A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 20 Chapter 929: The Witch's Disaster (9)

"Do not!"

The king of the underground screamed and roared. He only felt that the sky had fallen. The underground people were like useless garbage, abandoned by the night world, and even wanted to take another look because of their filthy filth.

Is this the sorrow of being a servant?

"The great **** of dark night, you can't treat the underground people like this. For many years, the underground people have been dedicated to your will and dedicated to everything. You can't do this! You promised us that you will be great in this world because of your supreme glory. Will cultivate my family as..."

So abandoning the scene of betrayal, several holy marks witches have long been eccentric.

Non-my people, their hearts must be different. These underground people are just tools of the dark night world. It is like a wizarding alliance. If something threatens the wizarding world and has to give up a certain world in the league, I am afraid that those spiritual wizards are fundamental. There will be no hesitation.

"Hey, let's go, the bell tower of the sacrum has been carrying the ivory castle, the floppy disk, going to the pulse world where the sea people communicated and summoned, grab some time, maybe even grab them before the ancient dragons explode the thunder world. Take some benefits!"

For such an easy way to plunder wealth, Youquan couldn't help but feel a little excitement, obsession, and even addiction. He couldn't wait to go to find the traces of the ancient dragons and extort the world of thunder and thunder.

"The great wizards, the underground people are willing to dedicate everything to themselves, to be slaves, to ask the great wizard world to pity my family, and give my family a chance to survive in this underground world!"

The king of the earth led many underground people, humbled to the ground, and earnestly prayed.

The underground people have just experienced more than a hundred years of history, and they are about to go to the peak of the world, but they have to face the genocide crisis!

Youquan, Sivilnis, Accord, and Xiaoba, did not listen to the prayers of these exotic ants. Only Green, in the prayer of the king of the earth, actually stopped.

Under the face of truth. The two-color diaphragm slowly burned, and Green seemed to think of something. Suddenly turned to look at the underground king who is not bad in the three-level creature.

"Before, those little wizards who were taken away by you?"

Before leaving, Green finally remembered that more than a dozen official wizards who had discovered the underground caverns were all first-class sorcerers. I don’t know which college they came from. Only two second-level wizards who fled together escaped and went underground. The person information was reported to Green and received a huge reward.


Hey. The underground king swallowed a mouthful of water, and a cold sweat on his forehead seemed to know how to answer.


Greenson’s cold questioning is accompanied by the terror of the sacred mark wizard, which is like a powerful creature that opens the element and looks like a powerful creature in the sky. Shoot dead.

"Returning to the great king of wizards, just those wizards have been taken away by the evil night world, only those who are dark nights know their specific situation."

The underground man looked up and prayed for Green.

"Is it already enshrined by you? No wonder that the guy knows so much about the world of wizards, so eager to leave. It seems that most of these little guys have been swallowed up by the soul..."

Green muttered to himself, and the small eight on his shoulders did not care.

"World wars are inevitable, and only the little ones who survive can grow up step by step."

Xiao Ba said. "嘎巴", a bite of a fruit bite, a face of sour and refreshing.

"Hey, hurry up and look for the ancient dragons. I am so bored with the Eight Lords. These chaotic fogs can still die and resurrect. These spiritual worlds have been extinct as fossil specimens in ancient times. Why? Have you been resurrected? This time you have to study it well!"


Green nodded, and behind the earth, millions of people who were kneeling in the ground cried and prayed. The head did not return to the secluded springs, West Vernis, and Archangel, who had already left a certain distance.


Leaving the underground space carved out by the underground people, millions of slave monsters are waiting for the opportunity.

A huge magical array shrouded. Under the turbulent and turbulent magical fluctuations, the dense magical runes flow.

"I have seen the great sacred wizards. What are the next instructions for combat?"

The Dean of the Three Wizards World Academy led thousands of sorcerers and scattered witches, and asked the four sorcerers who appeared at the hole.

There are several private aircraft floating in the sky. It seems that the news that Green's several sacred marks and wizards have discovered the strategic goals has been secretly transmitted. Here, the wizards who are scattered in the world are constantly gathering.

The secluded spring "啪", the white stretched thumb and the **** rubbed, hit a crisp finger, pointing to the cave behind him: "In six months, all the underground people are removed, the tower of the annihilation The sorcerer does not want to see the rules of order destruction in his backyard. Go."

It seems to be a negligible thing to explain.

As the master of the world, the master of this world, Green has the ability and obligation to adjust the rules of the world according to his own will, among which there are species that can continue to survive and multiply, and what species can rule the world!

Obviously, one of the conditions in Green's advent of the contract, one of the conditions for saving Li Qingya, the evolutionary person to stand on the top of the world, and destroying the parasitic spore world is that the evolutionary ruled the world.


The three deans breathed a boost.

Compared to the war intensity of the Demon Expedition, it is much simpler to follow the invasion of the world by the sacred sorcerer, and there are more opportunities to plunder private wealth.

Obviously, the underground people, as one of the indigenous peoples of this world, can be remembered by several sacred sorcerers, and it is certainly not a small, omnipotent or non-biological group.

Booming rumbling...

As the magical energy base of many points was closed, driven by the wizard's will, some of the slave monsters rushed into the cave.

Of course, this is just one of the many entrances to the underground space of the underground people.

"The Tower of the Oblivion St. Mark Wizard!"

After a black behemoth twisted under a giant beast, a three-level wizard with a pale mask appeared, dark and sly, respectfully marching toward Green, one of the two devotees who were accepted by Green in the world. ~www.novelmtl.com~ has a second-class honours medal to complete the energy quality of the night shadow Saatchi.

"Oh? You are here too."

Green nodded and said quietly: "Well, you don't have to follow them to do the follow-up task, let's go together."


The night shadow Saatchi’s voice was a little bit trembled and could not hold back the excitement.

The choice of following the annihilation tower's sacred sorcerer was right. The sacred sorcerer not only has amazing potential, but also makes Saqi happy that he has the intention to give himself... opportunity!

The mysterious 10,000-headed bird opened its wings, and Green stood behind him with a respectful night shadow Saatchi.

The four world's lords unscrupulously released the top-level predator's pressure in the food chain, and led the lesser half of the slave monster army. They continued to fly away from the distance with unstoppable momentum, spreading the wizard's will to this place. The rest of the world.

Everything passed along the way, leaving only the horror of the wizard. (To be continued.)

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