A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 22 Chapter 992: Water flame

The boiling water of the flames of the mountain pass, the endless stream of wonderful blue water flames, as if endless.

The precious water of natural resources has become a regular phenomenon here. The energy is pure, and a kind of purifying atmosphere is coming to the face.

When Green came here for the first time, he discovered that the mysterious 10,000-headed bird merged with the giant pharyngeal soul giant. If you can choose to mix the water flame experiment here, the chance of success will be greatly improved!

In this way, Green let the night shadow Saatchi recover from the altar of the super large-scale smelting and squad entrusted by various colleges, which is to be assembled here.

This seamount mountain, if it is not because of the endless stream of water from the mountain pass, there is almost nothing special.

The blue water flame is dissolved in the sea water, and the two are perfectly connected. Green stands on the bottom of the seabed, and the three colors of the truth face quietly. This is a mystery of the evolution of the mysterious bird, and it is also a five-level holy The opening of the Sorcerer's Road is not the same as it is, and it must be foolproof.

"Look at the situation inside."

Thinking like this, Green stepped into the blue water flame of the mountain pass.

The water-smooth silk is slippery, swimming past the colorful runes flowing through the green body surface. For the low-level creatures, the deadly water flame is like a soft light beam for Green, and most of the colorful runes of self-sealing are turbulent. .

At the mountain pass.

Above, the water flame gradually dissolves in seawater, and the rules of the inner flame are transformed into elements, and the blue light gradually dissipates.

Below, the source is constantly ejecting a more pure water flame, sometimes strong, sometimes weak, sometimes slow, and sometimes urgent.

The small colorful rune figure continued to sink. Gradually, the colorful rune wave that formed the self-sealing technique began to violently, and Green's pressure began to increase, as if the earth's veins were in the bottom of the world.

Surprisingly, however, Green's Extreme Abyss wand began to be motivated by some sort of rule.

more specifically. The extreme cold crystals of the extreme abyss magic wand should be started, and they are motivated by a rule of the same attribute.


Green's soles were in physical contact, as if they were stepping on the ground, but looking down. It is stepping on a pure lake, but the water density of this lake is unimaginable. It is called the deep blue heavy water and it is not separated from the water flame.

Stepping on it is like being on the surface. The bottom of the lake is clearly visible and wonderful.

"Here is the root of the water flame rule."

Green took advantage of the space cage to ingest some deep blue heavy water. After a little while, he was disappointed with a sigh.

These dark blue heavy waters are connected to the origin of parasitic spores. Once they leave the source, they will gradually become water volatilized and useless. At this time, it is only a regular phenomenon of the world's source spillover.

Disperse the deep blue heavy water in the space cage.

At this time, what is seen in the field of vision of Green Truth is that they are standing on a huge source of rules that runs through the parasitic spore world. These deep blue and heavy waters are the embodiment of the original rules. The extreme cold crystal of the Green Magic Wand is attracted by this source rule.

"It is much easier to find the life of the rule. It is only necessary to use this water-steam mountain as a temporary melting furnace. It is possible to provide a stable source of water for the smelting and anatomy. The key lies in this stability!"

This time is strong, sometimes weak, time-slow, and sometimes the water flame eruption is not suitable for the use of accurate knowledge calculations, using their own sophisticated knowledge to leverage the higher-level rules of the wizard to use.

Green took off. The Extreme Abyss magic wand was inserted in the deep blue heavy water.

Removed the magic wand's true demon body bonus, Green instantly dropped from 450 mental power to 400 points, slightly discomfort.

Extremely cold crystals can have some effect on the water flame here, in this case. If this magic wand is used as a furnace regulator control switch to maintain the stability of the water flame, then the water flame furnace that was originally completed by Green's plan for hundreds of years, the workload will be greatly shortened!

Thinking like this, Green stood in the mountainside and looked up at the tens of thousands of meters straight. Calculate the materials that I have prepared in the past, and confirm that there are no problems, hands clasp together, meditation on witchcraft spells, and the source of annihilation in the body.

The magic is fluctuating violently. After the colorful runes of the green body are squirming, the two are naked and slippery. But these two avatars obviously have no strong resistance to the water flame. Some uncomfortable, some painful, and superficial skin appear. Even in the highly pure water source, the source of the water is gradually softened and turned into a drop of water.

call out! call out!

Green's heart was moved, and the two volleys rushed to the top of the head.

The relatively thin water flame above, the two avatars should be able to better adapt.

"With the extreme abyss magic wand as the center, the full-scale rune in this water-fired mountain wall can be used to carry out the third evolutionary experiment of the mysterious million-headed bird. If the two help, then the use of extreme cold crystal Let's finish it in a hundred years."

Thinking like this, Green cut the gap between the dimensions and took out a bottle of high-grade magic ink and a quill.

However, just as the magic ink had just left the gap of the dimension, it was melted into a pool of water elements by the surrounding water flame. It scared Green to quickly retract the right hand that was taking out the quill, and the cold sweat appeared on the back.

This quill, but the gift of the teacher of Peranos, has a special commemorative meaning.

"Call, it seems that it can only be drawn by hand."

Green once again opened the dimension gap to take out a bottle of magic ink, but this time, Green used a space cage to protect the magic ink, and after the index finger was stained with ink, Greene quickly drawn a rune on the rock wall.

The rune is full of magic, the rules are surging, and the faintness forms an intrinsic connection with the extreme abyss wand, and the ability of the extreme abyss wand to influence the water flame is slightly insignificant.

Rune drawing must be completed within one second of the appearance time, otherwise it will be dispelled by the water flame, which is quite difficult for the lower level wizards, and is taken for granted by Green.

So let's get started!


Yamaguchi Cave Top ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ Green two avatars looked at each other.

"You are responsible for that, I am responsible for this, warn you, no one is lazy!"

The first source of annihilation that flew up was said to have drawn a boundary, dividing the mountain pass into two parts, and one side began to draw down the runes.

"I rely on, why do I bend a lot here, your side is flat and flat, give me this less!"

After two arguments for a while, I finally arranged the work tasks, and I was about to start drawing the runes, and I took a look at each other.

"Do you have magic ink?"

"Oh, no, don't you have it?"

"Crap, of course not, then don't hurry to contact the body to get some magical ink, we can have no magic to cut through the gap!" (To be continued.)



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