A Unique Hunter

Chapter 856: Aboriginal news

The original patriarchs of the flower elves are only now awakening, the reason why the flower elves can migrate here is entirely because of the human being in front of them, not the result of the transaction between Jin Guangyan and the flower elves, but it is too late to wake up.

When Jin Guangxuan heard that Cook was about to build a prison, he kept urging Cook. When he thought of having fine wine, he couldn’t care about anything. Cook had to ask Bagglu to lead the ogres to build a prison. As for how to look after him Those flower elves will not escape, I am afraid it is very simple for Jin Guangjian, after all, Jin Guangyan is not a flying monster.

Cook has finally finished dealing with the flower elves, and Cook is finally about to do his business. The reason why Cook let the flower elves migrate over, his initial goal is to let the flower elves help him take care of the natural ring space, the natural ring space Now it’s not much more than thousands of square kilometers, and all kinds of plants inside are very lush, and Cook found that over time, it seems that the natural ring space is still expanding, and Cook’s natural ring space is not talking about miscellaneous There are various precious magic herbs in Cook’s natural ring space, as well as the tree of life, bread tree, and various delicious fruits, element fruits, and various thorns.

It can be said that the plants in Cook’s natural ring are a huge amount of wealth, and the plants in the natural ring grow rapidly. The magic herbs in Cook’s natural ring are also the best quality. Lina uses Cook Natural The medicinal herbs in the ring space are much more effective than those refined from other medicinal materials.

And such a large space is impossible for Cook to take care of himself. Cook found that Windsor has a special set of plants to care for. The same magic medicinal material, Windsor picks has the highest medicinal effect, and Cooke picks is not as good as flower elves, so Cook wanted more flower elves to take care of the natural ring for himself.

Cook saw Wendy gradually taking control of the Flower Fairy, so he planned to share his thoughts again. Cook saw Wendy, Wendy is now more and more of a superior demeanor.

"Your Excellency Cook, thank you for allowing us to have such a beautiful and rich city." Wendy bowed and thanked.

You know that Cook took out a lot of life water, life essence, of course, these things were originally preserved by Windsor. The life water plus life essence, and the ability of the flower spirit to control the plant, make the plant can follow the flower spirit The meaning of growth, the tree of life also continuously exudes vigorous vitality, which benefits the flower elves even more, and the fruit tree also grows into towering trees and ancient war trees under the water of life. Also watered by the essence of life is the extremely high attack power, and the countless magic thorns surrounding the flower elves have grown into a natural wall.

"Your Majesty, Windsor has helped me a lot, and this is what you flower elves deserve. After all, you also exchanged the results of your labor for the right of residence." Cook said modestly.

"Anyway, thank you." Wendy bent down again to thank you.

Cook touched his nose and said, "Your Majesty, I have something to ask you for help?"

Wendy moved in her heart and said with a smile: "If you have anything, just tell me, as long as I can help."

When Cook heard Wendy say this, he immediately said: "I want to ask some flower elves to help me take care of a space, which is full of rare magic herbs."

Wendy heard Cook say this, and her heart moved. Windsor had already told Wendy about this. Now Cook said the same. Wendy still wants to see this natural space and see if it is as magical as Windsor said. Wendy said with a smile: "Then Lord Cook doesn't mind if I look at these plants, right?"

Cook touched his nose. Wendy’s request is understandable. After all, the flower elves are going to work inside. Looking at the work environment, Cook nodded and said, "Well, your Majesty, don’t use magic. I will take you in myself."

Cook took Wendy's hand as he talked. The main reason was that Cook didn't want to use mental power. You must know that this person is enveloped by mental power, just like a clairvoyance eye. There is no secret.

Wendy just felt a flower in front of her, and then Wendy felt the majestic vitality, and a very strong vitality, Wendy took a deep breath, the huge vitality made Wendy's whole body cells active, the whole body It feels very comfortable.

Wendy looked at the forest in front of her, then opened her eyes wide, and stepped forward in disbelief: "This, is this all the tree of life?"

"Not all, most of this forest is the tree of life, and there are some breadfruit trees, various magic fruit trees, ancient war trees, etc." Cooke replied.

"There are magic herbs in this forest." Wendy was surprised, but then saw dense plants around her feet, most of which were precious magic herbs.

"Yes, there are some rare thorns, vines, and magic herbs that account for more than 90% of the number." Cook nodded and replied.

"This is the element fruit. There is a record in the history of our flower elves, but we have not seen it." Wendy said, looking at the mushrooms of various colors in the forest.

Cook didn’t know what to say, and let Wendy check it out. Wendy flew over the tree of life, looked at the tree of life that was out of sight, sighed and said, “This is really a good one. Place, I still want to live here."

"Haha, welcome your Majesty the Queen at any time." Cook said with a smile.

"Your Excellency Cook, you can call me Wendy, if my queen hadn't been you, I would have been driven away long ago." Wendy said to Cook with a smile.

Cook was a little puzzled, but he nodded and replied: "Well, I will call you Wendy from now on."

"I will also call you Cook in the future." Wendy said with a wink.

What can Cook say, nodded and said: "Well, I have no opinion."

Wendy looked at Cook, and then said solemnly: "Cook, if I guess right, your space is a space that comes with a magical tool. You must never show it to outsiders in the future like this magical tool. "

"Is there any difference?" Cook asked in confusion.

"There are also many kinds of artifacts, low-level artifacts, high-level artifacts, and ancient artifacts. The best of them is ancient artifacts. Ancient artifacts have their own space. It is said that a top-level ancient artifact can accommodate hundreds of millions of people living in it. Wendy said.

"People live inside, what if the artifact is broken?" Cook thought to himself, and then asked.

Wendy chuckled and said, "Such artifacts will not be broken, because the attacks of such artifacts not only carry the attacks of the artifacts themselves, but the artifacts can also activate the hundreds of millions of creatures inside, and then attack. Imagine who can accept such an attack?"

"Tsk." Cook sighed.

"But your space now looks like an auxiliary space. You have to know that there are many kinds of spaces that come with artifacts, of which auxiliary ones are the most precious. In addition to these artifacts, there is a legendary artifact. Sacred tools of growth, this type of artifacts have not recorded specific conditions at all, but even ancient artifacts were top weapons in ancient times, so you must not easily leak your space." Wendy said again.

Cook nodded, and Cook asked, "Wendy, is there any way to go to the human world?"

"Yes, there will be one transaction in a thousand years," Wendy said.

"The deal, who is it and where is it?" Cook asked.

"I don't know, our flower elves have never participated. We also learned from the records of our ancestors. It is said that there is a huge airship for trading with the natives in the north." Wendy shook his head and said.

"Aboriginals, what other natives are there?" Cook was surprised.

"Hehe, there are some natives in the place flying a month and a half to the north, but our flower elves don't interact with the natives over there, and the place where we live is too far away from there." Wendy Hehe explained with a smile.

Cook made up his mind to see what the deal was going on. When Wendy saw a small lake of more than ten square kilometers full of life water, Wendy opened her mouth wide, but Wendy opened her mouth. Ti then saw a thing floating in the water of life lake, and immediately flew over and asked: "Cook, what is this thing? How to put it here?"

"This is the evolution of an elemental fruit. I don't know what it is." Cook shook his head. This is the last thing condensed from the ice elemental fruit. Cook put this in the water of life and take a look. What is going to come out.

"Elemental Elf!" Wendy screamed immediately after hearing Cook's answer.

"It's so noisy." At this moment, a voice screamed in dissatisfaction in the forest of the tree of life.

When Cook heard it, he knew who it was immediately. Cook shouted excitedly: "Big mouth."

There was a sound, a black crow with a golden crown on one hand flew out of the forest, and then landed on Cook’s shoulder. Cook took a closer look and found that there were two golden flames in Big Mouth’s eyes. , Instead of the original gray color, Cook knew that this guy had gained a lot of benefits when he looked at the current look of his big mouth.

"Who is this woman?" Big Mouth asked with his head tilted now.

"This is the queen of the flower elves and the mother of Windsor." Cook introduced.

Wendy smiled and said, "I didn't expect to see the descendants of Death, this is my luck."

"The descendants of the **** of death?" Cook was surprised, isn't the big mouth a monster?

"Yes, it is said that the **** of death is a crow who successfully cultivated." Although Wendy didn't have much expression on the surface, she was shocked in her heart. The **** of death, an extremely mysterious god, is in charge of the death of all living beings.

"No, I am not a descendant of the **** of death, I have the blood of the **** of underworld in my body." Big Mouth shook his head and replied.

"Tsk Tsk, Pluto." Wendy sighed in surprise, knowing that among all the gods, Pluto is at the level of the emperor, while the **** of light is at the level of the main deity, which is a grade.

"Yes." Big Mouth said very proudly.

Cook sighed slightly in his heart. Judging from the situation of Wendy just now, Cook knows the difference between inheritance and no inheritance. His own heritage is still not as deep as others. Cook brought Wendy out of nature. In the ring space, Cook and Wendy reached an agreement to pay the flower elves with the water of life. Wendy went back to select the appropriate flower elves. Cook also returned to the Wolffang Fortress. Now the outside of the Wolffang Fortress has also been planted. The protection of the large circle of thorns city wall has been further improved.

"Xiaozhen, do you know that there are indigenous people in this hollow mountain?" Cook found Jin Guangzhen.

"Asshole, I tell you that if you can't complete the winemaking mission, you won't have food to eat." Jin Guangyan guards in the prison every day, constantly urging dozens of devoting elders to work.

Jin Guangyan did not answer Cook's question, but squinted his eyes and looked at Big Mouth vigilantly, and Big Mouth looked at Jin Guangzhen vigilantly. After a while, Jin Guangyan asked Cook, "Where did this crow come from?" "

"This is also my friend, Xiaozhen, what shall I ask you?" Cook introduced.

"Yes, I actually awakened the blood of the beasts. Yes, the natives. There are a group of nasty natives in the north, but there is no oil and water in that place. Those guys know that they eat dry dried meat and there is no wine." Jin Guangxian nodded and said. .

When Cook heard that Jin Guangyan said that Big Mouth had awakened the blood of the beasts, he was very happy. When Cook heard the news about the indigenous people, Cook was even more happy. Cook threw two bottles of good wine to Jin Guangyan and continued. Asked: "What do those natives look like?"

"The figure is not bad, but after those guys see me, they will attack me with things, spears, spears, if it's not that there is nothing wrong with that place, you see that I won't clean up those bastards." Jin Guangyan is not angry Said.

"Is it a giant?" Cook asked guessingly.

"It seems so, it's similar to your human beings anyway, just taller." Jin Guangyan nodded and replied.

Cook also knew to keep asking, he didn't have much to gain, and there are probably not many who can call the orangutan a monkey. So Cook thought about it and left, and Cook was going to see what the native race was.

Cook has to be fully prepared to see what the so-called indigenous people are. It does not mean that he has nothing to do and wants to take risks, but that Cook has not yet figured out where this plane is now, and where there is a deal, the information must be well informed. Some, of course, if Cook just went so rashly, maybe they would be eaten as snacks by the natives.

Cook wondered that it was unrealistic to improve his own strength. Don't think of any effect in a short time. Cook set his sights on the territory around Jin Guangyan. The orangutan group is not moving, there are many and strong groups. biological.

The place in the swamp is not suitable, and the things in it are highly toxic, causing trouble. Cook at the sea does not want to see it at all, because the sea in the sea is almost useless on land, even if it is amphibians, it is based on water. Mostly, and the monsters in the sea have environmental bonuses, so they are not easy to move.

So in the end, Cook looked at the huge black cracks on the map, the Grand Canyon of the Undead, the wisdom of the undead is high, and there are some undead in the undead creatures, plus the undead nemesis with the big mouth, the Undead Canyon has become Cook's first choice.

Cook said his thoughts to Lina and the others. Lina first said worriedly: "Cook, the power of Big Mouth is good, but can you know how many undeads are in the Canyon of the Dead, and what level? "

"That is, I think it's okay to deal with the orangutans." Xia also agreed.

Connie and the others just listened quietly, without interrupting at all, because they knew that there were some problems that they didn't know at all and it was hard to speak.

"I just have this plan. I must try it out first. If we are strong, let's think of a way." Cook also nodded. Lina and Xia's worries are not unreasonable. There must be something powerful in the Canyon of the Dead.

After Cook finished talking to Big Mouth, Big Mouth said with joy, "I just need a lot of food right now."

Cook was sweating profusely and was able to use undead as food,  I'm afraid there are only creatures of the Nether system. Cook looked at Jin Guangzhen again and asked, "Xiaozhen, go or not?"

"Ten thousand bottles of good wine." Jin Guangyan's appetite grew stronger.

When Cook saw this guy doing this, he said to Big Mouth: "Let's go."

"A thousand bottles, the lowest one." Jin Guangyan immediately said loudly when he saw that this trick didn't work.

"Let's go by ourselves." Cook shook his head.

"Hmph, I have been to the Canyon of the Dead several times." Jin Guangyan snorted, and then said.

"Ten bottles of good wine, go if you like, and forget it if you don't." Cook held out a finger.

"Five hundred bottles, ten bottles, do you know how much I will lose if I leave? What serious consequences will those guys be lazy?" Jin Guangyan said.

"Finally, fifty bottles, I won't add it again, and I can only give it back later." Cook said firmly.

"You, why don't you believe me so much, I'm a sacred beast, a sacred beast." Jin Guangyan jumped up immediately when he heard Cook said that things should be done after they were done. In fact, this servant just wanted to get something went.

But thinking about it carefully can deceive Cook~www.novelmtl.com~ Cook said with a smile: "This is the rule. It is impossible to get paid first without doing things."

"Give ten bottles first, otherwise I won't go. You have to know that it is far away from the Canyon of the Dead." Jin Guangyan said lazily, as if you would not go if you didn't give it to me.

Cook has no tricks now. If he flies over, and don’t know how long it will take, Cook’s eyes rolled and said: “Yes, but every hour, I give one bottle, first ten bottles.”

"You, you, okay." Jin Guangyan saw that Cook had this trick. Jin Guangyan couldn't help it. You should know that the good wine brewed by Cook's magic fruit contains elemental fruit, and the taste is just right. Needless to say, Jin Guangzheng wanted to bite Cook, but in the end he had to compromise.

Lina went with Cook this time. After all, the space system has a higher life-saving coefficient. After Jin Guangzhen flew for five days, she finally saw the Canyon of the Dead. There are hundreds of kilometers of desert on the top of the canyon on both sides of the Dead Canyon. Various bones are scattered inside, and the Canyon of the Undead is shrouded in dense gray mist, and it is impossible to see how deep it is.

"Let me see how deep this is first?" Cook took out an engineering bomb, adjusted it to the impact and detonated, and then dropped it.

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