A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 22 Chapter 991: Boiling sea

Parasitic spore world.

The vast and innocent continent has attracted a large number of wizarding families to come to the market.

After the greedy wizard merchants delivered a large amount of expenses in the annihilation tower, they flocked into the parasitic spore world, and they extracted the precious resources of the wizarding world, which the once seeing plants did not look at, and plundered back. The wizarding world is like a porter who never tires.

The parasitic spore world rule is not sinister. Only those vegetative resistance forces that have not been cleaned up are hindered, and even some world guardians remain.

But this does not stop the greedy steps of the witch merchants!

The large-scale mechanical aircraft swelled and screamed, and the dirty slaves followed the army. Several and dozens of sorcerers organized groups, and such small business groups were numerous.

Near the resource collection points established by the big family business groups, the small business group is looking for other resources and establishing a new collection base, expanding the scope of the wizard's will and encroaching on the vegetative territory.


The virtual mothership's kilometer shadow slipped from the sky.

On the ground, a small resource collection point drove a subordinate sorcerer who was desperately exploiting the high-purity Mesha stone by the despicable slaves. He was surprised to display the eagle eye and looked up at the behemoth.

"This type of aircraft, it seems that which Santa great family and the annihilation tower reached a large-scale mining agreement, looking for the development of new resource mining base?"

In a few moments, several wizards gathered.

They have the tenacious viability of hunting dark wizards, the incredible ability to perceive precious resources, and a group of slave servants who are hard-working, hard-skinned, and not afraid of death, helping them to collect resources, serve as battle shields, and even When necessary, it is used to eat and eat.

This is the smallest, most numerous, and the most rudimentary wizarding business group.

A considerable part of the sorcerer's innumerable sorcerers in the sorcerer's continent became the sorcerer of these followers after the Expeditionary Legion.

"Amuya, how can I use this Minotaur slave to return your goose down goblin?"

Followed by a three-meter-high Minotaur. Full of red hair, the face of the capable sorcerer sat on the stone, holding a metal magic wand, and his tongue licked and dried his lips. Look at the female human slave next to another witch.

She has a human face, facial features, skin, elegant posture, and a pair of white wings on the back.

Hearing to trade himself, the goose down fairy smiled and looked at the wizard and made a scornful look. Biting a bite of red lips, it seems to enjoy this feeling of being valued, beautiful and enchanting.

The witch wizard dismissed and asked the wizard to look at the deal.

"Hey, it's best to put away your dirty thoughts and keep the purity of this goose down goblin to avoid some unknown dangers. If you need it, go to the camp next to ask the witches, and remember to bring the comforting slaves next time. Then, if I ask for such a request, I will cut off your tongue."


Suddenly, the down fairy screamed and looked nervously in the dense forest surrounding the open space. I am very scared.

A small gray robes became a mouse and plunged into the ground.

As the ground "bang" trembled, two five- or six-meter-high vegetative people rushed out, and the vegetative people wanted to roar. The vine-covered tentacles around them were the most powerful weapon, followed by nearly 100 different forms. Lower vegetative.

These wizards were a little surprised by this.

Two tree vine giants, dozens of low-level vegetative people, dare to blatantly attack the witch camp! ?

噗, 噗, 噗, 噗...

Suddenly, the lower vegetatives who ran slower behind were hit by a drop of water and then fell. The color of horror looked back and saw that these vegetative people were actually being chased and killed!

Beside a golden short-haired witch, a translucent water element is constantly casting a witchcraft attack to chase these vegetative people. Obtain specimen information.

After a short moment.


The vegetative corpses of the surrounding area are steadily falling. This is a small resource mining base. The seven princes are respectful and respectful. Many slave monsters are humble and surprised.

It turned out to be a three-level wizard.

Short blond hair, white face, small and graceful figure. It is the dew that has become the sorcerer of Green's cronies, and is tasked with pacifying the parasitic spores of the world.

This world Green still has a considerable number of slavery regiments, and it is also an exercise for this devotee wizard who does not have much commanding experience.

Green will conduct a long period of experimentation in this world, and there will be enough opportunities for the devotee to adapt to growth.

"It seems that the number of low-level vegetative resistance forces left in this world is quite amazing, and the task is difficult..."

As one of the dark wizards of the hunter, Lucy collected intelligence and judged quite well. After nodding back to several wizards, the elements disappeared.


In the boiling sea, the virtual mothership stopped.

“It’s quite interesting. These rainy dew spirits are quite adaptable to this world rule.”

After Green sighed, he took over the breakfast tray handed by the spirits of the rain and dew, with the vines and Waldman flying away from the Void Mothership, looking down to the infinitely fascinating boiling mysterious waters.

"Here is the boiling sea. I found a strange place in this world. I have two extremely precious resources. Let me go."

Green said, with this devotee witch sneaked down and dive into the sea.

Thousands of mechanical cockroaches flew out of the mid-fuel in the virtual mothership, and they followed the fall.

Glut, whisper, whistle...

Deep sea bottom, Green stands ~www.novelmtl.com~ behind Waldman quickly discovered the unusual bubble of the sea water, a vine spread **** broke a bubble, double bright!

"The gas of the lungs?"

"Yes, it is the gas of the lungs after consuming the source of the world. The following is a lot of sand for the time, for the preciousness of the time, I think you should know?"

Green smiled and looked at Waldman: "Your mission is to mine these sands of time and send them to me regularly. Remember, a small amount of time is a wonderful tonic for you at this stage, you can leave some But don't touch too much, otherwise it will cause some time, it is quite dangerous for you at this stage, let these mechanical miners just fine."

In the face of Green's warning, Waldman looked a glimpse.


I took a deep look at the sorcerer and took a look at Waldman's shoulder. Green turned and flew to the final destination of his trip. . (To be continued.)



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