A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 21 Chapter 966: Malformed eye

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Although the words in the mouth are a slap in the world, and the only one who is the only one in the world, Green does not dare to really do it.

The dark wizard's innate camouflage talent, Green's look of a recreational tourist, curiously condensed a lot of ice to chew, constantly restraining his own spillover power, is so fresh for everything in this world, as if There is no such thing as an opponent of the lonely cold, but the reptile that has been crushed by hand, and even completely forgotten at this time.

Xiao Ba is here, I am afraid I have already laughed crazy.

After a while.

"Is it that the master projection of the wizarding world comes down!?"

"Although the parasitic spore world is vast, but such a powerful existence, the power fluctuation caused by the huge body, I am afraid that the mainland is shaking for it. Is it because he used to force himself to perfect the rules of the world? The rules of the world are deceived!?"

If the lonely cold pine does nothing, I am afraid that Green will continue to disguise forever.

In panic, Lonely Hansong constantly finds reasonable explanations and deceives himself. He can produce countless lies.

One tenth of the hourglass time passed...

Another tenth of the hourglass time passed...

As time went by, only the last tenth of the hourglass was left. Finally, the lonely cold suddenly woke up and could not continue this way!

"A powerful alien evil spirit, even if you have already sneaked into the dominating level, even if you are the supreme being of a powerful world, even if you have the supreme power to destroy this world, I will not shrink, let me use the most splendid A brilliant blow determines the future of this world!"

The lonely cold snorted, the power of the majestic world became more and more powerful, more and more amazing, and even reached the point of Green despair.

Resolutely determined, as if after this attack, Lonely Pine will be greeted with his death.

This is the will of the entire parasitic spore world.

Although the carrier is limited, it is far from the strongest world in which the world can gather. ($>>>cotton, flower ‘sugar’, small ‘say’) But it’s not Green’s young, young and holy sorcerer who has just been promoted for a limited time.

"This guy, finally, still shot, and thought it would be easy to confuse the past..."

In the sigh, Green took a deep breath. The left hand, "The Book of Truth," opened up.

At this moment, the two-color light under the face of truth is full of expectation, feeling the warm and intimate familiarity, it seems that everything is no longer important, and a warm smile is on the corner of his mouth. It’s such an intoxication.

"Lafite Time Self-Blocking...Open!"


Mo Ran, the sky seems to be a beating and recovering heart beating, an invisible wave ripples.

"Hey? What happened..."

The guardian of the Lonely Pine, who gathered the strongest force, was full of horror.

It is not because this moment the self-sealing of Green's strength is too strong, but too weak!

For a moment, Green fell from the unmatched and strong level that the whole world was pressing to it, and fell to the weakness that can only be self-protected in front of itself at this time. This huge gap almost made the lonely pine not complete. The power of the world of control is overwhelmed by the restlessness.

the other side. Green is fully focused on his strongest strength, welcoming the power of the lonely world.

The power ripples are isolated in the middle of the field, and the two hundred meters of black flame giants are burning.

At this moment, it seems that internal collapse and squeezing and squeezing, the black flame is quickly concentrated, and a black flame figure of more than ten meters is filled with amazing power and vitality, and the painful and violent low breath in the mouth, curled up in the air.

Oh la la...

The Book of Truth swiftly flipped, and all the self-sealing colorful runes returned to the book, and one fell into the left hand of Green.


A long breath.

The huddled figure gradually stood up and stood. Black flamed Green, dressed in the robe of appearance, left hand "Book of Truth", right hand extreme abyss magic wand. The spread of more than 500 meters of vast power ripples in the isolation layer, quiet and thorough, the outside is like a natural disaster, shock and anxiety.

Under the face of truth, the two colors are light, the indifference is calm, and the oppressive temper is suppressed. Looking at all the enemies on the battlefield, there is no expression in the void.

At the foot of Green!

A huge face made up of dark sources is a few thousand meters in length, and it is impossible to see the specific form. A long kilometer of black long hair is like a tentacle stretch of octopus, tens of thousands, twisted and squirming, horrible!

The source of the darkness is huge, the dark red eyes are open, the corners of the mouth are proud and scornful, and the shape and the green look at the common enemy.

"Let us fight together again!"

In the roaring, Green bears the impact of almost destroying the earth, and tens of thousands of dark sources in all directions wrap themselves, as if a giant ball guard.


The extreme abyss magic wand was blown open, and the giant ball shell wrapped in the dark source was shattered by a blow. The horrible attack broke through the power ripple from the endless source of the Green, and it forcibly offset the power of annihilation. After the arc, the sound of "咻", the black flame descended from the sky, swaying layers of sound.

After flying backwards for a distance, Green’s roaring barely endured, and perseverance was empty.

"You are cheating me!?"

Lonely pines roared with reads;

"Cough, guardian, although I am not your opponent, but I don't have much time left for you. Can you kill me in the rest of the time? It has been saved for hundreds of years. The power of the one-time release is really outrageous, coughing and coughing..."

It was just a hit and it was quite heavy, but Green showed the smile of the winner.

The foot pulls down the source of the darkness of the Philippine secret, and with the help of Green's majestic magic, it is also reverted from the chaos to a proud and contemptuous look.

Lonely cold pines look to the altar of time and space, the magical flames over the sky and the spiritual world altar of the altar, only the final stage, is about to be completed, **** eyes gaze, but silent.


Nasal breath, disdainful cold.

Lonely cold pine suddenly disappeared in the same place, only a few flashes appeared at the top of Tongtianzhu, powerful and unmatched power, Green could not stop.

"I am now out, isn't it?"

Said, Lonely Hansong gently waved the branches, the next moment, "bang", the time and space altar was fragmented, and the closer relationship with the spiritual world is about to complete, suddenly collapsed!

"Invade the evil spirits, I have absolute power, and control everything here. Do you think that I will abide by the so-called gambling promise that you have not made a contract!?"

Green calmly looked at the lonely cold pine, but the tone of voice, but could not tell the contempt.

"Remember, any agreement with the devil, you will always be the loser."


Lonely Hansong, with absolute power, guards the lotus leaf of the world while pressing against Green, as if the entire sky had collapsed.

"So, how do you let me lose?"

With the mysterious smile of Green's body, at this time, another Greening rushed over in the distance, it was Green's source of annihilation.

At this moment, it is eagerly holding a gray eye, two meters in diameter, constantly exhaling the idea of ​​the spring of life, also exudes the atmosphere of the exotic world, and is incompatible with the parasitic spore world.

"Haha, it’s awful. It seems to be the rule of the eye of the world born in a miniature world, but it was picked up by the congenital malformation and placed in the world. It has already eroded the world of parasitic spores~www. Mtlnovel.com~ may be completely assimilated in tens of thousands of years."

The source of annihilation is a big laugh.

At the same time, the top of the Tianzhu column, the appearance of the eye of the world, the lotus leaf, with the disappearance of the gray energy supply, gradually turned into a virtual shadow.

"Do not!"

The devastating attack on the ground came, and the lonely cold pine claws and claws, and the roaring sound shattered.

"It seems that you are losing, you are the guardian."

A source of darkness pulls the source of Green's annihilation, stealing the eye of this parasitic spore world, and the twist of Green completely disappears into this world.


Ps: four more four and four more, sell cute and spoiled, ask for a subscription! A few days ago, I was really not lazy. Qaq, I tried to win more years ago. I tried to earn money by selling the old money. Otherwise, I couldn’t pretend to live, and what is the difference with salted fish. (To be continued.)


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