A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 22 Chapter 993: Destiny punishment! ?

Thirty years later.

The mining of the sand of time is much more complicated than many resources. A mechanical raft can only be collected for one or two capsules on average every day.

Every month, the vines Waldman will hand over the mined sand to the Shuiyan Mountain.

Of course, every time there will be a small part of the secret, the endless greed, obviously has left Green’s warnings aside.

"So beautiful……"

The sand of time slipped down from the finger and fell into the high-sealing ware. Waldman twitched his lips and made a soft squeak, intoxicated and blurred.

Whether it is the second-level wizard, the third-level wizard, or the third-level wizard, the sand of the time can play an excellent auxiliary role, and the time and the thing is the precious thing that the low-level wizard is beyond imagination. Even the rewards of the holy list every hundred years are the time, you can imagine its amazing value.

For St. Marks, it is still a very precious resource. For low-level wizards, Waldman only needs to steal one or two of the sands that have been turned over. The number of 30 years will return to the Wizards World Trade...

"Can't restrain yourself from endless greed possession, even the sorcerer who is the assistant assistant can't do it!"

In the boiling sea of ​​the sea, many of the mechanical shackles of the broken sandstone mining time, a machine that looks ordinary, no special occasions when the rock is smashing the rock, suddenly turned to look at the witches far away.

This is exactly what Green's soul fire is hidden in the mechanical shackles.

"Forget it, if this is the case, take this opportunity to observe the so-called superconducting time phenomenon, but it is a rare observation specimen."

Said, this mechanical shovel continues to cut the seabed stone, tireless work.

Ten days have passed and it is the end of the month.

Thousands of mechanical rafts are arranged in a row, some have no gains, some have gained a lot, and they have turned over the sand of their own time. There are more and more sands in front of Waldman, and some of the sands that she once possessed privately, the sands that gather on her are a total of three. The amount of mining in the month.

"this is……"

Suddenly, the soul of the Green Stigma hidden in the mechanical shackles. I noticed a slight fluctuation.

Unclear feelings, as if walking in the night road in childhood, the whole body suddenly a cold surprise!

On the surface, it seems that nothing happened, but it is the absurd worry in the heart. Unable to suppress.

This is the sixth sense from the instinct of life, not rational cognition. The mysterious and different time wizards have been able to explain this strange phenomenon through time and space witchcraft, which is called the theory of strings.

The world in the eyes of the wizard is different from the general wizard.

In the eyes of the wizard, this second is the new life of the last second, and the next second we see it, it is already dead.

In the recognition of the three-dimensional system of length, width and height, a lower organism gradually forms a time axis of higher biological cognition.

Ancient times. There was a time when the elemental wizards explored the truth of the truth and thought that the endless world space we know seems to be in a closed elevator space, as long as the wizard can make a cognitive breakthrough in time, find the control closed elevator forward and backward. The time and power of the time, you can step into the higher dimension latitude!

Just think about it, I feel very much looking forward to it! ,

To this end, the Wizarding World Slave Corps continues to explore aggression in space, while the ancient elements of the wizards are the most elite. Then began the path of time exploration, attempting to break through this endless world dimension dimension limit with knowledge, rather than the nine-level creatures that become mysterious power.

What the wizards need is the truth of the truth that can be confirmed. It is the power that can be absolutely controlled in the endless world!

Not only must we break through this dimension dimension, but we can come back again, so as to break the creatures, the world, and the civilization that dare to resist the wizard's will in the endless world dimension with the power of the higher latitude "God".

Play with time space between the palms, and tease the inside of the box with a higher level of biological angle outside the box, what a grand ideal!

One of the greatest outstanding people since the birth of the wizard civilization, Antonio. It seems to have reached the limit of the wizard's exploration, and the small creatures look up, and it is no different from the depiction of the gods in the novels.

What is the result?

Even if it is as strong as it is, it will follow the wizard's most basic power engineering, and use an energy base to incite higher-level rules for its own use.

It is as if the material world creatures can swim in the void world, but after all, it is not a void creature. The real life creatures can survive in the superconducting time, but after all, they are not super-superconducting creatures, and they cannot adapt to the rules.

The wizards who study the truth of the time have not found the door to higher latitudes. They just stretched and extended the wizard's deep understanding of the endless world. The endless world is vast and innocent, as if there is no margin, no end, more exploration, The more you understand and recognize, the more you sigh at its vastness and fear of being outside the dimensional dimension.

What kind of power is the creature that can surpass this vast and innocent world and use it as a box?

Everyone doesn't know.

Those who were promoted to the ninth-level creatures, just after staying in an endless world for an hourglass, turned into a mysterious force outside the endless world and could no longer come back.

According to Green, perhaps there is some information in the clues left by Antonio, the closest to the truth in the wizarding civilization. There are three known to Green.

"The Book of Destiny", the lever of destiny, the gap between handkerchiefs.

Two of them are directed at fate, and one is a dimensional gap. This must have the guess of the ancient wizard outside of his own cognitive limits.

Green is convinced that only one wizard can stand at the same height as the ancient wizard, in order to carry out a deeper attempt to explore the truth.

Even, perhaps the wizard with extraordinary wisdom and insight is already planning a higher level of exploration, but it is a pity that the War of the Ancients disrupted his plan...


The soul of the Green Stigma hidden in the mechanical cymbal~www.novelmtl.com~ suddenly thought of a bold guess that I never thought of.

Will it be a punishment for fate! ?

Although it did not reach the level of punishing the Xiahe civilization Titan, it was far more punishable than punishing the world of dinosaurs, and it was punished by Antonio who dared to challenge it, even with the wizarding civilization!

This unprecedented bold speculation, let Green draw the body of the rune in Shuiyanshan can not help but **** a cold air to stop.

"If you can know the specific time when the fate lever was born, maybe you can verify the guess..."

Just as Green's ontology was muttering to himself, suddenly, through the soul of the sacred mark hidden in the mechanical shackles, Green discovered this Aldman strange that had become an observation specimen. (To be continued.)



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