A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 21 Chapter 968: Wind and rain

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"Mom, it turned out to be true!"

Xiao Ba stood on Green's shoulder. At this time, in the center of the altar of time and space, one third of the breath was the parasitic spore world, and two-thirds of the breath was contaminated with some strange eyes of the void. The inner two-color eyeball kept turning, panic peeping. A lot of powerful life around.

The eyes of such a pocket-sized world are indeed unheard of.

Often, the eye of the world is only a concept of evolution in the world, and it belongs to a special regularized space.

The eye of this materialized world, I am afraid, is the time when the virtual creatures evolved into the world. Some abnormal evolution occurred inside, and an incomplete source rule of the performance was changed. After being found by the king of the fern, the picking was placed in the parasitic spore world. The extremely strange world treasures should be one of the many collections that once dominated by the pro-Fern.

"Hehehe, the tower of annihilation, it seems that I am wrong with you."

The Soul Eater kisses down like a bee, sitting in the middle of a bright red flower, floating in front of Green, looking at the eye of this deformed world with amazement, and licking the seductive red lips.

"Hey, the tower of annihilation, how do I exchange all the proceeds of this invasion for the eyes of the world? According to the contract we signed at the beginning, the reward I should receive this time is not a small number! It is not good, I will It’s not impossible to give you one or two small worlds to control.”


Green is low: "The eye of this deformed world, I have other uses, I am sorry."

Just added the seventh life force detection transformation to the face of truth, because this strange world of the eye, immediately has the perfect material for the eighth transformation!


Refused by Green, the Soul Eater kiss is no longer entangled, the bright red flowers flutter away, quietly waiting for an hourglass time. [Update fast, website page is refreshing, advertising is small, and most like this website, must be praised]

With the burning of the magic flame of the second time and space altar, the cracks in the world gradually began to show obvious changes, which continued to increase.

"Green, what's the situation there?"

The sound of the secluded spring is still very cold and indifferent, and can't see any abnormalities before.


Under the face of Green Truth, I smiled coldly. From the channel: "It's just a hollow world. At this time, in the sense, it seems to be strong, but it is all the power gathered in front of the world crack. Once we break through the defense before the world crack, it will be easy Master everything in this world."

As said, Green stared at the burning moment of the second magical fire, and looked at the world, constantly squirming and expanding, revealing the world's cracks in the world of rich parasitic spores.

"With the power of this altar. Plus my special ability to expand the world's clothing, it is enough to maintain a world channel that provides a soul-sucking kiss, a panic-stricken sorcerer's rapid invasion. With their six-level power to protect At the other end of the crack, many slavery monsters are led by the army. If there is too much time, this medium-sized world will be completely encroached by us and firmly controlled!"

Youquan nodded.

"Occupy the world, the resources provided are enough for you to experiment and study before the war of civilization. I hope that you can gain something before the war of civilization. These days, the panic of the sorcerer is uneasy and hurried to end the invasion. Returning to the wizarding world, I may see some changes in the past. In this way, it is comparable to the ancient sacred traces of the ancient black-shrinking tower. Most of them are about the war of civilization."

Under the face of truth, Green's two-tone light glimpsed slightly.

The time of the storm is pressing for a sense of crisis, like a shadow of substance.

The world of the world, the world of the human world, the world of the wilderness, the parasitic spore world, and the four worlds should have been able to meet all the needs of Green's material resources at this stage.


Parasitic spore world.

Unlike these low-level vegetative people who are immersed in the joy of victory.

Or stand in the world of slaves and fall into the blood of slaves and monsters to make high-quality soil, or at the expense of reducing the blood purity of their parasitic spores, with one or two planted slave monsters swaying and strolling, the world **** trees are far away A message at the office is awkward.

The remains of the eye of the world left by the king of the fern. It was stolen by an evil monster that sneaked into the world!

It seems that the parents have punished the child who has made a serious mistake, and lost the lonely cold pine that the parasitic spore world will love. Not only does it lose the terrorist power that is powerful enough to unlock the self-sealing, but also can’t resist it. The power of the **** tree that was donated to the 10,000 years was also taken back.

now. Lonely cold pine is only one of the thousands of ordinary vegetative people, and at most it is slightly stronger than some first- and second-class vegetative people.

From this we can see the importance of the eye of the world to the will of the parasitic spore world.

The world's cracks have not completely healed and disappeared in a day. The terrible monsters on the other side are likely to attack again. With the power of the monsters, it is still possible to maintain the world's cracks for decades.

"The exotic monster was in the eyes of the world. He immediately left in an unknown way, and he tried his best to steal the eyes of the world. I am afraid... well!?"



Not only the king of the fern, but also the numerous vegetative people who are immersed in the joy of victory, they are looking at the crack in the world that has just shrunk to a hundred meters. At this moment, the irregular creeps are swollen again, and the speed is amazing.

A series of mutations, from the joy of fear to the victory, to the sudden change at this time, can really make people react.

At this time, it is the king of the fern that first snarled: "Prepare for war! Prepare for war! Ready for all!"

It is almost the words of the king of fern, with the dramatic changes in the world's cracks, screaming, tens of thousands of strange forms of monsters, once again emerged from the cracks in the world, the intensity is even better than before, actually broke through Prepared for the vegetative legion deployed next to the world's cracks.

It seems that the monsters from the unknown world, the scale of the invasion to be launched is probably even more than the first time ~www.novelmtl.com~ can not mess! Can't go back, give me all! Kill all these monsters! Never let them cover the more powerful monsters behind them into the world! ”

A tree of the world **** also knows that the situation is critical, and does not want to accumulate strength, and directly enters the front of the world.

Between attacks, it is easy for dozens of monsters to fall from the sky and break.

One hundred and one hundred meters of thick branches and crosses, but the number of slave corps driven by the wizard's will is too much, even if only a small part of the successful influx, it is still millions, large enough to destroy some small world.

Booming rumbling...

"The parasitic spore world..."

The volcanic eruption of the Doomsday is generally in the dark cracks of the slave monsters. The steel giant, who is nearly twice as big as the previous bone-stab monster, explores the head and looks at the vibrant and rich world ruled by this vegetative. (To be continued.)


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