A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 22 Chapter 990: 19-story abyss laboratory

Decades later, the Tower of the Desolation, the 19th Abyss Lab, the final preparation.

"Hungry! I want to eat you, eat you, hehe!"

The skinny, five-level Tyrannosaurus roaring, angered and struggling, but could not break away from the chains under the layers of seals, as if on a large number of experimental platforms, a large lizard specimen.

In dealing with the World of Devils, Green did not hand over this precious material, and there are other uses.


After looking at the specimen for three moments under the face of truth, Green nodded with satisfaction and slowly opened the Book of Truth and sealed it effortlessly.

After several abyss cultivating experimental specimens on several independent test rigs, Green stopped and looked down on the high-quality sputum embryos that were produced in the breeding nests.

For many years, this strange life, once hidden in the deepest part of the world, and the blood of the sons devour the resources of the whole world, has now become the machine of Green's cultivation to conquer other slaves of the world, hidden in the deepest abyss laboratory. At the office.

"Replace the service servants around it with thousands of eyes and soul crabs. Although these cockroaches are enslaved by the soul, if you spend too much time around them, the blood is connected, and you will be troubled by what it is. ""

Green, who had been silent for a while, suddenly said this to the hoeman behind him.

The annihilation tower secret, on the surface is hosted by the Thousand-eyed Cancer and its many blood vessels, cultivating the 嘶嚎蟑螂 slave army and the hunch-hundred eye-catching crab to destroy the will guard, while Green conducts the most important and dangerous research abyss laboratory. In addition to the prohibition of a high-level institution and the guardianship of the shackles, the strongest scorpion is responsible for the guardianship and ensuring that nothing is lost.

Once there is a scorpion in the abyss lab. Whether it is abyss pollution or specimen escape, the vibration loss caused by the secret will be far beyond imagination, but it is the top priority of the secret.

move on. After a large seal cultivation container called "the platform" for observing the six-ring algae. Green came to the front of the willow cage.

Nowadays, this is the seal of the layers, refused to bear the head of the world of the willow condiments, as if dead old wood, motionless, no struggle, no resistance.

Through a layer of light blue energy, the inside layer is layered with a rune seal and imprisoned, and Green laughs and opens the Book of Truth again. Without resistance and struggle, it was easily sealed by Green.

Although its body and soul are still alive, it loses hope and it is already dead.

Then, accompanied by the Shantou people, the brightly lit tunnel gradually narrowed. After walking through a chain bridge, one ten-meter-high, five-meter-diameter glass cylinder incubator stands, nearly a thousand!

The activated flesh, which is smashed and cultivated in the vessel, keeps crawling, and the raw material is the gossip snake in the parasitic spore world.

With its many kilometers, it is a giant body. It is the third time that the mysterious elbow bird has smelted and evolved, achieving the soul of the soul, and the excellent consumables that break through the limits of ninety-nine heads.

Oh la la...

The Book of Truth is frequently opened. These activated large flesh culture vessels are stowed one by one.

After a few hourglass hours.

After Green’s nearly 1,000 active flesh culture vessels were put away, he was planning to check with the Shantou people on the other test benches of the 19th Abyss Lab. The crystal ball suddenly came to Cappuccino to communicate.

"Teacher, after my careful preparation, and the perfect cooperation of the other six colleges in the 22nd district, this regional college warming wizard has finally won, and your secret will soon usher in a group of wizard apprentices! ”

Cappuccino said proudly.

I want to come, once Green’s instructions, this gimmick made the regional college war a top priority. As a result, the School of the Tower of Eternity finally worked hard. In cooperation with other Ming Sorcerers, a regional college war victory was achieved.

Exploring the mystery as a college reward, Green's secret will soon welcome a group of wizard apprentices to explore.

"Oh? Oh. It's a little unexpected. It's not bad. I know, I will arrange it."


A few days later.

The wizards apprentices annihilated the towers to explore the secrets, and many squadrons were hidden in the ground.

Green has ordered thousands of dementors and other slave monsters, throwing these wizard apprentices into the mystery until three days later, the last group of wizards and apprentices are attacked by more and more dementors. After throwing out the secret, the secret is quiet.

For Green, a few gold ginseng ginseng, some plant specimens, and some exotic biological specimens for sheep were lost. That's it.


Two months later, inside the Void Mothership.

Night Shadow Saatchi, Teng Mang Waldman, Rain Dew and Lulu, three devotees and wizards stand behind Green, Ye Ye, Xiao Ba, the narrow mystery of the Wantou bird flying, chasing the group of rain and dew Play with the spirit.

In front, more than 10,000 people who have been carefully cultivated by Green are standing, and there are a large number of psionic science and technology machinery. These psionic machines lose the special time and space rules of the spiritual world and cannot function under the rules of the wizarding world.

These spiritual people are only taught by the theoretical knowledge of their ancestors, and they are memorized by the useless psionic technology.

It is only because of the need of Green that this special ability that applies to the world of the Spirit cannot be lost.

Of course, after the disappearance of the chaotic rules of the spiritual world, after years of development, the remaining spiritual people in the world have developed considerably, and the number of ethnic groups has also been considerable.

At this time, these spiritual people who inherit the high-level sci-tech knowledge, after returning to the spiritual world, will once again embark on the path of psionic technology in the evolution of Green Will and nature...

After several generations of brainwashing, these relatively short-lived spiritual people have become part of Green's forces even if they are not slaved by the soul.


When passing through the mysterious tower's mysterious and spiritual world space-time passages, the virtual mothership was shocked, and the positional cover was somewhat distorted. Several wizards were safe and accustomed to it. Many people were frightened and worried about the look~www.novelmtl.com~empty The mothership shuttled through time and space.


After the void master door is opened, a wizard, a spiritual person, a slave monster, and a super-mechanical city with a random movement are appearing. This is the transit station of the spiritual world, open and inclusive.

However, the arrival of this thousands of meters of virtual aircraft carrier is still being looked up by many creatures in the city.

Over the years, there have been many machines from the wizarding world, and the scale of this is the first time. People are guessing what family is, and the ruler of the world of the spiritual world annihilates the tower. what relationship.

The left hand enters the dreamland, the right hand magic wand, a large number of confused and spiritual people, led by the night shadow Saatchi, out of the virtual mothership.

"Master, give it to me here."

The night shadow Saqi said to a colorful rune in the empty mothership.

The figure nodded, the hatch closed, and the virtual mothership sailed into the distance. (To be continued.)

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