A Unique Hunter

Chapter 806: The Hilton League is born

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"From the president of the Maru Empire Appraisers Association, the appraisal master, Your Excellency First, the Vice President, Your Excellency Martin..." Cook introduced a celebrity loudly.

"These ten are appraisers, and the items on today’s auction are made by these ten great masters. Among them are appraisal masters, alchemists, and magic materials. They will jointly appraise every auction item. For an item, all the appraisal costs shall be paid by Cook.” Cook said after the introduction.

"Before the auction, I want to tell you a piece of news, that is, on our plane, there are a total of 16 ancient ruins. According to our preliminary estimates, there may be god-level items in these ruins, but in these ruins There may be unknown dangers. This is also one of the purposes I took out the magic pattern equipment auction, but I hope that everyone can sign a magic contract, that is, we must not attack each other, even if we reach a higher level in the future, It can be united." Cook said so high-sounding, but he was actually afraid that those guys would be jealous at the end of the auction, and then unite to deal with themselves.

However, some people must be dissatisfied, because some people must have such an idea. Among them, the dragon family has this idea especially. The three-headed golden dragon turned into a middle-aged sweat and asked angrily: "Then what if it is not signed. "

"Hehe, this is nothing. After all, auctions are not based on the principle of fairness and justice, but after signing the contract, they have the right of first refusal. What does this mean? It is the same two bids, and the signing of the contract will automatically get the equipment. And in the follow-up repairs, I will give certain preferential treatment, such as the priority of the contracted repairs, which means that only after the contracted repairs are completed, the repairs that have not signed the contract will be repaired, and the contracted party is after all an alliance , So there are some preferential terms." Cook replied with a smile.

The three-headed golden dragon heard the opening sentence of Cook's answer and was still disdainful, but after hearing it, his face immediately became gloomy. According to Nima's words, wouldn't it mean that those who didn't sign the contract suffered a lot.

"Okay, everyone can look at the content of the contract. It's at the waiter next to you. If you agree, sign it. From now on, our offensive and defensive alliance will be called the Hilton League." Cook clapped his hands and said.

"Damn it, bastard, bastard." The three-headed golden dragon looked at the contract that was at least over a hundred thousand words, and yelled at him, but after careful study, he had to sign the contract because if he didn't sign the contract, Nima would suffer. Big.

After half an hour, Cook received thousands of contracts. Cook said with a smile: "Very good, all 100% joined. Here I announce that as the initiator of the Hilton League, I announce here, everyone When auctioning equipment, I will use 10% of the equipment auction revenue to fund the alliance."

"Okay, okay, a few small coins are still awkward." The three-headed golden dragon roared in an angry voice.

"Below everyone will receive the Alliance badge in the hands of the waiter. There is information about the equipment that needs to be auctioned today. Of course, it only shows the next five pieces, which is still a rough figure. The specifics need to be identified by several appraisers." Cook again Said clapping hands.

"Really, it's a magicweave weapon, Nima." After everyone received the alliance badge, the alliance badge was actually a badge designed by Cook based on the functions of the ID card and communication eye, which is somewhat similar to a mobile phone.

"Hehe, everyone may not have discovered that this alliance badge is still a pet space bag with a full ten cubic meters of space inside. Okay, the next auction begins." Cook said triumphantly.

"The first one is a magic-weave weapon, and it is also one of the largest weapons in this auction. Please appraisers come on stage to appraise." Cook said loudly.

Two Frost Titans guarded a huge one-handed sword that was five meters long, but there was a huge gap in the one-handed sword.

Several appraisers invited by Cook, the alchemist hadn't waited for Cook to announce, immediately rushed up, looking at this huge weapon, saliva was about to flow down.

"I said you can do it quickly." Someone shouted impatiently. The goal of these people is the equipment behind, after all, this equipment is not suitable for any profession.

"What is it called? If you don't clarify the situation, you will pay for it." The person who wanted to buy immediately refused.

"We are determined not to come out." Half an hour later, all the appraisers on stage shook their heads and said an unexpected number.

The president of the Appraisal Association said: "I just did an appraisal, but based on our knowledge, I couldn't appraise this weapon at all, but I can be sure of one thing, that is, the weight of this weapon is more than 37,000 kilograms. ."

"Damn." The latter figure made most of the people present take a breath of air, 37,000 kilograms are there, and everyone present can pick it up, but if you want to continue using this weapon in a battle, then It's not realistic at all. Maybe it's not possible to tell the winner yet, and this thing tires myself down.

"Hehe, originally I wanted to appraise it, but I was afraid that everyone would not believe it. Now it seems that I will be the only one to appraise it." Cook laughed. In fact, Cook wanted to do this just now, but he was afraid that people would gossip. .

"How do we believe that what you said is true." The three-headed golden dragon is against Cook.

"Don't you remember that the magic contract signed just now stipulates that members of the alliance must not deceive each other." Cook asked with a smile.

Now the people below all nodded. Obviously some people have noticed this. Of course, as a human being on Earth, Cook cannot deceive, but some issues are not involved. If you don’t talk about deception, you can conceal it. Talking about those exploiting loopholes, hey, no one on this plane can catch up with Cook now.

"Let's start." Some people are anxious, because this kind of weapon is nothing to people who don't need it, but some people are in short supply of this kind of weapon, like the barbarians, the strong among the orcs, for this kind of weapon. Weapons are in short supply.

"Then I start to introduce, this is a medium-sized one-handed sword. The reason it is said to be medium-sized is because there is also a kind of magic pattern equipment that is equipped by races such as Titans. This one-handed sword is made of star iron. Iron crystals are forged, but the weight of this star iron is about 1,500 times the weight of ordinary white iron we see. This kind of iron crystal is very rare, because the process of refining iron crystals is very long and needs to be in the sun. The refinement process may take several years, and there are not many magic patterns involved in this magic pattern weapon. There are only three types. The first is sharp, the second is toughness, and the third is Gravity magic pattern, when the gravity magic pattern is activated when attacking, such as hacking, the weight of this weapon will increase about one hundred and fifty times. Of course it is the largest. As for the sharpness and tenacity, I Decided to keep it secret, after all, if they are introduced, I am afraid that the buyer will not like it. The starting price is 10,000 magic crystal coins." Cook introduced it carefully, and then shouted to start the auction.

"One hundred thousand magic crystal coins." As soon as Cook's words settled, someone shouted.

"Two hundred thousand magic crystal coins." Someone immediately doubled, and these people knew that the final result would definitely be more than this number.

Cook doesn’t care about it. Why? This is a monopoly. Maintenance and repair are all by oneself. As for the auction price, it doesn’t matter how much it is. The higher the price, the less the follow-up fee. The auction price is low. Some, ahem, Cook naturally has a way to obediently let these guys out.

"Five hundred thousand magic crystal coins, plus a mercenary group." Someone resented and shouted loudly.

"A few of you can help me appraise the price of this mercenary group." Cook said to the appraisal team.

The appraisal team took the mercenary group certificate brought by the waiter and a series of supporting documents, and then estimated an approximate price, but these people have not yet estimated it.

"800,000 magic crystal coins, plus a caravan of fifteen magic energy armed transport spacecraft." A voice said lazily.

"Damn bastard, profiteer." someone scolded loudly.

"Lao Tzu is rich, what's the matter." The person who made the offer just now replied irritably, knowing that the Chamber of Commerce in the Maru Empire is very rich.

Cook secretly snickered, businessman, haha, I can’t sell too many magicweave equipment here, you buy it hard, just smash out how much money you have, depending on how much money you have.

"Haha, you have money, then the top ten chambers of commerce in our Maru empire don't count, 1.5 million magic crystal coins." Someone laughed.

Even Cook was shocked when he heard this. You must know that a magic crystal coin needs to be exchanged for 1 million gold coins. Of course, gold in the universe is not valuable. Some planets are almost entirely made of gold, so The price of gold in the plane alliance is lower.

"Chamber of Commerce, the Chamber of Commerce, forget it, Lao Tzu uses a habitable planet with more than 200 million people in exchange for it." Someone yelled immediately with dissatisfaction.

"Hehe~www.novelmtl.com~Who wants the planet of the plane, that's not the one who wants to invest." The people of the Chamber of Commerce immediately objected.

Cook was numb, but Cook asked Morrie in a low voice: "Murrie, why are these guys so crazy?"

"Crazy, huh, mentor, this is not madness. With magic pattern equipment, the combat power has more than doubled in a straight line. With such strength, money is nothing." Mori pointed out a sentence.

"Morrie, do you think I will have the greatest power in the entire plane alliance after this auction?" Cook asked weakly.

"It's possible, these guys don't know..." Morrie didn't say half of it, because talking here, ahem, there is no secret.

"Since no one has bid, then I announce that this gentleman has acquired the ownership of this magicweave weapon with a habitable planet." Cook checked the situation of the planet, and no one bid. Yes, Cook announced.

"The next one is a pair of armguards..." Cook continued to auction, feeling excited. This is a plane planet that is several times larger than the original plane.

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