A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 20 Chapter 930: The Witch's Disaster (10)

嗡呜, 嗡呜, 嗡呜, 嗡呜...


When the sound of the rapid swell of the entire m2-na base was heard, the sound of the behemoth that was stopped by the heavy high wall was obscured, and the mysterious and screaming of the heads of the 10,000-headed 10,000-headed bird screamed.

The thick wall of more than 30 meters high and 78 meters wide was inadvertently caught by the two steel-like giant claws. It was smashed, a lot of bricks fell, and the wall even collapsed, causing a lot of cracks. This made the mysterious Wantou bird stop down steadily.

Slightly leaning forward, the mysterious 10,000-headed bird squats down, revealing a small figure running on the back of a colorful rune, looking down, standing behind a head with a low head.

"Super s level monster! No, no, devil, devil invasion!"

"The command has been evacuated. Everyone is running, the m2-na base is over..."

Many evolutionary soldiers have been shown the power of the mysterious 10,000-headed bird under the body of Green, and have been scared to give up resistance. .

After all, this is just a ruined x base, a small base that has been smashed and sneaked away. There is not even a b-level evolutionary person in the whole base!

The mysterious 10,000-headed bird has evolved into the horror of the top of the individual creatures. For the evolutionary journey of these evolutionary people, there are too many layers, and even the food of the 10,000-headed bird has not been seen, just Ants that may accidentally step on the feet at any time.

"Oh? Another evolutionary base, the number still preserves a lot of appearance, plus the evolutionary people left in the base, carefully cultivated into a bio-ethnic group after a few hundred years, hehe."

At this time, these evolutionary people are no different from the spirit of the rain and dew flower cultivated in the world laboratory in Green's eyes. They are only the breeding objects in the experimental beaker, and they are part of personal wealth.

This is the vision of the world's Lord!

exactly. Those who are regarded as gods in the foreign world can easily pick up the world war and lead the biological groups of the whole world to fight.

Look at these panicked little things. Occasionally, some of the attacks fell on the mysterious Wantou bird, and did not even cause the mystery of the Wantou bird to reflect. I thought it was just some sandstorms, and I was patiently waiting for Green’s instructions.

Because of Green's will, millions of people ravaged the world of the spirit, following the numerous slave monsters of several sacred sorcerers, the mighty circumvented the small base that was stolen in the wilderness, forming a perfect circle. Arc, at this time the evolutionary people in these bases can not even escape.


Green's heart leaps and leaps the power of the void. With the intense fluctuation of the magical part of the recovery with the body, in the gaze of the night shadows of Saatchi, the body of Green's colorful runes flowed and squirmed, and it seemed to complete some sort of division, another greener from the naked Split on the body!


Because the magical consumption of the previous space-time seals only recovered a part, it was a little difficult to create a source of annihilation. Green sighed and waved the extreme abyss wand, which was covered with an elemental coat. Under the common will of Green, it jumped into this evolutionary base.


The mysterious Wantou bird stays for a short time. After leaving a source of annihilation, Green carried Green's body and night shadow Saatchi, and continued to follow the rolling slave army to fly away.


Three days later.

Green is recovering the magic from the back of the mysterious 10,000-headed bird. Under the face of truth, he opened his eyes and looked into the distance with surprise.

A flash on the shoulder, a small eight appeared, a pair of surprises.

"Wow, young master, is withered Roland and the wing of darkness is chasing a chaotic creature, even chasing it from the center of the world to this side, it seems that the devil vine has been unable to keep these entourage wow, hehe!"


"Where is the wing of darkness? If so, just help it!"

The wing of darkness, Nila, was the same generation of sacred sorcerer invited by Green. The same is the birth of the Seventh Ring Santa, but there are still some shallow friendships.

And this withered Roland. It is a five-level sacred sorcerer of the Second Ring Santa, and belongs to the second sacred tower in the same area as the Green annihilation tower.

With the fluctuation of the Green Wizard's will, on the ground and in the low air, the original millions of monster slaves who followed Green Yong went straight to a big humming, turned around and turned to the other direction, with the secluded spring, Gemond and Sivigne cooperated with each other to intercept a strange and powerful atmosphere.

Booming rumbling...

After a short moment, in front of Green's overwhelming slave army, a globular unknown creature with a chaotic atmosphere rushed over.

Green laughed softly, and the black arc screamed in all directions, scaring the stunned chaotic creature into horror and changing direction. After a large number of slave monsters attacked, he slammed into the super-magic hand. there.

In front, there are smashing slave monsters in all directions. The powerful sacred sorcerer is like a kicking ball, constantly driving this chaotic creature.

In the rear, two sacred sorcerers led tens of thousands of elite slave monsters. Since they discovered the blockade of Green and others, they were not in a hurry. They were so anxious to stay around.

"What is this? I really don't know how the chaotic world has made this useless guy evolve to level 4."

After discovering that this chaotic creature has a weak fighting ability, Youquan can't help but frown and disdain.

"This is one of the hundreds of nodules in the roots of the devil's vine. It is responsible for the endless chaotic atmosphere of the old tree. It belongs to the symbiotic relationship. Some plants in the wizarding world also have this characteristic. If it is not panic The big wizard completely suppressed the old tree. I am afraid that we will be alive and dead. The root of this big guy has spread to almost one-tenth of this continent!"

The wing of the darkness, Nickla, knew all the four holy sorcerers here, and introduced the so-called chaotic root tumor.

"It is a leisurely time for these guys to clean up the garbage in these remote places. In order to cope with the old banyan tree, they are all exhausted. In order to find these root tumors, I will quickly reinvent the side and get it. Go chasing these guys!"

The wing of the darkness, Nickla, complained that the wilted Roland Stigma Wizard had already started to use this. Although there was a four-level biological atmosphere, there was almost no ball of more than 40 meters of combat power, and the chaotic breath quickly dissipated. Dry, useless substances.

Withered Roland put away these chaotic root tumors, and the thin face was covered with wrinkles. The sunken eye sockets seemed like a pair of dead fish. The eyes did not have any anger. They nodded indifferently and expressed gratitude.

"Hey? This kind of symbiotic relationship guy ~www.novelmtl.com~ That old tree has more than one hundred, it seems that it has been a lot of time to clean up, God Allah, rest assured, this When you are busy going back, you must be able to catch up!"

The little eight did not mind, and said nothing.

"Well? Those guys in the parasitic spore world?"

Relatively speaking, Green is more concerned about this real material world. Obviously, the parasitic spore world is at least a medium-sized world, and it is likely to be related to the world of this world community.

Following the departure of the withered Roland Stigma, the Dark Wings Nila is in a hurry. Every time he contributes a little more in this world, he will have one more point in the future when he distributes his interests. After all, he is a friend behind Green. Advance the holy mark wizard.

No, even stricter, he is just a four-level wizard without a source of magic.

"Those guys are busy dealing with the soul-sucking kiss of the Great Sorcerer. There is a great sorcerer. There is no chance even if you want to escape from the world of the world to the world. Hahahaha..." (To be continued.)

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