A Unique Hunter

Chapter 147: Prepare for "second more"

In fact, in terms of age, qualifications and level, Lina is indeed enough to be Cook’s teacher, but Lina has to admit that Cook’s talent in pharmacy is indeed higher than her own, otherwise Lina started early. Now, twenty bottles of perfect quality potions, and they were refined together. To be honest, Lina still admires Cook in her heart, so she said something to try.

Where did Lina know Cook’s inner anxiety? Cook expected Lina to fulfill the bet. Then he patiently competed with Lina, and then endured the tedious dinner like a torment. How did he know what he heard in the end? Threat, yes, Cook thinks it is a threat. I have to say that people sometimes think that way. Despite this, Cook doesn't regret it. Cook generally plans for the worst.

Cook not only bought fifty pieces of advanced engineering* from Sam, this* is already thirty centimeters high and ten centimeters thick, and it is made of fine iron. The shell is full of complicated nicks. Cook one The advanced engineering* that looks like a cannonball loves this weapon.

Cook also bought enough fine iron arrows and some spare quality weapons. No way, Cook decided to take the mercenary group over this time. The dragons and the magician mercenary group are all powerful fighters. Prepare some weapons for spare.

Cook did not bring Mickey with him this time. He just left a letter for Mickey. This letter was placed in the personal warehouse of the General Union of Wizards. If he did not come to pick it up after three months, the union would Automatically hand over the contents of this letter to Mickey, because Cook can't guarantee that there will be no accidents during the transmission, even when walking and falling, let alone the transplane transmission.

"Oh!" Cook took a last look at this letter. It contained the formula of liquor and the agreement with Sam. For Mickey, this was enough. Cook did this for his family, old and simple. Old Hill, as well as a hard-working and kind mother, and a sister who likes to cling to her very much. Cook wanted to go back, but for Cook, Loli’s life and death partner is also very important, and she is so. After doing this, even if there is something unexpected between Lori and herself, then Lori's family may treat her parents kindly. This is what Cook thinks most deeply.

"Bell, Besu, and Connie, I tell you a very bad news, but it has not been confirmed!" Cook took a deep breath, then walked to the three of them and said in a deep voice.

Bell, Besu and Connie were very surprised. Bell asked, "Could it be that what happened to Miss Lori?"

"It can be said that the place of our mission this time is an alien plane, and it may be even larger than our world. Where is a huge fortress built by several big trade unions and several great Holy See, in fact, it is not built, it is that place. It’s left over from a civilized era, and now we have lost contact with the fortress, because the high level of the union knows that the top commander of the fortress has concealed a very important discovery. This time it was a..." Cook Just tell the story again.

"This...!" Besu immediately got anxious, like running away, but Bell grabbed Besu.

Then ask Cook: "Then Cook, what do you mean by calling us?"

"I got a one-time item in the ancient ruins of the alien plane. It is a one-way fixed-point teleporting scroll. However, using this scroll requires extremely large energy. After all, it is trans-plane teleportation. However, using this scroll has certain It’s dangerous.” Cook said without reservation. As soon as Cook finished speaking, he felt a pair of cold hands holding his own. Cook knew that it was Connie without even looking.

"Then Cook, what do you want to do?" Besu asked in surprise.

"I know that there is a magic crystal mine in the underground world. There must be enough energy there, but I need a lot of magic materials to arrange a simple magic circle to help this scroll absorb the energy in the mine." Cook now There is no magic material.

"What magic material?" Bell also asked eagerly. Although he was worried about whether Cook would be able to arrange the magic circle, there was no one to call the shots now.

"Two kilograms of Mithril!" Cook took a deep breath and said. Two kilograms of Mithril is a sky-high price. The annual output of Mithril in the entire continent does not exceed 20 kilograms.

"Two kilograms, are you sure you are talking about Mithril?" Besu asked through gritted teeth.

"Yes!" Cook knew the reason Besu's annoyance. Mithril was sold in grams.

"What are you waiting for?" Bessu immediately asked loudly. However, due to the closure of the teleportation array, the hall of the union headquarters was full of people, noisy, and asked the union to reopen the magic teleportation array, so Besu's call was not conspicuous.

"I'm waiting for someone!" Cook replied. There was already a group of people in the distance. Seeing these guys arrogantly, everyone around them stepped aside~www.novelmtl.com~ because There is actually a group of pharmacists, yes, it is a group of pharmacists. Looking at the badges they wear, you know that the lowest ones are actually silver pharmacists, and there are two pharmacists.

These people came to Cook, and an old man in the lead asked: "It was you through the union to inform us that you are selling a lot of high-quality magic herbs?"

"It's not for sale, it's for exchange, exchange with Mithril." Cook corrected.

"As long as what you're saying is true, don't say it's Mithril, even fine gold is also available in our association," the leading pharmacy master replied with great strength.

"Then please come here, please, I have already applied for a trading room." The trading room is actually a transaction witnessed by the staff of the Mage Union, but it is in the room inside the union and is generally used for bulky valuable goods. For transactions, of course the union will charge a certain fee.

"Yeah! Take out what you call high-quality herbs!" The leading Pharmacist sat down in the trading room and said grimly.

"Hehe, this is the magic herb, but before I look at these magic herbs, should I look at Mithril?" Cook waved his hand, and more than a hundred boxes filled the trading desk, and the pharmacists all I wanted to check it with my hands. Cook waved his hand. The two huge swords of Baghru were actually enlarged two-handed swords used by others. Humans use only two meters long, but Baghru uses enough Five meters long, Baghru's two small eyes stared at the opposite pharmacist, and Baghru only saw his master, Cook.

The first publication of this book is from 17K Novels. The first time you see the genuine content!

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