A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 20 Chapter 917:

a base surface, and did not notice the underground spread of the roots of the devil's vine.

In the dark corners, on the walls, under the trees, in the empty rooms, the blurred figures are fleeting.

Compared with these tumor frog people, the evolutionary people swept the sneak attack on the four sides by several groups and dozens of people.


Green, the source of annihilation, perceives the troubles of the face of the subject. If there is a comprehensive insight into the face of truth, these tumor frogs disturb the perception in front of Green.

However, fortunately, the difference between these tumor frogmen and Green's life level is too large, and Green can easily find the traces of the flaws through the real time.

Defining a trail of frogs, Green walked step by step.

For Green's careless walk, for these lower creatures, it seems that there is only a series of afterimages left, and the ground is printed with a huge cracking footprint by Green, which is the power radiation that Green can't completely control. In the panic, the two-meter-high tumor frog, before it was reflected, was slap in the palm of the palm of the hand.



More than a hundred meters away, the stone wall is printed with clear and visible palm prints. The height of more than ten meters, the depth of the inch is deep, and the blood of the tumor frog in the center position is splashed.

Originally wanted to sneak a Green's s-grade frog frog man, suddenly was stunned by this stunned scene, only felt that he could not breathe, stopped the heartbeat.

The next moment, as if to close your eyes and blink of an eye, this seemingly small evolutionary person has already rushed to his face, a dark red sword is fleeting, and the separation of the body is inexplicable.

A series of afterimages, overlooking at high altitude, chaotic fog enveloped the ambiguous a large base. Time passed, but a burst of blood stains burst out of the air, one side of the massacre.

Some low-level evolutionary people who have not been enslaved by the Green Soul. I have already been shocked by the scene.

a base, there are such powerful evolutionary people! ?

is this real?

Is he really still a person?


A few hours later.

I don't know how many thousands of weak alien creatures were killed. The body of Green's annihilation turned around a base, even if there were some hidden frog frogs, they had already feared and shivered and shivered in a dark corner, in this base with killing demons. I dare not go any further.

In the face of this overwhelming overwhelming force, these frog frogs who used to sneak up on guarding evolutionary soldiers every night, but now they are like a group of helpless children, crying and looking for their mother.

"Master, this is the plan."

Green did not contaminate even a drop of blood. Step by step to the base, at the right time, the Psionic Science and Technology personnel commander sent a report on the psionic time and space detector migration report to Green.

A full dozen papers, with the precautions for the migration of the Psionic Detector, the ideal destination, the difficulty...

It can be seen that this is the best choice for Green in just a few hours after a lot of evolutionary studies.

"Pangolin people?"

It is also a kind of biological group that did not know how to evolve in the end of the chaos. It obviously has some characteristics of pangolin. It is not difficult to understand why these researchers chose to migrate the Psionic Time and Space Detector there.

Instead of spending a lot of manpower, material resources and time to build a secret base for fortifications, it would be better to occupy the cavern caves of the group of pangolins. Pampering caves, which are excavated in hard rock mountains, have become a precious resource.

"Well, okay, it’s so decided. Call a road guide and wait for me to go."

Green immediately threw the papers aside. Suddenly, Li Qingya, who was pushing the wheelchair in the distance, came over and looked a little happy. Obviously, it has been learned that Green is one person’s power to completely eradicate the entire a base threat.

"Stuart. I will go with you."

Green brows wrinkled slightly.

Green is not a Stuart, and there is no such feeling for Li Qingya. Because the contractual relationship Green can't hurt Li Qingya, the evolutionary's feelings for Yusi Tumo made the Green, who replaced Situ Mo, feel very uncomfortable.

What Green needs is only the psionic technology that the world's spiritual masters has opened up the world's crack technology resources, and the special rules of the world as a weak point in time and space. What is deeper is to explore the extremely powerful chaotic world. This is Green as holy. The purpose of the sorcerer, the Lord of the World.

Of course, the collection of the knowledge of the seventh phase of the truth is also one of the unexpected gains.

"Qing Ya, you are quietly waiting for my good news at the base alone. It is too dangerous outside, I can't protect your safety."

Green tried to imitate Stuart's tone and said softly to Li Qingya.

"You forgot that I am also an evolutionary soldier at the cf-2 base? Although I don't have the strong combat capability of you, I have my own special ability to effectively avoid risks. It is not the burden of evolutionary people. I want to come. There is still some help for you."

Li Qingya said sincerely, the long-awaited eyes looked at Green.

As a wizard with a long life and a certain emotional experience, Green knows what Li Qingya thinks.

These times, Situ Mo played by himself has become more and more like the real savior of the evolutionary. Everything is working hard for the future of the evolutionary, and even giving up some enjoyment.

At the same time, it is also getting away from Li Qingya because of the 'power of the devil' in the body. It seems that she has lost her emotion and interest to her, but she is only holding a name.

As a woman, Li Qingya’s keen sense of crisis always exists, and she will have the danger of losing her husband!

At this moment, she finally regretted some of her own selflessness. In order to evolve the future of the man, she turned her husband into a bet and selflessly contributed.

After all, she is just a woman, eager to stay with her lover.

This time, it was an attempt by Li Qingya.

"okay then."


a base, through the mine.

The mines with hundreds of miles of continuous mining are rich in mineral rough stones. The hard texture is the evolution of the end of the chaos, and only a few vegetation grows here.

Three advanced octagonal self-propelled cannons crawled along the mountains like a spider. As a result of a c-level evolutionary soldier who had several exploration experiences here, Green and Li Qingya found the mountain. The largest pangolin cave entrance.

"Sir, this is here. I followed a few soldiers a year ago and went deep into the geological situation inside, very strong."

This soldier is just a c-level evolutionary person and is not worthy of the Green Soul slavery.


Green nodded. In the excitement of this evolutionary man, full of majesty and mystery, Li Qingya stepped into the dark cave step by step. For those who wore the pangolins, they were completely fearless, and the evolutionary soldier was full. It is envy.

"Situ, one hundred and thirty meters in front of the left ~www.novelmtl.com~ has a vitality 137..."

Li Qingya’s words were just half said, Mo Ran, the goal that just had a strong vitality, but the vitality was falling rapidly until it was zero.

Quickly followed up and found that Green was holding a light stick and waiting quietly for himself.

As for the crocodile pangolin, it is already fragmented.

Looking at Situ, who is closing his eyes and thinking about something, he is extremely patient and sees himself walking and making a pretending smile and moving on.

Li Qingya only thinks that the distance between the two seems to be close at hand, but it is far away.


Ps: Thank you everyone for your support, because with you, writing no longer feels lonely, tasteless, and embarrassing, let the egret see the meaning of its existence. I am really being asked by everyone. Although it is only a small part, it has its own meaning. The egrets can make progress for the development of society and the civilization of human consciousness, inherit the Chinese civilization, and make their own insignificant but unique contribution, all the best. (To be continued.)

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