hot flames.

The sound of the pounce is stunned by the side. I wanted to scare the rat demon. You must know that the demon has natural resistance to flames. How can you know that the rat demon actually peeed to put out the fire. Cook was smoked by a stinky smell and ran away opened

"This **** bastard" Cook cursed loudly

"Hahahahahaha" Lina straightened up while laughing and Jin Guangyan was holding her belly even more

Saduo saw that the fire was finally extinguished and he was relieved. But then Sadao saw this human man washing himself with a wooden barrel and was even more terrified in his heart, because this man was washing himself obviously to eat himself and shouting loudly. Said: "Help, help, don't kill me I can exchange my life with my treasure"

"What kind of treasure do you have?" What surprises Saduo is that this human can also speak demon language. Although the pronunciation is not standard, Saduo can hear it clearly.

"I have treasure, I have treasure" Saduo nodded quickly and replied

"Hmm, wait." Cook knew that this guy begged for mercy first, so the rest would be easy

Cook threw Sato on one side and started a fire in another place. He peeled off a four-meter-long cow-like beast and threw it aside. Then he picked up the meat and began to sprinkle salt on it and cut the meat again. Cut them into small pieces and skewer them with a metal braze, then bake them and sprinkle them with spices

"The devil is here to punish these food-wasting bastards." Saduo looked at the bull's head that was discarded by Cook, but there was the most delicious food in it, and the blood from the internal organs was smashed under the **** stimulation, feeling that his stomach was even hungry and There was still a piercing pain. Zaduo knew that there was nothing in her belly to digest. Zaduo's eyes were staring at the internal organs of the cow like a beast, and he secretly estimated that this is enough to live a good life for two months. You might be able to use these things in exchange for the favor of the young female rat demon

However, it didn’t take long for a tangy scent to shift his attention from the discarded internal organs to the fire not far away. This scent has been smelled in Lava City, the largest city of demons, and the scent is still It’s not as fragrant as this. It’s said that there are a lot of places that can only be entered by medium-sized demons, but after standing at the door for a while, he was almost killed

"Humans, humans, I want to eat, I'm going to starve to death." The scent-stimulating Sado saliva continuously flowed out, and the tingling sensation in the belly became stronger and Sado couldn't control so much. She shouted loudly.

"Humans, humans, I die and you won’t get any treasures." And those humans ignored Saduosado and threatened humans to see pieces of fragrant barbecue that were eaten by humans and the bones were discarded. Heart is bleeding

"Asshole, bastard, I'm starving to death, please, please give me some bones. I will exchange the treasure for me. I will exchange the treasure for the treasure," Zaduo shouted loudly and then started crying.

"Treasure, your treasure is mine already, don't you have another treasure?" Tian Kepian saw that the male human finally spoke

Saduo didn’t even know that he had fallen into a trap. Saduo nodded when he heard Cook’s question and said, "Yes, yes, although I have no treasure with one hand, I know that others have treasure. I know those guys are the richest. what"

"Well, let me eat a bone first." Cook picked up a piece of bone he had thrown on the ground and walked over with a small smile and stuffed it into Sado's mouth.

"It's so delicious and delicious." Zaduo bit the bones and creaked and praised, but the bones are enough to eat, and Zado feels even more hungry.

"Please, please give me some more and some more" Saduo said pleadingly

"But how do I know what you said is true" Cook asked, tilting his head

Saduo heard Cook ask this and immediately said: "I know that the old patriarch’s treasure is there and I can take you there."

"We are only two of us, how dare we go to the devil's territory" Cook said and turned around and left

"Please, please give me something to eat is the bones you don’t eat, please, I’m starving to death" The strong hunger in his mind made Saduo almost cry

"Okay, take a bite for a question." Cook seemed to hesitate for a while, and his heart raised his throat. Finally Cook said

"No problem, no problem. I have gone through many places, but can you let me take a bite?" Saduo hurriedly agreed when Cook said and asked weakly.

"Then take a bite" Cook took another bone

Saduo quickly took a bite and put it in his mouth to chew. It was delicious, supremely delicious. Saduo was fascinated by the deliciousness. Then he looked at Cook and was obviously waiting for Cook's question.

"Which city is your largest city?" Cook asked, and he threw the barbecue in his hand. It was obvious that if you answered, you could eat barbecue instead of bones. So many eyes stared at the barbecue and immediately replied. : "The biggest city is the city of lava. The city of lava is also one of the six largest cities here."

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