A Unique Hunter

Chapter 809: talk

"There is also a law that is the most perverted. There is no record of this law, because this law has not been comprehended for almost millions of years, that is, the law of time controls time,” Barry replied.

"The Law of Time" Cook and others can imagine how terrible it would be to master such a law

"The space system controlled by Mrs. Lina is also a low-level expression of the law of time. No matter which world time space is, it will not be affected by the law, even if the plane is destroyed, it will not have any impact on time and space, even if it is a space. Collapse but new space will appear" Barry continued

Lina woke up at this time: "That is to say, my space system is not affected by the plane."

"Hehe, it’s not just that the impact is minimal. After all, you are still a life. You are not affected by the surrounding laws. The reason why Mrs. Lina is not greatly affected is because of the special relationship of this plane. This plane seals the demon god. The face is placed in a special space. Outside our plane is a huge spatial turbulence, which means that we are surrounded by a spatial turbulence. It is these spatial turbulence that minimize the influence of the law.” Barry recuperated for a period of time and awakened a lot of memories. This kind of memory is innate, just like a piglet knows that it is looking for milk when it is born, just as a chicken hatches, it knows to peck broken rice and eat. This is the inheritance of memory

The reason why humans can rule the world is because humans can not only remember and inherit, but also learn more knowledge from the experience of their ancestors.

"Then our plane can logically give birth to Sanctuary" Cook asked suspiciously

"Oh, it is possible to give birth to the sanctuary, but Cook, don't forget that our plane is in the lower plane with the intensity and concentration of the elements. There are laws and it is impossible to have the birth of the sanctuary. The congenital conditions limit the birth of the sanctuary." Barry replied with a smile again

Now the people around immediately understood Barry and then said again: "I suggest that you better integrate the **** core in this world and then try to integrate the godhead."

"Why" Ivis was also shocked and asked

"Because this plane is not dangerous" Barry just said this

"Yes, promotion to the sanctuary, our legend is scum," Lina and Xia nodded and said because of this kind of thing, the legendary level will not go to the sanctuary until the last moment. They are afraid of danger and try to enhance their strength as much as possible.

"Oops" Cook jumped up and shouted loudly

"What's the matter" asked the women with concern

"Those guys won't buy magicweave equipment and go to the sanctuary, right" Cook said worriedly

"This..." Lina and others immediately understood

Cook is now remorseful that he has counted everything, that is, he has missed this point. Cook said dejectedly: "I finally know that some guys are ruining their families for what I didn't understand. These guys left some maintenance equipment. Qian looks like these guys have already planned to leave this plane."

"It's a good thing that Cook is actually gone. After all, there are so many old guys." West Asia doesn't matter

"Why don't you go see" Lina suggested

"No, if you want to leave, let those guys go. It's estimated that most of them will have to go because that most of the people have taken out everything and Barry also said that our current plane can't reach the sanctuary sooner or later. "Cook shook his head and said

Manli thought about it and asked, "Will those guys still want the things in the ruins?"

"Some of them will but most of them will not cultivate to our level. They are extremely strong and will not take risks for the unknown." Lina shook her head

Xia even added: "Some legendary old guys don't have a long lifespan. After all, it takes time to advance to the sanctuary. And if we people are injured, it will not be able to heal in a moment."

"Forget it, we haven't been together for a long time, I'll cook for everyone to have a good meal." Cook waved his hand and said that Cook feels very guilty for several women. There is too little time to get along with. Cook might be such a woman on earth. Can't find it but now... Anyway, Cook is very satisfied

"I will help too" Lina quickly got up and followed Cook into the kitchen

Although Cook has many ways to cook, Cook still enjoys the symphony of pots and pans colliding with each other.

But if the person who knows the goods sees Cook’s cooking ingredients, he is afraid that his chin will fall off. The wine is made from the best magic herbs and magic fruits plus the best white wine.

The element fruit is used as a mushroom. The leaves of the tree of life are mixed into the bread. The bread used is not ordinary bread, but the flour oil refined in the breadfruit is the fat of high-grade monsters...

The cost of Cook’s meal is always on the outside. It’s almost a priceless element fruit. The tree of life is not sold outside. Nima is a young leaf of the tree of life. The pharmacist will curse Cook when he sees it

A meal makes a few women eat with a smile. You should know that in this society above the nobility, noble men, but women who have all the rights, have a lower status in this world.

"Cook Lori has some trouble," Mickey whispered while lying in Cook's arms the next morning

"There are still people in Lori who dare to trouble their home" Cook asked suspiciously

Mickey was silent for a moment. In fact, Mickey is now a little worried about Sia and Lina. Not to mention that Manli is a high-level talent trained by the temple. Ivis is a princess of the sea clan. She is just the child of a nouveau riche.

Sometimes Mickey wants to be more talented than herself. Bisia and Lina are like educating Manli and Connie. They have received aristocratic education since they were young. On the status, Ivis is even more of a princess.

It’s not that Mickey has no one to help. There is an etiquette teacher at home. The etiquette teacher has also taught Mickey some truths. It's also one of the reasons why Mickey sneaked into Cook's room last night

"Lori has always liked you in my heart" Mickey didn't know how to answer. Finally Mickey left the question to Cook to solve it by herself. This is also the contradiction shift taught by the etiquette teacher.

"This..." Cook was surprised that Cook originally had some thoughts about Lori, but Cook was not a hairy boy after all, but he was rational. So Cook had never allowed himself to have much feelings for Lori but said Lori. I like myself Cooke still surprised

"Cook, I want a baby" Mickey whispered to Cook's ear

"It's okay to have children, but your body can stand it" Cook asked with a smirk when Mickey said this.

"Yeah" Mickey said shyly. She was tossed by Cook for a long time last night.

"This is what you said, don't let me stop," Cook said with a smirk, and then kissed Mickey's attractive lips and the hand hugged Mickey over

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