A Unique Hunter

Chapter 144: Test "2nd more"

"Hehe, no, I have refined a total of 54 bottles of perfect-level secondary invisibility potions this month, five bottles of top-grade, four bottles of top-grade, no good ones, no qualified ones, and no inferior ones. "Cook said without concealing that the reason for Cook's doing this is to be able to reach the alien plane as soon as possible, and it is estimated that it will be difficult to succeed if there is nothing to let others face up.

Lina took a deep breath, having not felt so embarrassed for so many years: "Then what is your level of pharmacist?"

"No level, I didn't evaluate that thing at all." Cook touched his nose and said embarrassedly.

"Contempt, complete contempt, this is simply contempt of the Association of Pharmacists." Lina's chest is fluctuating. Lina, one of the great masters of the Association of Pharmacists, feels that this is Cook's contempt for the Association of Pharmacists, and of course the Association of Pharmacists It belongs to a department under the jurisdiction of the Wizards’ Union.

Lina asked with a smile, but when the others saw Lina's expression, their muscles tightened. Lina's smile meant that she was going crazy. A space magician was going crazy, and it was frightening to think about it: "Then Who is your mentor? Or who is your teacher?"

"No!" Cook replied, spreading his hands.

Lina glared at Cook and said loudly: "You lie, you can make medicine without a mentor?"

"I only need to watch others refining it once and then I will return!" Cook said helplessly.

"Haha, haha, really, okay, boy, you are fine, if you refine twenty bottles, and it is a one-time perfect quality secondary invisibility potion, then I promise to do you a favor, if you refine If you can't make it, then your kid will never be allowed to touch the potion." Lina said viciously.

"Okay!" Cook didn't know where Lina came from, but Cook's purpose was to find a space magician to help. Since Lina agreed, Cook didn't ask for anything, but Cook thought Belly slander: "Hundreds of years are still so angry, it seems that no one wants the result, full of grievances!"

If Lina knows that Cook is so slanderous, she might be exiled from a different space and throw Cook directly into an unknown different space. With a wave of Lina's tender little hand, two all-metal potions appeared in the yard. On the test bench, all the tools on it should be complete, and Ernie had already prepared it. He put all the forty materials for refining the secondary invisibility potion one by one. Cook stepped forward and opened it. Secretly smacked, these are all materials that are more than a hundred years old, even the most common medicinal herbs have a hundred years.

"Get started, kid!" Lina said gruffly, and at the same time she picked up a huge flask and started refining the medicine. A perfect quality medicine, even if it was a basic medicine, Lina was not very sure about it, Lina was attentive. Started to refine the medicines, and Lina dropped the medicines into the flask.

The remaining four people stood aside, and Xia asked in surprise, "What is this kid doing?"

"West Asia, Cook is purifying the material again, because theoretically the higher the purity of the material, the higher the chance of refining high-quality medicine, but the corresponding failure rate is also very high." Ernie is an assassin, an assassin Being proficient in disguise, that is, knowing everything, you don't need to understand but you can't not know, this is determined by the profession of an assassin.

"Oh, I still count on this kid to refine the dragon's power potion. If this fails, I have to find a way to replace the dragon's power potion formula." Bula frowned and looked at Cook.

"What to change, I have a way if I don't hand it over." Milo rolled his eyes and said.

"Miro, remember, Cook has mutated the Dark Crow again, and has a close relationship with Wushuang Old Man. You'd better not move any crooked thoughts, otherwise I will let the world know where you are. I think now His Majesty the Pope would like to know your whereabouts." Ernie stared at Miró and said warningly.

"Erny, you are threatening me!" Milo said with squinting eyes.

"If you don't believe me, you can try the power of the Thieves Guild!" Ernie pouted his lips in disdain.

"Well, you two don't quarrel, if Sister Lina is distracted and fails, you will have a good life." Xia whispered.

Cook caught the crystal glasses. This is one of the pharmacist’s protective equipment, but Cook’s pupils behind the crystal glasses have been enlarged to the entire eyeball, and they are green. Cook is already very skilled in the purification material, nothing more than it. Crushing, sieving, re-crushing, dissolving, separating, filtering, removing water, etc., Cook only needs to use the magic eye to grasp the color of the purification of the medicine when dissolving and separating. It is not necessary for the rest of the time, so Cook His movements are very smooth and his expression is very relaxed.

But Lina was a little nervous and cursed secretly in her heart: "Damn boy, there were twenty bottles of potions that were refined there once, and they were perfect potions."

Lina feels that her hands are not enough~www.novelmtl.com~Because 20 bottles of medicine are refined together, the herb is not just one plant, but after this plant is put down to dissolve, another plant of the same herb will be used. Put it in, so there is a big difference in the temperature of the furnace and the time when the herbs are put. Sometimes the temperature needs to be lowered. On the other hand, the flask must be shaken constantly. Finally, the medicine will be put in again. Lina looks a little bit Embarrassed, sweat was still coming out of the stunning little face, and it seemed a little irritable. The other four people were shocked when they saw this contrast.

"Puff!" Cook just looked up and found that Lina's flask was dark. It was obvious that the refining of the medicine had failed. Cook looked at the material he had purified, and the crystal rod in his hand stirred leisurely , A very comfortable look.

Several people in West Asia saw this situation and immediately walked up: "Sister Lina, what's the matter?"

"It failed. Refining 20 bottles of potions together. I feel that my mental power is not enough. The herbs that I should have put in together are refining a lot, so I have to add them one by one, but the temperature in the potion is used. But it keeps rising, and the medicine continues to react. I was going to lower the temperature in the furnace, but I didn't have time..." Lina said embarrassedly.

"It's okay, I don't mind, you can start again, I have nearly two hours, and there is no need to lower the temperature at all, as long as the flask is removed, the temperature will naturally decrease." Cook opened his eyes and collected Said the purified medicinal powder.

The first publication of this book is from 17K Novels. The first time you see the genuine content!

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