A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 20 Chapter 928: The Witch's Disaster (8)

An underground slave, despicable and cursed, walked in front of the four holy marks wizards.

"Master, the front is the land of the underground people. The king of the earth controls the night altar. The legend has the power to summon the gods."


I took a bite of the little eight and the mysterious 10,000-headed bird. I don’t know where the sour fruit was found from the underground space. The two-color brilliance under the face of Green Truth looked at the large distance that was far more than a hundred times more than the fortress that was destroyed before the hourglass. city.

The city is armed with the highest level of preparation for the teeth, and there are countless people who are constantly transferring and transferring. Everyone is using the fearful eyes, looking at the four terrible atmospheres that are gradually approaching in the distant darkness, instinctive Trembling.

If it is not the most central high-altitude of the city, it will be blessed by two masters of the world world. I am afraid that the city has already collapsed by itself.


The four sneered, and found what they were, and looked at the underground people who ran out of the city from a distant team.

"Why, will these little guys only be the king of the underground?"

The soul sound waves of Sivilnis spread to every corner of the city, and in a word, the lethality is only stronger than the magic that was just spent a huge amount of magic.

Sylverness was about to kill the underground people, and found something after holding the magic wand. He smiled and slowly fell.

These underground people have carried out a lot of treasure wealth!

"Wow, it seems that this is going to be honest?"

Waiting for the good play of the small eight is occupied by these treasures of wealth, eyes full of sparkling.

As these underground people who carried out the treasures of wealth escaped to the city, the voice of the soul of the king floating in the sky shouted: "I am willing to use all my wealth for our lives, great aliens from afar." Lord of the world, please let go of these humble lives of my family."

"Hey, give me this less!"

Accord spit out his mouth and leaned against the huge axe behind him. The burly body disdains: "Call out the projection of your master. Look at the fact that your master has not decided to completely intervene in this world. You can also talk about the conditions of compensation. Later the world belongs to the Wizarding League!"

The king of the earth did not speak, and the atmosphere between life and death was extremely suppressed.

It seems that the city will not be satisfied with the answer in the next moment and will suffer a complete destruction.

"Witch League?"

As a melodious voice came from the depths of the city, suddenly, a beam of light rose from the sky and gathered into a faint and strange face. It is the projection of the Lord of the Alien World Humanoid World.

"I have never heard of the Wizarding World, dare to ask the master of the wizarding world, which party is the master?"

Green, as the discoverer of the world of the spiritual world, sneered after Archimonde confirmed that the night world was not the dark night world he knew.

"You don't need to know, you just have to give your own answer, in the end..."

"Witch Alliance, you are from another world community!"

Suddenly, another voice interrupted Green's words. Unbelievable shocks, as if fearing the message of the Wizarding League.


Under the sneer of Green Truth, there is an old guy who knows the wizarding alliance. It seems that it doesn't take a lot of work.

"Hey. It seems that you should know the meaning of the representative of the wizard, give your answer."

The face of Green Truth pierced through the layers of appearance and found the projection of the will of the world that came to the world through the altar of Blackwater. The ontology should be a five-level creature. I don't know where to learn the information about the wizard world.

"Compensation! The night world chooses to compensate for all the damage caused by the Wizarding League, and withdraws from the world. Never stop intervening again!"

This five-level creature did not hesitate, and in the shock of many underground people and another world lord, one promised that several sacred marks were unreasonable.

"Hey! Old Golem, why do you make decisions for the Nine Worlds in the Night World!? I want to inform others..."

"shut up!"

The two world lords even quarreled in person.

Green did not care what it looked like, a flash in his hand, a space magic ring appeared, the magic guards accurately cut through the sky, and bounced in front of the altar.

"It is filled with high-energy spar, as the Wizarding Alliance does not pursue the price of the dark night world, otherwise the night world will meet the anger of the Wizarding Alliance and be completely destroyed."

Green threatened to swindle the other side with no suspicion.

After a little quiet, the old devil said in a low way: "I need three days."

"Well, wait for three days."

After Green should go down, he snickered at the three people nearby, and sat down on the spot. As for the wealth of the treasures that the underground people offered, they didn’t look at it. For the sacred wizard who conquered the world as a fortune, it was true. negligible.

"Wow, then the Lord is not politely smiling..."


Three days later.

Exploring the space ring in his hand, full of high-grade energy spar, it is Xi Weiness, Youquan, and Accord also made it easy to get such a rich harvest and satisfied with the smile.

"Not bad."

Green nodded and threw the space ring into the dimensional gap.

The matter of splitting is not going to happen in front of people, and it seems that the people of the sea and the ancient dragons also have a great potential for extortion!

"Then, the wizards, the dark night world has completed the conditions, can you completely get rid of this, never pursue it?"

The old devil cautiously asked, apparently learned the horror of the wizard world from certain ways, and had some detailed information about the wizarding world.

"Well, I just gave you the certificate, so I can take the initiative to apply to join the Wizarding League, give the alliance a good treatment, do you have to seriously consider it?"

Green confuses the Lord of the World, and if he can pull into the Wizarding League, it is a fortune!

"This...the night world will seriously consider it."

Giving an ambiguous answer, the old demon obviously does not want to have more communication with the wizarding world, wants to leave, and Xiao Ba suddenly screams.

"and many more!"

Xiao Aiyi’s sneer looks like: “The night world is irrelevant, but the servants you collect in this world run errands, want to continue to survive in my family’s private territory, and consume the world resources of my young master. This rent... ”

The little eight refers to the servant, who is the bottom of the earth.

Another silence, the old devil statue is low: "They have nothing to do with the night world, you can dispose of it at will."

As if throwing garbage, these underground people will be abandoned~www.novelmtl.com~ The energy of the dark altar is closed, cold and ruthless, leaving only those desperate and helpless people who pray for survival in the cracks of the world.

"Hey? I thought I could get some more, Mom."

After Xiaoba complained, Green sighed: "Unfortunately, the advent of the contract has decided to let the spiritual people rule the world again. Otherwise, these underground people are better choices... Forget it, the slave army is estimated to be hungry, just find it. A batch of feed."

As a sacred sorcerer, several people obviously forgot the few insignificant little wizards, and the old sorcerer got the wizard world message...


Ps: Yesterday's subscription, recommendation ticket, monthly ticket and reward, and a little longer, I am very grateful to everyone for support. Today, from 7:00 to the present, I have not stopped, and finally I have driven out four chapters!

In order to complete the "Witch Tour" within the stipulated time, and not too fast, we will strive for more updates every day. I hope that everyone will continue to support and give motivation. Every subscription, ticket, and reward will be carefully turned. Look. (To be continued.)


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