A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 20 Chapter 915: Confusion (4)

Four years later!

The base has been destroyed. As the last hope of the world's evolutionary people, the base is like the last reef in the storm, and it may be destroyed by the giant wolf at any time, but it stands stubbornly.

Many bases that have been destroyed in the chaos of the world have a natural force that naturally converges toward a base.

Compared with the loss caused by the tumor frogman to the base, these gathered evolutionary people not only fill the gap, but even make the base a stronger than before.

嗡呜, 嗡呜, 嗡呜, 嗡呜...

In the middle of the night, the alarm sounds in the base of a base, many evolutionary people have instinctively adapted to such frequent alarm life, and even for the many positions where the tumor frog person may act as a base breakthrough, have mastered!

咻, 咻, 咻, 咻, 咻, 咻...

The blast of the psionic bullets and the psionic bombs is endless. After many battles, the fear of the evolutionary people on the frogs seems to be slowly decreasing.

Compared with the number of evolutionary people and the speed of reproduction, the tumor frog people have a natural disadvantage in this respect.


As one of the seventeen cabinet elders, the a-level evolutionary Sun Jingsong lurks in a loft, with keen insight, killing one fuzzy halo-transparent target with the most advanced sniper rifle almost mastered by the evolutionary. .


In the mouth, silently counted the target of hunting, Sun-f long-f wind-f text-f Jingsong carefully collected the special eggshell popped out of the sniper gun, and put the fifth sniper bomb, looking for chaos through the sniper mirror The fifth goal of those invading tumor frogs in base a.

Ok! ?

Sensitive and dangerous intuition, Sun Jingsong got up and jumped backwards. Almost in the midair, the sniper bullet in the sniper sniper slammed out, and the sneak into the attic gave Sun Jingsong a dangerous intuition.

With the powerful recoil of the sniper rifle, Sun Jingsong effectively opened the distance with the dangerous target.

Look at the blood stains on the walls in the attic, and the height of the two meters. Sun Jingsong was slightly relieved that he had been seriously injured in the abdomen and could not be invisible.

Once the invisibility is lost, the tumor frogman is no longer so fearful.


Unbelievable speed, almost completely natural, Sun Jingsong sniper rifle opened. The right-handed dagger, the left-handed scorpion even with a bullet gun, faced the a-level frogman with unparalleled self-confidence. Almost at the moment when the left-handed finger had pressed the handle of the gun, the back had an incredible impact.

"Boom", Sun Jingsong slammed into the Green Wall.

"there's still one!?"

In desperation, Sun Jingsong reluctantly turned back and saw a strong horror tumor frog who was nearly three meters sturdy and powerful. With his perfect body descending from the sky, his long right foot stepped on the chest of Sun Jingsong, Sun Jingsong could not resist, and gradually lost consciousness in pain.

"Mei King."

The injured frog frog caught the wound and bowed to the king of the frogman.

This tumor frogman was afraid after a while, if the non-Wu Wang appeared in time, I am afraid that he is now a lot more fierce, and he is worthy of being a biological group that once ruled the world. These evolutionary people are not as weak as they seem.

"Well, you are leaving here right away. The two should appear right away."

This tumor frogman naturally knows what the "two" in the mouth of the Yong Wang.

How many times have been forgotten, every time the Yong Wang led the frogman to attack this evolutionary base that seems to be destroyed at any time, there will always be two s-level evolutionary people blocking.

These two s-level evolutionary people, even if they are perfect and perfect, are not the opponents of the Yong Wang, but the most terrible thing is. It seems that the whole base is cooperating with these two people. This is the case, so that the Yong Wang has been unable to return.

This situation has lasted for five years!

Every time the result is the same...


The tumor frogman did not dare to delay, and fled from the attic to break through the glass. The mediocrity is waiting for it, and the powerful pressure is revealed.

Sure enough, after only a few breathing hours, the two s-class evolutionary figures appeared quietly in the attic, almost at the same time, and a powerful sniper bomb attacked in the distance, but it was seen by the Yong Wang inadvertently turning around. Perfectly avoided the sniper bomb.


After a short moment, two s-class evolutionary people, Li Yue and Shi Bing, flew out in the attic.

Almost in the moment when the two people were not able to show up, a distant psionic bomb was in the attic, and the time was violently devastating and devastating, and the frog in the attic was inundated.

He also has a wealth of operational experience. Li Yue and Shi Bingshu know that this level of attack can only cause a little obstacle to this terrorist creature, and it cannot form any essential damage.

Sure enough, as the psionic glare faded, the ruins of the attic ruined the king of the quintessence of the sturdy body step by step, a pair of cold apricot yellow scorpion flexible turn, looking at the evolutionary people in all directions.

“Sure enough, is it still?”

As a creature with basic logical wisdom, once, twice, three times, four times, five times, the same result has not been known for many times. This a base seems to be stormy and may be destroyed at any time, but each time it is only bad. So, through logic analysis, gradually, Yong Wang gets a result that makes him feel fearful.

This evolutionary a base is not as simple as it appears on the surface!

Think about it carefully, although I have broken into a base dozens of times, each time I am only entangled in the surface and the other side, what is the deep space of a base, I know nothing about it.

As if an invisible black hand behind the scenes, in the dark control of all this, the depths of the base, there must be some unknown secrets.

"If this is the case..."

call out!

The mediocrity is desperate to rush to the secret entrance of a base that has been completely determined in dozens of attacks, even if Li Yue and Shi Bing's desperately block, even if many evolutionary people attack like a storm, even if they suffer There are more traumas than ever before, and there is no retreat in the tyrannical body.

If there is any secret in this base, then it must be at the heart of the deepest part of the base.


Breaking through the metal iron gate, a group of low-level evolutionary soldiers tried to block, but they were crushed by the wind-swept tumor frog, and the corpse was everywhere.

At the end of the aisle, two psionic eight-legged self-propelled cannons appeared as if they were two large spiders. They rushed over the metal floor and the muzzle aimed at the invaders.

boom! boom!

In just a moment, the two psionic octagonal self-propelled guns braved the fire, completely distorting the scattered frame and turning it into two piles of debris.

Even if the tumor frog Yong Wang was attacked by Li Yue and Shi Bing, they still ignored it and continued to rush to a deeper base. The oily layer on the skin provided perfect protection for the Yong Wang and weakened the external attack to a minimum.


Another metal gate was broken...

One after another, the protection of the king is desperate to stop through ~www.novelmtl.com~ nearly 100 wounds, green blood exudes some fragrance, behind Li Yue, Shi Bingshu almost crazy pursuit.

Finally, a large-scale laboratory metal door opened at the corner, a seemingly mundane evolutionary man slowly came out from the inside, the base of the secret of the last guardian!


The tumor frog Yong Wang stopped his body.

Behind him, Li Yue and Shi Bingzhu led many evolutionary people to pursue and stopped, blocking the frog frog man Yong Wang in a narrow aisle.

Feel the unprecedented biological fluctuations, as if the sea is in front of you, the tall and strong body of the Yong Wang is hard to go any further, can not help but be low and excited: "Sure enough, this base hides the ultimate secret of the evolutionary, and you, is evolution Is the ultimate guardian of this secret?" (To be continued.)


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