A Unique Hunter

Chapter 146: Turning over "The first more! 》

Cook sat anxiously on his seat. This was one of the rooms in the courtyard where the Krnys lived. It didn't seem to be very big outside, but it was thousands of square meters inside. Cook was not just a rookie. The application is a kind of magic circle, the name is called the space expansion magic circle. Only in the secret place of the magician guild's magic scorpion will such a magic circle be arranged, and everything in this room is invaluable.

Although Cook does not know the exact age of these objects, looking at the abstract lines on the thick golden candlestick and the reptile-like distorted ancient text on the base proves that this candlestick has a history of more than ten thousand years. , And the exquisite hollow pattern on the silver-white dinner plate shows that this is the masterpiece of those elven masters in ancient times. The elves have no limit to beauty. Every elves spends their time in the pursuit of beauty, but the above magic words It shows that this is a dinner plate for food in a certain fairy temple.

There are also carpets with a faint cyan light, lamps made of huge magic crystals, and quaint cyan jade-like wooden long tables. There is only one thing that can produce this jade-like wood, and that is the tree man in ancient legends. The heart of the tree left over after death is the best material for wood magical instruments. The name is wood crystal, and the price is more than ten times that of gold.

Cook didn’t even bother to look at these things. On the one hand, Cook was anxious to learn about Lori; on the other hand, it was the tedious etiquette of these old guys when they ate. These old guys were characters hundreds of years ago, so use It’s the aristocratic etiquette in ancient times. The so-called aristocratic etiquette in ancient times is very complicated. What makes Cook mad is that he was forced to put on the dress of the ancient aristocrats. In ancient times, there was no button to say that the clothes were all They are **** with straps, and so are pants. Not only do they consist of more than a dozen pieces of clothing such as underwear, shirts, coats, hats, gloves, shawls, etc., Cook feels that he is basically a clothes rack.

After three hours, the dinner was finally over, but what made Cook mad was that there was a cocktail party. Cook held the wine glass and stepped cautiously. No way, he would step on his clothes if he was not careful. On, Cook came next to Lina. Lina's dress made Cook have the urge to vomit. This is also the makeup of the ancient nobles, that is, the face is painted white, and then it is dyed pink again, with a circle around the eyes It was purple, the eyebrows were dyed golden, and the hair was a hat with a huge feather. Cook looked like a huge bird's nest, and his lips were painted black.

"Your Excellency Lina!" Cook considered the words carefully.

"Mr. Cook, I like to be called my sister Lina, especially a handsome man!" Lina said with a smile and blinking golden eyelashes.

Cook saw Lina's dark lips crack slightly, what a laugh! This is scary. Cook resisted the urge to vomit. You are still pretending to be tender here when you are hundreds of years old, but Cook had to shout, "Sister Lina, the bet between us?" Cook dragged the ending sound. It's getting older.

"I heard Ernie say this. Isn't it just a spatial teleportation? It's very simple. But you are a magician and know that you are not mentally good to release magic. The probability of failure is very high. Failure is not a big deal. I'm afraid of failing in the middle. You must know that this is a spatial teleportation. In case it is teleported to an unknown plane, this..." Lina looked like you understand.

Cook almost vomited blood. This is obviously a naked threat, threat. Cook resisted the impulse and couldn't bear it. He smiled bitterly and asked, "Then what do you want to do?"

"I want you to be my disciple!" Lina said with a smile.

Cook sneered and said: "Be your disciple, wait until you can refine twenty bottles of perfect quality secondary invisibility potions at once!"

When Cook finished speaking, he left the dumbfounded people and left. After a while, Lina jumped up and shouted: "You, you, you brat!" Lina didn't know how to express her current feelings, Lina I want to come hard, but this is in the Magic City, and Cook said it is very reasonable, I can't beat others, how can I convince people.

"Damn it, I wasted a lot of time!" Cook was anxious. Hearing that Lina was still making things difficult for herself, Cook's nameless fire suddenly appeared. He was hundreds of years old. Not keeping the bet at all, Cook felt disappointed in the character of the Ernies.

"Hmph, I want to take risks with you with my big mouth, you can wait slowly!" Cook sneered and looked at the grocery store behind him, feeling extremely disgusted, and Cook felt helpless at this time.

"Sky Eye, calculate and see how many magic crystals and cores are needed to use the ID card to transmit to the plane where the base is located!" Cook connected with Sky Eye and issued an order.

"It needs energy equivalent to a ninth-level magic core!" Tianyan replied.

Cook pondered for a while, and then asked, "Is there any way to gather so much energy in the fastest time?"

"Sky Eye recommends choosing a magic crystal vein and arranging a simple magic circle to absorb the mineral vein, so as to save costs to the maximum extent." Sky Eye suggested.

"That's good!" When Cook heard the news, he felt a lot better. Cook asked again: "How long does it take to set up the magic circle?"

"Just need some magic materials, mithril is fine, but you need two kilograms of mithril, and then you can directly set up the magic circle with the help of the celestial eye system for no more than three hours, of course, on the premise of finding the magic crystal vein "Tianyan replied.

"Connie, Connie, immediately take the five yellow hoof brothers of the mercenary group, as well as the two brothers Bell, Besu, the two brothers Dasha, and the three antelope brothers. Go to the square of the General Association of Magicians to meet, and after you leave Let Lucy assist Gerry to manage the headquarters. The most important thing is to protect Windsor. I will also ask Xiao Lei to let Yalong take care of the headquarters." Cook called Connie through his ID card.

"Is there something urgent?" Connie replied worriedly.

"On the way, I have something urgent!" Cook was on the way to the Super Wildhammer store.

"Uncle Sam!" Cook yelled as soon as he entered the store.

"Cook, hurry up, come and sit down!" Sam quickly welcomed.

"Stop sitting, I'm here to ask you if you need a formula, if you don't need it, I'll go to the Dwarf Chamber of Commerce immediately!" Cook is very anxious, where he wants to sit, threatening straight to the point.

"The news has not returned, I am afraid it will take half a month." Sam replied with a wry smile.

"All right, Uncle Sam, I know!" Cook left after speaking.

"Cook, don't, don't go, there is something to discuss!" Sam was dumbfounded, and hurriedly pulled Cook.

"No, Uncle Sam, I need a batch of advanced engineering*. It is very important. The Dwarf Chamber of Commerce has promised to give me a batch, but it is for that formula, and it is in cooperation with the Dwarf Chamber of Commerce. I formulate the formula and they produce others. As for the details of the cooperation, I will discuss it after I come back. Now it is just signing an intention." Cook lied.

"Don't, don't, don't, Cook, I personally lend you thirty advanced projects*, please wait for half a month, half a month!" Sam thought that such good wine would be controlled by dwarf profiteers, immediately There was a shudder, knowing that such wines are loved by orcs~www.novelmtl.com~barbarians and dwarves. Sam can imagine those dwarfs at what kind of perverted price they would sell their wines. , Sam gritted his teeth.

"Fifty!" Cook spit out two words, then looked at Sam.

"Fifty is fifty!" Sam agreed with gritted teeth looking at Cook.

"Hehe, happy cooperation, I think this is your most wise decision Uncle Sam, then let's sign a contract!" Cook said with a smile.

What Cook didn’t know was that his every move was seen by five people hiding on the side. They were the five Ernies. Under Lina’s space magic, these five people were hiding in a different space and watching Cook. , Lina gritted her teeth and said: "Why does this kid need so much advanced engineering*?"

"Who knows!" Ernie replied indifferently. In fact, this is Ernie's dissatisfaction with Lina. In Ernie's view, you, a grand master, actually used threats, and the target of threats is Cook like this. The nameless boy, in Ernie's eyes, is nothing more than that. Not only Ernie, but the rest of the people also have this idea in their hearts.

The most straightforward is Bra: "I said Sister Lina, you are not doing this right, and you are willing to bet and lose, and embarrassing such a child is not an adult's practice!"

"You, you, you guys!" Lina was so angry to death, in fact, Lina was just a test at that time. How did she know that this kid, Cook, is a dog face, and turned her face to deny people. Lina can't say now Come out and stare at Cook fiercely.

The first publication of this book is from 17K Novels. The first time you see the genuine content!

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