A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 20 Chapter 931: The Wizards' Disaster (11)

The ancient dragon people have always threatened the largest biological group for evolutionary people.

Compared with the sea, the main activity range is the ocean. The main activity of the underground people is a small underground space, and the ancient dragons are ravaged on this continent.

Relative to the excellent development conditions of a base, x base, and m base, l base is facing these ancient dragons, and it is too difficult to develop.

Even because of the same region, the evolutionary people and ants who were originally enemies of the enemy, had to join forces in the face of ancient dragons in order to survive.

"Hey, young master, it seems to be the ant man you said before!"

The slave monster army led by Greene began to roar after passing through the vast area in front of it. The crowds were in chaos and seemed to be blocked by anything, bustling and killing.

After the curious little eight flew out for a while, I got this answer.

"Oh? Ants?"

Just as Green is curious, the chaotic slave monster suddenly flew out more than ten a-level and s-class ones. The black and white lines on the body, the shell skeleton protection layer is like transparent crystal, with strong defense force, capable of spraying a powerful effect. Acidic corrosive liquids, combat capability can not be underestimated.

And these ants, even the eyes of a red burst through the front of many slave monsters, directed to the high-altitude mystery Wantou bird on the back of Green!

Keke, pay attention, it is Green...

"Mom! I want to attack the Eight Lords, causing the slave army to have no heads, and the insidious guys, in this case, the Eight Lords will give you the glory of the genius, oh!"

Xiaoba stood on Green's shoulder and smirked, one wing swept toward the neck, his head vomiting his tongue. A smeared neck pose was made towards the mysterious Wantou bird.

The mystery of the Wantou bird is the heart of the gods, the wings are unfolding, and many of the heads sneer and wait quietly for these lunches.

At this moment!

These ants are in the shadow. A smoky flash of lightning flashed, and the red eyes on the heads of these ants were extinguished. The skull and body were silent and separated, and the body fell.

The black shadow flashed, and the night shadow Saatch appeared again behind Green. He respectfully said: "Hey, I will not bother with the mystery giant bird. I will hand it over to me afterwards."

Little eight mouthful, is arrogantly accusing the guy of stealing the limelight, but suddenly heard that Saatchi actually said so. It was so refreshing to the bottom of my heart that the face was so enchanted that 呻 吟 吟 吟 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

"Ah? Hey, or your kid will come, rest assured, follow the Eight Lords, keep you fragrant and spicy, wow, Baye is very optimistic about you!"

Xiao Ba said with a wink.

the other side. Under the face of Green Truth, after looking at the front for a while, the head didn't look back: "These guys are rushing to the other side to take advantage of it. Don't look at the slave army here." If you die too much, you will not be good. Night shadow, you should be responsible for this side, be sure to confirm that the crystal ant died."

Responsible for this! ?

The night shadow Saatchi's pale mask is black and smashed, and he is excited to breathe.

There are millions of slave corps here, and those who are the first-class honours medal hunting wizards, I am afraid that there is no chance to master this power in the hunter expedition, but at this time they actually...

This is the Holy Mark Wizard in addition to the power of the body. The power you have! ?

Longing, excited. Greed, Saatchi is feeling the time when the Green expedition was in the magnetic world. For the first time, as a formal wizard, master the thrill of the space fortress, a symbol of identity and power.

"Yes, the sacred tower sorcerer must complete the mission underneath!"

Although there are many monsters kept by other sacred sorcerers in the slave army below, they still maintain nearly half of all kinds of shackles. These are the harvests of Saatchi’s personal conquest of the world, and they are familiar with them.

"Hey, play with this side first. Any creatures that threaten the evolutionary people to rule the rules of the world in the future will be killed, all the people will be destroyed, and the backyard of the young master will be cleaned!"

The little eight voice disappeared as the mysterious Wantou bird spread its wings and went away.

Night shadow Saatchi lowered his head in the air and still kept his gesture to Green and the Little Eight.

After a while, the pale mask looked up and excitedly looked forward to the ant who built his kingdom and civilization in this vast area. He slowly fell in the sneer, with the scent of the will that Green exerted on him. Thousands of various monster slaves and crickets follow.

"Hey, one doesn't stay..."


A few days later.

"so slow!"

With only a few elite slave monsters, the secluded springs, Archimonde, and West Vernis stood on the top of a tropical rainforest, and the last arrival of Green just landed, and I heard West Verani complain.

Green did not pay attention to it. As the three eyes looked at the many creatures that resembled giant mosquitoes on the other side of the hill, the brows of the truth were slightly wrinkled and did not speak.

"These are ancient dragons? How do a mosquito look like it?"

Archimond touched the back of his head and asked Green.

"Mom, the number is so much, how the evolutionary people are going, the mosquitoes are mosquitoes, why do you have to do something ancient dragons, still on the information..."

Xiao Ba is complaining that in the defensive formation of many giant mottled mosquitoes flying in the distance, suddenly there are so many dozens of roars and they have completed the transformation. After the expansion of the body, the power is increasing at an alarming rate. With.

In this almost breathing time, the leaping evolution from the first-class creature to the third-level creature was completed!

“Hey!? It’s really an ancient dragon!”

"Oh... it’s amazingly transforming the art. If you can transplant this blood-transformation ability to the Knights Perseverance Academy, sell it to the Xeon Knights..."

Sylvernis witnessed the fact that these first-class creatures were leaping and leaping after they turned, and they could not help but think of the great potential they had.

Aside Green, as an elemental wizard, I also thought of this.

Compared with West Virgins~www.novelmtl.com~ Green is much more calm. At this time, such a large number of giant mosquitoes have only completed such a small number of ancient dragons to change, I am afraid that there must be some restriction.

Even so, there is still a high research value.

"Then we..."


Ok! ?

Just as Accord wanted to be like the previous underground people, when they rushed to the core of the ancient dragon people, suddenly, a melodious space trembled from the depths of the rain forest.

Several people who have experienced the invasion of the world know for a moment what happened in the other side.

"Explosion Thunder World!"

At the same time, in the distance, these fears are on the huge monsters of the hills of the hills. The mosquitoes and ancient dragons who are scented in the air have jumped like stimulants.

It seems to be celebrating something for the other side. (To be continued.)

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