A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 20 Chapter 927: The Wizards' Disaster (7)

C_t; underground people, according to Green according to the world's 'mixed' chaotic projection rules, ‘mixed’ before the end of the world, it is likely to evolve from this world. []. More recent chapter visits: ww.

Soft body, strong toughness 'sex', ability to repair limbs, self-splitting ability.


"The invasion of the devil..."

The explosions of "Boom", "Boom", "Boom", "Boom" and "Boom" are endless, regardless of the secluded spring or the Age 'Meng' de, the two sorcerers are all smashing into the peak, life and death. Killing has long been seen as part of the life course, and there is no soft touch on killing these humble creatures.

After half of the hourglass time.

Standing in front of a piece of corpse, the secluded spring and the georg ‘Mongo’ de point to the Green and West Vernis, who are studying the underground life specimen.

"Don't you continue?"

The power of the hands of Sivilnis was “swinging”, and after washing, he stood up and recorded the biological information he had obtained on an experimental notebook.

What's amazing is that this notebook, when recorded in the magical runes of Sylvester, has always produced a refreshing ‘呻‘吟’, I don’t know what special world material this notebook is, or the whimsical taste of Severin’s ‘private’.

Relatively speaking, Green likes to remember the biological information and record it slowly in a quiet environment.

"These underground people, as one of the three worlds of intelligent creatures after the end of the world, can communicate with the dark night world. There should be a group of three-level creatures within the community, and at least one or two special evolutionary creatures or some special means."

Green seems to be looking forward to it.


At this moment, in the depths of this vast underground space, a strange energy 'wave' came from the scene, and everyone on the scene easily discerned it. This is the time-space ‘wave’ movement of the foreign projection. Read the full text of the latest chapter

"Oh, it seems that these underground people are summoning their masters. It’s not so small, it’s so far across so far, let’s go see it!”

Xiaoba stretched his neck and looked forward. However, in addition to the illuminating areas of the elements inspired by several sacred sorcerers, the distant vacant black ‘hole’ ‘hole’. Nothing can be seen.

call out! call out! call out! call out!

The four sacred sorcerers went to the distant 'wave' movements to 'excite' the 'shooting'. These underground people apparently already felt the horror of the horror creatures invaded in the underground space. All the underground people were looming in the stock. Under the pressure of the entire underground world, the body can not help but tremble, as if the prey encountered the predator's instinct.

After a while.

"Oh, the number is so much, and you can't easily open the real body here. I knew that I should come with the slave army and save us personally."

Youquan complained that he looked at the A-Gang’s ‘Mongo’. It is he who insists that he does not have to lead the slave army.

In front of it, there was a fortress in the underground, and the people on the wall were so dense that there were countless people. In addition to the hundreds of individual giant stone ghost giants that stood in front of the fortress, there are still some means that are obviously not the world. The powder material hidden in the dark mist is easily discerned by Green.

"Walking around is just to confirm the information of this dark night world. If it can be confirmed that it is indeed the world of my old friend, the benefits that are easily obtained from there are enough for us to do this."

Age 'Mongolian' did not care.

"Walk around!?"

Sylvester is very upset about the terminology of the ‘Monte’. The pale face is a sneer.

"A low-level indigenous fortress in the district. You have been accustomed to the brutal violence. You have forgotten the art of the elemental wizard, the tower of annihilation. This time we will solve it."

"haha okay!"

Green has been stunned, and I am going to take a look at this structural modification of the quality elements of Sivilnis!

Apparently, Sylvester also took such a plan and invited Green to take the shot.

Estimated his own magic, Green roughly calculated a bit, after the mouth to recite the mysterious curse, the magic wand in the hands of the magical force surging, involved in the body. Green actually chose to open the body of the true devil, and evolved his own 'fine' power to 450 points!

Apparently Green is going to play at its maximum strength within his power.

"Hey? Young master. This trick has not seen you used..."

But see the face of Green Truth, a little diamond-shaped ‘fine’ mans floating out of the forehead, under the absolute control of Green’s elements. Incorporating into the hands of the extreme abyss magic wand head, the extreme cold crystal of the stick head seems to have been a great complement, and the flowing cold is amazingly spurting.

Green possesses the most powerful destruction of ‘sexual’ large-scale elemental witchcraft, and annihilates the great wizardship of the stars. Because the Green Magic is consumed by time and space seals at this time, it is limited and cannot exert its full power.

It is unwise to use all the magic power in order to test the secret.

In this way, Green's inspiration, temporary play, thought of this extensive destruction of the 'sexual' ice element witchcraft, because the holy mark wizard for the lower-level creatures, the elemental movement caused by every move, is a wide range of witchcraft!

"The Ice Age Advent!"

Green actually took Millie's Ice Age Sealing as the original shape, and through his own abyss magic wand cold force through the ice crystal crystallization, and based on the ice gyro element structure, evolved into this great witchcraft.

Suddenly, the extreme chill stirred the power of the elements. The tens of thousands of head-sized ice tops in the sky fell like snow to the fortress, the end of the cold!

The sacred sorcerer, with the absolute control of the elements, has gradually begun to shift to the ‘sexual’ direction that drives the natural rules. It is no longer the level of individual witchcraft like a low-level wizard.

"Hey, destroy it under the cold..."

the other side.

Sylvernis also held up the magic wand, but did not use his hand to cover the big witchcraft, but after the mysterious runes were drawn from the tip of the finger, it seemed to be like a note, and it was like a note. The sound is endless.

This turned out to be a small transmission of 'sex' using the power of a special element, inciting changes in the rules of certain geological sectors, causing large-scale geological disasters?

Good ‘fine’ wonderful witchcraft!

Compared to Green's witchcraft at this time, Sylvester's witchcraft is undoubtedly more elemental wizard "art ‘sex~www.novelmtl.com~ the power of the wizard who will push the rules of wisdom, infinitely magnified!

Booming rumbling...

It has been difficult to count the enemy fortresses that are constantly covered by the ice gyro ice. The underground people, the stone ghost giants, and some secret powder floating in the air of the relics are as vivid as the frozen specimens, but the next moment, with the fission of the earth, even The magma flow is ejected from the geological formation, and the entire base becomes a crater!

This scale is comparable to the evolutionary m base, some of the original scattered in the depths of the fortress underground, escaped, but under the power of this volcano.

"Elemental wizard..."

Looking at the large-scale natural disaster caused by Green and West Vernis in the distance, the secluded springs and the squad 'Monte' can't help but whisper. In a blink of an eye, more than 100,000 underground people were slaughtered and killed. More wins!

More distantly, I witnessed this disaster. Some of the underground people who were responsible for intelligence reconnaissance were eager to spurt, and they feared to escape. q


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