A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 20 Chapter 916: Confusion (5)

Compared with the tumor frog, the king of the three meters has a strong and strong sturdy body, the body of the secret experimental base in front of the Green Situ ink body, is so insignificant.

One high and one low, one big and one small, the contrast is clear.

"Oh, hahahahahahaha..."

Yong Wang laughed, suddenly from the palm of the palm of the hand, a stone with a gray and ethereal atmosphere appeared, was lifted by an invisible force between his hands, as if absorbing the violent raging power, and at the same time The chaos of the whole a base in all directions has gathered together and merged into the body of the king!

"Evolutionist, when your ancestors ruled the world, until the end of the chaos, all things began to renew, and I was the first to be baptized in the Cataclysm, truly completing the evolution of chaos." I remember that at that time, your ancestors died in the end of the chaos, and the evolutionary people who managed to adapt to the chaotic rules were afraid to call me "super-evolution!"

The frog phoenix king has been expanding his body and has reached four meters. The burly is standing in the center of the metal aisle.

At the foot of the secret base metal, there were actually two potholes, and the footprints of the skull were clearly printed on it.

A chaotic mist poured into the body wounds of the tumor frog, and these wounds healed at an alarming rate, unbelievable, and the creature's i-section increased.

At the same time, this chaotic stone has obviously faded a lot because of these consumption.

"Since the end of the chaos, this precious chaotic stone has only been used twice. Now use this third time to completely end the spiritual civilization and truly open the next civilization of the world, hahahaha!"


At the foot of the tumor frog, the metal layer is twisted and spread, and the streamlined shape is strong and strong, like a frog usually ejects. There was only one phantom, and the tyrannical impact exudes horrible power, and rushed toward the front of the evolutionary man who gave him infinite pressure.

Closer, closer, and already close at hand, Yong Wang sticks to the muscles of the skin and clenches his fists, as if tearing the inexhaustible force to bang.


suddenly. This indifference looks at his own evolutionary person, as if he was shooting a fly, his palm is turned into a residual image, and he is arbitrarily photographed on his fist. It is incredible that the giant force seems to be a ripple, spreading from the fist to the arm. Then go to the torso, toes and space behind you.


The final consciousness of the tumor frog Yong Wang.

The blood of the sky, the frog phoenix king was torn by the crushing force ripples into a long piece of debris, and the psionic time and space explored the large metal protection wall outside the machine to make "吱啦", "吱啦", "吱啦" noise , by the power shock wave twisted out a large area of ​​ripples.


The chaotic stone hits the metal channel, making a crisp sound and rolling far away.

Green looked indifferently through the ground contaminated by the tumor phoenix, and bent over to pick up the chaotic stone. Take a closer look.

"Chaotic World? What kind of world is it?"

Silence, after Green retracted this chaotic stone, a line of evolutionary people in the channel as a soul slave of Green, all bowed to the ground. For the tumor frog, the king is killed by the owner and there is not much emotional surprise, as if everything is justified.

Among them, the a-level evolutionary person, the ruler of the base, Wang Sai, could not help but ask: "The frogs outside are still fighting, losing the command of the mediocrity, I am afraid they will fight to their own lives. At the last minute, I don’t know..."


Wang Sai’s words are only half said. Suddenly the entire underground base swayed, and many evolutionary people were shocked and swayed from side to side.


Ok! ?

Even Green, who was calm and calm. At this moment, the face is slightly changed, and the eyes are constantly looking in all directions. At the same time, one arm touches the metal wall and feels quietly.



"what is this?"

Under the twisted metal floor, as if something was about to break out, many evolutionary people shunned in horror, and Green’s face changed, and suddenly thought of something.

"These chaotic fogs have attracted the big guy, and the roots have spread here!?"

Unbelievable, a base is near the original cf-2 base, even if Green is full flight, it will take more than two days, and the root of this devil's vine has spread here.

This is just the volume that it left after the chaos world, the power is constantly reduced?

How did it come to this world at the beginning, can it be said that when it came over, it was just a seed?


A tree root broke through the thick metal floor and squeezed out from it. It was like a hungry traveler. The roots desperately swallowed up a lot of rich chaotic fog that was previously caused by the chaotic stone of the frog.

The behavior of these tree roots to devour chaotic fog is obviously only spontaneous. The devil's vine is too big. It is such a large body that it can only grasp the rules, not the details of each body.

In the whole a base, perhaps only Green can feel the existence of the devil by the power of the devil.

Other creatures and energy are too small for the devil's vine.

Many evolutionary people have been feared by these devils, vines and roots, which can easily break through the thick metal layer of the secret base and spread the chaotic fog inside the foundation, and continue to retreat.

After Green's eyelids kept beating, he turned and opened the most rigorous psionic time and space in the entire secret base to explore the machine laboratory door, and asked the evolutionary person inside to be low: "How is the situation here?"


In the interrogation of Green, a devil's vine roots will easily penetrate through the metal protective layer of half a meter and stretch in. The instinct greedily absorbs the chaotic fog, the breeding speed is unbelievable, and some exquisite psionic instruments are grown by it. Destroyed during the spread.

"Not good, the energy line of the Psionic Space Time Detector is now being destroyed! Fast, three groups, immediately responsible for the link!"

"The second detector is damaged, the calculation data is lost, and the standby device is started immediately, in parallel with the first one!"

“The energy boiler condensate pipeline is broken, the boiler temperature is constantly rising, and it is artificially condensed immediately, fast, fast, fast...”

The base was in a series of chaos and was constantly being rescued.

Even with the strength of the body outside of Green, at this moment, facing the devils and vines roots that seem to be spreading naturally, they can't help but feel that they are extraordinarily small and cannot compete with them.

Maybe Green can destroy these roots, but once this is done, I am afraid that it will immediately attract the other side's will.

I am afraid that this successful incarnation of the body will be killed and not between the fingers.

After a while.

As these roots of the devil's vines are continuously absorbed, the concentration of chaotic fog in the underground base begins to decrease significantly. These roots are gradually losing their vitality and no longer spread, so they are deeply buried in the ground. Inside the base.

Under the constant command of the psionics technicians, many evolutionists rescued the space-time detectors by manpower, maintaining normal operation and bypassing the destruction of the roots of these devils.

After a few hours.

Finally, the space-time detectors have stabilized, and many evolutionary people who are constantly on the move can not help but sit on the ground and continue to gasp, even the large number of evolutionary people who have sacrificed from time to time can not care.

“Immediately design the plan and transfer the space-time detector out of the base!”

After Gren's face was gloomy and sent an order to the scientific evolutionary person, he strode out of the underground base and looked at the tumor frogman who was attacking in all directions and strangled, entangled, and sneaked with many evolutionary people.

From the next weak time of the spiritual time, there are still five months, and there must be no mistakes!


Ps: It is estimated that nothing is going to be done before the end of this book. Striving for a stable two-in-one, three or four outbreaks, two vacations per month, and a new book by the end of June next year.

Seeking a subscription, it’s almost a New Year’s, and it’s more profitable.

"The Wizard of the Wizards" is worse than the same type of wizard book ~www.novelmtl.com~, sometimes it is really discouraged, feeling no motivation.

But fortunately, I still persisted. As the first work, I am already very satisfied. Let the Egret learn a slap in the face, not arrogant, and patiently writing. After all, I didn’t even think about making money. It’s just an ideal, I want to write. A high-level non-general work breaks through some embarrassment, at least after the Egret will say that he has had a hard-working and hard work.

Well, "The Wizard of the Wizards" does violate many of the basic principles of online novels. There is no big fire and no big future. The egret has accepted it. Even if it is a loss, it must be finished. Once I gambled with me, I can’t finish it. The egrets don't want your life, hahaha.

"Sorcerer's Journey" has some problems. Of course, on the one hand, you may not understand it. On the other hand, I may not write it. After all, there is a media illusory world barrier, and people's thinking is different. To be impressed by real life.

If you like this book, you can subscribe to the Internet. If you don't like it, I don't think it has any meaning in the net. Even if you insult the book, you have a good interest in it. I can say sorry, insult your eyes, and suffer from qaq. (To be continued.)


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