A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 21 Chapter 967: 2 times Unicom

The space-time coordinates are connected, and Green appears next to the little eight.

Still unraveling the self-seal and complete body state, the time and space of the world of the spiritual world brought almost the earth-shattering momentum that surpassed the fourth level, making many holy marks and sorcerers thundering the world's six thunder giant wolves, tens of millions of orders, You pushed me, the whole equipment, the slave army, the monster army, and they all looked at them with surprise.

"Wow, my super evolutionary Green Beast, you are finally back!"

The little time of doing nothing, the first time, sensed the return of Green, excited and shouted, and it was not common to unravel the full body state of self-sealing.

It’s awkward! It’s awkward! It’s awkward...

Green also has more reflections in the future. As a matter of course, the sky of the world of the people of the world seems to be in the arms of the source of the annihilation of the source of the darkness of Lafite, the world of strange and deformed world that carries some parasitic spores. The eyes, which are extremely repulsive, the clouds in the entire sky are beginning to become violent.

Thunder and the world, the world of the world is brewing an extremely powerful purification and destruction power.

More than ten meters of concentrated black aging green heads up, the two-color light under the face of truth looks up at the sky, assessing the level of power that the spiritual world can repel from the eyes of this parasitic spore world.

It’s just an extremely weak world. Not to mention the damage to the world’s origins, it’s far from the horrible power of the parasitic spore world’s blessing on the Lonely Pine.

"Hey, what is this!?"

Xiao Ba also noticed the power of the world of the spirit, and the repulsive force of the giant egg that was escorted by the source of Green's annihilation was curiously observed.

"Call, this road, exhausted Laozi. Hey, don't take the avatar as a wizard. I am not a mechanical serge, I want human rights! Since the mission has been completed, then I will not worry about it. Look at it."

This source of annihilation seems to have some of the emotional characteristics of Green's childhood, and looks cold. The inside is a curious young man full of curiosity.

Said, this source of annihilation has also turned to the little gossip, throwing a look, this is only after a flashing * collapsed, turned into a magic to return to the Green body.

A few dark sources of silk quickly entangled the eye of the deformed world, wrapped into a black ball.


Xiao Ba was annihilated by the source of height and anthropomorphic state made him stay for two seconds, stuttering: "Mom, young master. Just that avatar seems to be wrong, you give him a state?"

Green didn't pay attention to Xiao Ba, and he didn't have to worry about it. Many of the sorcerers who gathered in front of the crack in the world explained more. They wanted to rush to the sky and tried to defeat the rule of exclusion of the world, but they heard a long, gloomy evil laugh. Come.


It is the panic that screams the great sorcerer!

The savage world of the savage Thunder Clouds has its own repulsive force, forming a huge vortex at high altitude, gathering a terrible force to destroy the earth, but seeing one after another, millions of pale hoes on the ground. The phantom is like a hurricane that rises into the sky, pouring into the center of the vortex of high-altitude exclusion rules, and smashing the devastating repulsive energy that is still brewing.

At this time, the state of Green is also absolutely sure. Destroy this devastating repulsive force in the world of the gathering, not to mention the panic of the great sorcerer.

"The tower of annihilation, give it to me here. Now you better give me a good explanation, why not just listen to the call back, if you can't give a satisfactory answer, hehe!"

Apparently, Green had previously tried to light up the second altar of space and time in Kano Bangkok, and refused the return of the small eight summons, resulting in the plan to actively invade the parasitic spore world by the body of the steel, and had to be changed to the ivory castle. The result ended in failure. Lost nearly 10 million slave monsters.

The kiln slave monster army is likely to be just a number for the many holy sorcerers now gathered. But for wealth conversion, it is equivalent to hundreds of years of production value in the world!

Green cultivated the slave army. It is not just relying on the world, but buying a lot of resources from other worlds and then cultivating them on a large scale.

Turning around, looking at the sorcerer's castle between the many sacred marks, the ivory castle, after a small essay, Green cleared the situation in a very short time and nodded apologetically toward the ivory contractor.

Just want to say something, but immediately stopped the words, quickly took out the "Book of Truth", screaming and opening.

"Lafite time self-sealing, Kai."

With the shadow of the source of the great darkness under his feet, the familiar face is reluctant, and Green’s "Book of Truth" is closed, and the colorful runes are revived from the surface, strengthening the inner. Weak and weak, after a while, Green took a sigh of relief with a magic wand and seemed to recover.

This time it was only a short time to unlock the self-sealing technique, and the loss for Green was not as serious as before.


Youquan stared at Green, who had just untied the full body state of his self-sealing, and said nothing. Only the bones of the fists under the white bandages shook the inner waves.

Nila, the wing of darkness, gave her a look.

"Sure enough, this is a monster. In this state, I am afraid that the hand of the super-magic will be against him. The victory or defeat is also unknown! And after the super-magic hand advances to the fifth level, the potential is exhausted, and we are in the civilized The last batch of advanced 'future ancient wizards' before the war, oh..."

Said, Nikola secretly looked at other people and sneered.

"Not just you, those guys, I am afraid that no one has thought that a sacred sorcerer who has not officially registered in the district already has this level of power. This war of civilization is to want to cover all the sacred marks with glory! ”

At this moment, other five-level and six-level sacred sorcerers look at Green's gaze only for stunned and anticipation. However, other four-level sacred sorcerers, wrapped in seriously wounded state ivory castle sacred sorcerer and nose thunder giant wolf, all eyes are full of intense disturbed.


Green beckoned ~www.novelmtl.com~ Under the powerful gravitation, the gray-eyed world of the deformed eye of the giant egg sucked in the hand, holding it to the crowd, and the sound of the truth was "squeaky".

"Sorry, I refused to summon the return before, precisely because of it! With it, our parasitic spore invasion will succeed with absolute advantage, this is the eye of the parasitic spore world!"

Even the high-altitude is destroying the panic-stricken sorcerer of the spiritual world's destruction and exclusion rules, and was shocked by such a sensational news, stealing the eyes of the world?

Unheard of!


With Green, a drop of the fountain of life, dripping on this gray giant egg, placed on the top of his third intact time-space altar, after the giant egg swayed, the gray shell began to melt, contaminated with the parasitic spore world. The nodes rippled.

"Oh, let us ignite the second altar of time and space!"

Green was outside the parasitic spore world, igniting the second magical flame of time and space. (To be continued.)

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