A Unique Hunter

Chapter 807: End of auction

The second piece of magic weave equipment was also sold at a very high price. Of course, the price of magic weave armguards is definitely not as expensive as magic weave weapons, but even if it is sold at a price of more than 500,000 magic crystal coins

The third and the fourth... the more you go, the more crazy the price is, because no one knows whether the next one will be bought by himself. Cook is also very clever. The ones that are auctioned are relatively small magic pattern equipped with shoulder guards. The breastplate helmets like leggings and armguards didn’t even wait for more than 300 small pieces to be auctioned off.

"Today’s auction ends here." Cook said to the people who participated in the auction below with a smile after seeing the auction.

"It's just some **** stuff, but I actually took it out." Although the three-headed golden dragon said so, he was relieved because the dragon family didn't get one today because the price is too cruel.

"Hehe I'm sorry, maybe I don't understand enough what I said. Today's auction ends here. Tomorrow we will continue. There will be a batch of magic pattern weapons such as mage pattern breastplates and helmets, wands, bows and crossbows," Cook said with a smile.

"What is there?"

"It's just that I thought it was just this."

"This Cook is extremely treacherous, and what he auctioned first were small things"

"Don't buy small things if you have the ability"

The people below are all talking about it, and there are people gearing up for Cook, seeing the excitement of these people, and can't help but think: "I don't know if there is such excitement in a few days."

The auction lasted for five days. On the sixth day, the people who participated in the auction obviously felt that they had been fooled, especially those with rich money. Some chambers of commerce bought in large quantities until the sixth day. The price of a small magic pattern equipment was enough to buy a breastplate. Such a large piece of the chamber of commerce does not know that it has been pitted by Cook, but even if it is so, as long as it is rich or desperately quoting, after all, no one knows how many more, in case there are only a few pieces shown on the badge.

Cook has become numb. All the people here are the powerhouses of the Plane Alliance. These powerhouses control most of the wealth of the Plane Alliance. Some even control a third-level civilization behind the scenes, but these are all Cook searched most of it can be said that Cook is now the richest guy in the entire plane alliance

Those strong guys also know why Cook signed the alliance contract at the beginning, Nima. This is because he was afraid that he was robbed, but it was too late to regret. These strong guys regret it, regret it. I don’t know that there are so many magic pattern equipment that have been auctioned out. 1,500 pieces, if I knew there were so many, I would definitely join together to grab it

"Damn **** bastard" The three-headed golden dragon saw that the price of a glove that was photographed by others was only two-thirds of his own. The three-headed golden dragon looked at a pair of gloves halfway through, so he exchanged almost all his belongings for this one. I don’t know about the glove, the price is lower than my own, and the price is lower than my own. Why don’t you get angry?

"Cough, cough, the last three things, everyone in need, hurry up." Cook thinks it's almost time to stop. Now these strong men can't bring out more wealth.

The three final magic weave equipment did not get the best price. The auction meeting is over. Cook saw the people below and can understand the anger in the hearts of these people. Cook has a headache and has to use some tricks to resolve these. Human grievance

"Well, everyone, I said before that I will use 10% as the alliance's activity funds, so I am going to use 17 million magic crystal coins..." Cook looked at the number and was dry.

The people below were also shocked that Nima actually had so much money, with both eyes looking at Cook. Cook quickly coughed and said: "As for the use of this fund, I think we should select a few trustworthy people to supervise it. "

"Moreover, we still need to discuss how to use it. Of course, it's not used up. We have to keep this number rising. So give everyone a night to consider. We will select nine representatives to supervise this number. The usefulness of crystal coins will let everyone know where they are used." Cook’s move is indeed very useful to distract attention. The following people immediately talked about Nima’s money, but it’s free. Who doesn’t want to supervise it, but these people also have a heartbeat.

"You all choose me, do you know?" The three-headed golden dragon ordered the surrounding dragons

"What are you old guy?" The old guys who came with the three golden dragons glared

"Huh what did you say?" The three-headed golden dragon was angry with Niman, but it was close to 20 million magic crystal coins, not a small number.

"That means you don't think that you have three heads and faces are bigger than others, but I am not afraid of you," he said, knowing that this person stood up immediately.

"Boom" the three-headed golden dragon was ironically rushed up by the dragon

"Boom boom boom"

"Roar" The two huge dragons rolled together immediately and the entire auction site was destroyed by a huge shock wave. The surrounding powerful men immediately flashed. Several waiters were shocked by the huge shock wave into a pile of broken meat.

"Asshole asshole" Cook was so angry that he hurriedly directed his students to save others

"You two bastards, according to the magic contract, you are no longer regular members of the alliance. The reserve is not qualified to participate in the supervisory committee.

"Asshole, you despicable, cunning and shameless fellow, I want you to look good." The three-headed golden dragon heard Cook say this and immediately rushed towards Cook with a roar.

"Hum, punch him hard," Cook snorted and ordered.

"Asshole dare to do something to the tutor" Mori and the others immediately showed their weapons. Mori uses two one-handed swords, looking at the gray, but with just a light wave, the space is rippling like water waves.

The strong people watching around "Mageweave Weapon" were immediately shocked and they were intact magicweave weapons

"Boom" but Morrie hasn't had time to start a big bucket of purple electric light crashing on the three-headed dragon rushing towards Cook

"Roar" the three-headed golden dragon is full of purple electric light circulation

"Mori, I'm ahead of it." A brown wand in Charak's hand is full of people. The top of the wand is an octagonal octagon and a huge purple magic core. There are countless complicated magic patterns flashing on it.

"Asshole" Mori's hatred, why is he a melee?

"Boom boom boom" basin-sized fireballs constantly bombarded the three golden dragons. These fireballs showed a strange blue color.

"Asshole asshole" the three-headed golden dragon roared again and again because of the fierce attack power of this fireball. The three-headed golden dragon quickly rushed towards Cook.

"Gravity Space" Another Cook student spit out these words from a short ocher crystal-like staff in his hand.

The space around the "Boom Rumble" three-headed golden dragon changed for a while, and then the huge body of the three-headed golden dragon rushed directly to the ground, and the ground was smashed into numerous cracks.

"I'm going to kill you." The three-headed golden dragon felt so embarrassed that it rushed to the ground and took a mouthful of dirt under all eyes.

"Hum gold, high temperature field?" Lina snorted when she saw the three-headed golden dragon actually have to deal with Cook, and then the three-headed golden dragon had disappeared in full view, and Lina had also disappeared.

The strong around "Sanctuary" screamed in disbelief

ps: I want to eat nine bowls in the evening, so I updated it in advance. Remember to collect the free ones, which is a favor for Ryan

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