A Unique Hunter

Chapter 145: Victory "No. 3"

"I want you to say that Sister Lina will definitely refine it!" Xia Yuan glared at Cook and said angrily, while Lina was bright when he heard Cook's words. It turns out that there is such a solution. Temperature, I have to say that this is very convenient, and Lina, as a strong person, was originally very competitive, so she was a little eager to try.

Ernie was eager for Lina to refine it again. Seeing that Lina was a little moved, Ernie also said: "Lina, I support you. I care about something with a kid, can you do me a favor? "

"Yes, Sister Lina, there is no set time for the test anyway, and the little **** will fail the refining by then. Let's give him a chance. I don’t believe that the refined materials are so good at refining!" Xiya whispered in. Lina said to her ear.

"Okay!" Lina didn't believe that Cook could use the purified materials to refine it successfully at one time, so Lina agreed, but Lina still said to Cook: "Since I have two opportunities, then I will give You five chances!"

"Okay!" Cook laughed in his heart. From this point, it can be seen that Lina is a very good woman and wants face, but Cook has to ask for help, so she can only regard it as true.

In fact, Cook didn’t think about it from Lina’s point of view. When a great master competed with an unknown boy, he actually had to use a second chance. If Cook himself, he would probably lose face. After all, his identity is there. Don't save face!

The other four people breathed a sigh of relief. If Lina is unhappy, the others will not feel well. The Space Mage is very good at these people.

With Cook’s suggestion, Lina really went smoothly in the subsequent refining, and Lina also learned Cook to use a crystal rod to stir, and her mental power found that there was a medicinal material that did not dissolve in place, so she directly hit the number with the crystal rod. Secondly, the speed of dissolution is greatly increased, which saves time and effort compared to shaking by hand. You must know that the herbs are planted by plant, and the solution in the flask will move when shaken. A small amount of refining is not a big problem, but so much is almost there. The small half bucket of medicine, the medicinal materials are thrown away, the heating is uneven, the dissolution is uneven, and the whole solution shakes when shaking, so it is far better than using a crystal rod to stir it.

"This kid does have a talent for refining pharmaceutical agents!" At this time, Lina had to admire Cook's method in her heart. In this way, Lina took the flask out of the furnace from time to time, and sometimes put it down and stirred with a crystal rod. After more than an hour, Lina's refining is complete.

"Sister Lina, how is it?" Ernie was the first to come forward and asked excitedly.

"Hehe, they are all top grade, a total of twenty bottles!" Lina said proudly. The difficulty of refining twenty bottles at a time has reached SSS level, and they have all succeeded. It is even more valuable to reach top grade quality. For Lina, it is indeed worth the excitement.

But then Lina asked, "How many times did Cook fail?"

"The medicinal herb has just been purified, and the action is slow enough!" Xia said quickly.

"Ah, the purification just finished!" Lina looked at Cook on the opposite side and found that Cook had arranged the crystal bottles filled with white, yellow, black, and transparent powder in order. There were forty crystal bottles. Lina looked at Cook's indifferent expression, her heart tightened for no apparent reason, and she muttered to herself: "Could this kid really make potions of perfect quality!"

"Hey, what is this kid doing with the ice magic crystal? Put it in the pool next to it, and see, the water is freezing, and I took it back." Miluo squinted his eyes and asked strangely.

"It is estimated that the temperature is also lowered!" Lina guessed.

"It's getting started, this kid has also started refining, I hope I don't fail several times, or I will see the results in a few days." Xia said with a smile.

And Cook hadn’t paid attention to Lina’s side for a long time. Cook knew that Lina was refining top-grade potions. He couldn’t help but disdain, but he was disdainful. Several people filled their surprised eyes with Fengxing Potion and Agility Potion, and then began to pour the matrix liquid to open the magic furnace.

Then Cook’s action completely shook the five people. In less than two minutes, Cook added forty ingredients one by one. It can be said that it is almost every two seconds, and sometimes it is two times a second. A potion, occasionally put the flask in the water frozen with the ice magic core next to it, but put it back in less than a second. Cook's movements are so fast that even Ernie feels dazzled. I was sure that Cook had the talent to become a thief, and the speed of the thief's hands would be fast.

"Boom!" Finally, Cook threw the purified powder of the last herb into the flask that he had picked up, and then slapped it **** the test bench. The medicine inside was rushed up suddenly, and Cook shot I clapped my hands and wiped my sweat to indicate that it was done. Cook's nerves were too tight just now. You must know that a tenth of a second error can make the potion useless, but Cook already has refining experience, here It is necessary to judge the temperature in advance, because the material has been purified. If the reaction of the medicine in the solution is completed, the next medicine will take time from being poured to the powder falling into the liquid, so this is almost negligible Time must be in the pre-judgement, because one kind of medicine delays such a little time, the combination of forty kinds of medicine delays is a very long time, which is enough to affect the quality of the medicine and even the success rate.

And just after Cook’s meal, the medicine in the flask began to emit some shining white light slowly, and the original black medicine turned into a gray medicine. The difference is that the gray medicine actually gave out a hazy glow. Bright white light.

"End, end, perfect quality, the potion?" Ernie, a master appraisal master, stammered incredibly with a big mouth. The other four are all knowledgeable old monsters, all staring wide. Eyes and chin are about to fall to the ground, what is this? A nameless kid actually defeated the great master? When Xia heard this, she immediately looked at Lina worriedly, but to Xia's surprise, Lina actually looked excited.

It is difficult for outsiders to understand the refining just now. Even Lina only understood the last part. Obviously, in the end, Cook gave a strong meal to fully dissolve the purified material that was just thrown in, and the liquid medicine in the flask itself The temperature just reflected, even if it takes more than half a second, this bottle of potion will not reach the perfect quality. Lina's beautiful eyes are flowing, looking at Cook with a smile, looking up and down carefully, and nodding her head. .

"My God, my God. Such a big bottle of perfect quality potion~www.novelmtl.com~ How much should it cost." Ernie clung to Cook's big flask tightly, as for Lina's just now , You don’t know where you are going.

Lina looked at Cook and said with a smile, "Cook, you won, what conditions do you have, you will have dinner before you can talk about it, I will go to the bath first, alas! Tired and sweaty!" Na left.

"Cook, look at the potion. Be careful. The little lady Lina only needs to take a bath. There is no good thing. This is the summary of my 150 years of dealing with her." Ernie patted Cook. Shoulder, whispered quietly.

"Why isn't it a good thing to take a bath?" Cook was surprised.

"Lina took a bath when she was happy. I remember that half a year ago, Lina took a bath when she got a treasure worth hundreds of millions of gold coins. So Cook, you have to be careful. I also expect you to refine the giant for me. The dragon's power potion!" And Bla also whispered.

Cook immediately asked nervously: "It's impossible, I just found a space magician to teleport me to a known plane coordinate!"

"You, you, you guys have made such a simple thing so complicated. I tell you, if you tell me first, I can settle it without you at all. But now you ask for more blessings, forget Let me tell you, Lina is our captain inside!" Ernie complained, and then he was missing Cook's big flask.

"Hey, Uncle Ernie, that flask is worth seven hundred thousand gold coins!" Cook yelled quickly.

The first publication of this book is from 17K Novels. The first time you see the genuine content!

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