A Unique Hunter

Chapter 808: showdown

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In the evening, there is a chapter for everyone to collect it for free, even if it’s not on shuhaige, I would trouble you to collect it greatly, Ryan. Thank you

Surprised to the people around Lina did not speak, but a few seconds later, a smoked black object appeared directly in the air and hit the ground like a poop.

"Chichi" the plants on the ground are immediately burned by the smoking object

"This is the golden dragon" The strong men around saw this dark and lacquered thing open their mouths. The king of the golden dragon and dragon clan is almost the highest existence in the entire plane.

Cook touched his nose. The current state of Sia and Lina is extremely strange. Lina's own space system is only the ninth level, but the level of the fire system cultivated by Sia is really hard to say, and Lina's fusion of the **** core is more like a power. Infinity can inspire the artifact of the realm

As for the fusion of West Asia and West Asia itself is the core of the water system, so the state of West Asia is different from Li Na's. West Asia now needs to suppress the cultivation base, while Lina does not need to suppress Cook's head. She wants to break and she doesn't understand what this is all about, so Lina takes action. Packing up the three-headed golden dragon, Cook is not worried at all

"Hmm, don't think it's a great dragon, just your defense" Lina said disdainfully

"Ahem, in view of the fact that the three-headed golden dragon violates the alliance contract, I propose to expel the membership of the three-headed golden dragon from the alliance." Cook stood up for this kind of guy who doesn't know the sky and the earth, Cook will never be soft, especially he wants to pry himself. Corner


"Agree" The people around all agreed that some people were disappointed and complained about these three golden dragons.

The three-headed golden dragon was taken away by the dragon family in a coma and the Dragon Council announced that the three-headed golden dragon was imprisoned for five hundred years. In fact, the three-headed golden dragon is good for recuperating in five hundred years.

Cook followed Sialina, Connie, Mitch, and Ives, the murloc. Cook looked at the women and said, "There are some things I didn’t want you to know, of course you will also know Connie in the future. Manlimiqi Ives, you are all still young. Originally, I wanted you to work hard until the last step. I won’t reveal this secret, but I think that the perilous orc powerhouse is also haunting the Mekai Empire. I’m looking for you to talk about things today, I hope you don’t say anything."

"Cook, just say what you have to say." Manli admires Cook very much. Manli's magic pattern and equipment are more than twelve mounts, and the earth dragon is promoted to a holy beast compared to the identity of the temple. Manli is now going out, even if the former sovereign of the temple sees herself, she has to be polite. Manli knows that it is not because of herself but because of Cook. Now Cook is the number one person on the plane, regardless of the wealth in his hand. Still team strength

What Manli is heartbroken about Cook is that after the auction, Cook actually gave him a planet with a population of more than 300 million people. These are all Manli's. Why doesn't Manli be so heartbroken to Cook?

Ivis is a little indifferent. On the one hand, Ivis doesn’t feel bad about Cook. On the other hand, Cook makes Ivis see a lot of impossibility. Of course, the most important thing for Ivis is to get rid of the control of the family because she is still in the group. Inside, the fate of the female murlocs is not in the hands of herself but serves the interests of the family.

On the other hand, Mickey loves Cook most. It can be said that Mickey's family has today Mickey's father is already a duke. The land has hundreds of thousands of hectares. Although it is some remote land, the people in Mickey's father's territory are not ordinary humans. It's ogre trolls and orcs. Humans may not survive in remote places, but the remote places of humans are compared to the places where trolls, ogres and orcs live. It is simply heaven and Mickey’s father planted them under the arrangement of Cook It’s fruit trees and breed some cattle and sheep, but it’s a pity that Mickey’s parents and younger brother Boai don’t have the slightest talent

And Mickey’s father is unwilling to enter the world of practice. Mickey knows that life now is beyond his father’s imagination, so even though Mickey is a bit lost, he is more in love with Cook.

Connie smiled and looked at Cook Connie is almost a round older than Cook, but this is not difficult for cultivators.

Cook took out the divine core stored next to him and said: "This is the secret I want to tell"

"What is this thing looks so beautiful" Women can't resist anything shiny

"This is a simple explanation for the **** core, that is, the core of god-level creatures also has another name called godhead" Cook explained calmly

"God..." Avis held a beautiful blue core in her hand, and inside was a piece of snow-white ice flower. After hearing Cook's explanation, the core in her hand was about to fall off.

"Yes, Ivys, your hand is a piece of ice core. Sia and Lina have absorbed the core. This is not to say that I Cook is eccentric, but that both of them have a lifespan of hundreds of years. You are still young." Cook smiled and explained that Cook didn't want his family to be emotional about this

The people present didn’t know what Cook meant. Cook explained: “There are many shortcomings in absorbing the nucleus. The first is that you have to re-understand the law and power contained in the nucleus. This may take a long time. There will be almost no room for growth in the future. Of course, there are advantages, that is, as long as you have a high level of comprehension for a year, you will be promoted to the **** level in a year, and you will have almost endless life."

"I want" Manli was the first to replied that Manli has the lowest talent, but this is in this small team, Mickey Ivys and Connie are all talented, not to mention, of course. The guys outside are still very talented compared to Manli. After all, Manli is also one of the key training objects of the temple.

"Well, drop the blood and then quietly realize that you are very profound about gravity." Cook picked up a piece of earth-based divine core and gently placed it in Manli's palm.

Mickey thought for a moment and said: "I don't want to see where I can get, and I don't worry if you are there with Cook."

"Okay" Cook didn't say much, his hand holding Mickey's hand tightly

"Neither do I." Don't want Ivy either. After all Ivy is a mermaid with a water system talent. Needless to say

"Hehe, I still want to even though my talent is good, but I don't have the confidence to reach the **** level. One more day of fusion, one more day of understanding" Connie thought calmly and said.

Cook had to admire Connie Mickey's and Ivy's thoughts, although they were right, but Mickey was so easy to reach at the **** level, and Mitch whispered when he saw Cook's reaction: "Am I wrong?"

"Mickey, your idea is right, I support you." Cook also has some expectations for Mickey. After all, Mickey's talent is naturally awakened, and if Mickey has any Cooke, then he can use God core.

Barry yelled loudly at this time: "In fact, fusion of the core is extremely simple, and what Cook said is that the core is not a god."

"Oh" Cook was surprised and the others looked at Barry.

"This is a friend of mine" Cook said with a smile

"God core means that this core is the source of all the power of god-level creatures. Divine personality is different. Divine personality refers to gods who have achieved a certain position in the **** world. As long as the godhead is immortal, then the gods can be resurrected. It’s the fusion of the soul and the **** core," Barry explained.

"What do you mean" Cook still doesn't quite understand

"The Godhead is not so easy to have. Thousands of people with the **** core do not necessarily have a **** who can become a condensed godhead because the **** core needs to ignite the fire and merge the soul in it. Only by lighting the fire and fusing the soul can you really achieve the **** position because Having the godhead can join that level. After all, having the godhead can be said to be an immortal existence" Barry further explained

"That's great, we don't have to worry about having you, Barry," Cook said excitedly.

"Don't think that although I can help, they need a huge amount of energy when fusing the soul. They are now enough to support the fusion," Barry replied with cold water.

"Hehe, the big deal, let's practice hard." Cook is not worried

"And Mrs. Lina doesn't need to fuse souls" Barry said again

"What the **** is this guy Cook" Ives finally couldn't help but asked in a low voice

Cook told the birth process of Barry again. The rest of the people looked at the monsters and looked at Cook such a good thing. How could Cook run into Ivis and was even more surprised: "How could such a perverted guy be born"

"Just don't know if there is any attack power" Connie asked afterwards

"There is no one who has no offensive power, but if that guy offends me, I will absorb the sacred fire he ignited when they lit the sacred fire," Barry said loudly while shaking his chubby body.

The people around immediately sweated Nima, which is more powerful than any attack. Just now Barry explained that igniting a sacred fire requires a huge amount of energy, just like Sheng Hong must reach a certain burning point, just like drilling a log to make a fire requires frictional heat to ignite Like the burning point of the burning object, igniting the sacred fire also requires strong energy support. You can imagine a guy who finally ignited the sacred fire and then Barry slammed the sacred fire away.

"Why don't you say Lina doesn't use fusion" Cook quickly asked. For Cook, this makes Cook more curious.

"Hehe, because Lina is from the space system, the law of origin in the God Realm is divided into three categories. The first is the law of elements, the second is the law of destruction, and the third is the law of life. Look at the entire plane is born, death, birth, death. The constant cycle of destruction represents death and life represents the new life. The laws of life and destruction are powerful. The law of elements is not the opponent of these two laws, but it is difficult to understand the laws of destruction and life." Barry said with a smile and followed Cook for so long. Barry has also learned a lot about human speaking habits

"So what about Lina" Cook asked anxiously

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