A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 31 Chapter 1989: the Avengers

As time goes by, everything comes to life.

As the Diablo World Group and the Chaotic World Group were conquered by the wizards, the Wizarding Alliance expanded to three large world groups. Together with some small micro-world groups around it, they also discovered the scattered wizards and invaded and conquered them. Into the map, the influence of the wizards is expanding at an alarming rate.

Referring to the wizard, the first impression of the foreign creatures is full of aggression, powerful and incomparably mysterious, very creative, and accompanied by extinction and destruction.

A variety of strange powers stem from the power of the rules in their mouths, and derive witchcraft from them.

After a long period of erosion, the wizards have completely conquered the dark world group and the chaotic world group. They are some small worlds. With the deepening of the influence of a large number of new sacred sorcerers, they have also been formally incorporated into the alliance map. A large number of witches are pouring in, and various resources are continuously transported into the wizarding world by the merchants to support the huge resource consumption of the Demon Expedition.

To put it bluntly, the second-generation wizard king’s hunter’s expedition resource dispatching is much better than that of the early King’s sorcerer’s king. At least no longer, the super-smart sorcerer’s coin caused a possible financial crisis. The new appointment is gradually recovering.


The black witch king who sleeps in the world of the sorcerer's world is guarded by the guardian of the spring, and loses the support of the black domain. The savage and violent black witch king has no thickness of life dominated by normal circumstances, and has become the eternal sky city. The seal sorcerer generally has an infinitely enhanced six-level life body.

But because the Black Witch King is too strong, even if it is only a ruler without life thickness, it is by no means a terrible existence that can be ignored.

It's terrible, not only for his enemies, but also the wizarding world itself!

The northerly winds in winter have gradually subsided, the temperature has begun to rise, and the snow between the mountains has begun to melt, ticking, gathering into a stream, flowing down the mountain and blending into the ocean.

Once the hegemony of the humans and the seas, the war remains are still clearly visible, telling the tragic magnificence that has happened in history. Above the remnants of the war, the guardians of the spring look to the towering mountains, and the snow between the shadows of some gullies has not yet It melted completely, but as the old man walked lightly, the seeds that should have sprouted in the vicinity could wake up early and thrive at an incredible speed.

On the ruins of the desolate battlefield, there was already a green oil in the blink of an eye.

"The king of the early sorcerer's influence on the will of the Black Witch King is getting weaker and weaker. Up to now, there should be only some of the ultimate instinct of the wizard king. The control of the Black Witch King has been completely lost."

The guardian of spring muttered like this and stopped.

The front is the black witch king field, the desperate atmosphere of life and death, the oppressive nature of absolute violence, the sinister evil manifests overflowing, it is the rule influence of the guardian of spring is also difficult to advance, even if forced to encourage flowers and plants to sprout, Will die of death due to the influence of the rules of the Black Witch King.


While sighing, suddenly, the guardian of spring seems to be aware of what, the look has changed dramatically, looking up at the blue sky.

There is nothing in the clear, but the eyes of the guardian of spring seem to have passed through the blue sky, the water curtain, the world's clothing, the sacred mark protection circle, to the darkness and the void.

A horror creature hostile to the wizarding world is approaching the wizarding world!


The emptiness of the void, the emptiness of the void.

"The Wizarding World, this is the Wizarding World! The evil wizard, destroying my homeland, the soldiers of Lotva will retaliate to the last drop of blood in the body, hehe!"

This is a powerful soldier with brown-black skin. Although it is a humanoid form, the overall shape is an inverted triangle. The upper body is violent, the muscles are punctuated, the blue veins are exposed, and the hands of the black warhammer are even bigger than the skull, but the lower body is very Short, the whole life looks like an explosive force, and the powerful life is full of breath. It seems that every drop of blood has an indescribable vitality.

I don't know where this strong man comes from, and because of what is the enemy of the wizarding world, even alone to retaliate against the wizarding world, even if death is not too bad!

call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out……

As the birthplace of the wizarding civilization, the Wizarding World is the administrative center of the Wizarding Alliance. The defense is naturally not the same. Even in the relatively distant place, there are a large number of patrol servants, guarding day after day to prevent the closeness of those hostile.

The Vantage Quantum Technology of the Universe World has brought about tremendous changes in the war mode of the Wizarding World. The most significant change is the use of a large number of delta-wing unmanned attack aircraft instead of the spy shadow star wizard. Only one Skynet wizard is needed. You can control the entire army team.


Coincidentally, a Skynet wizard who is performing a patrol mission discovered the uninvited guest!

"Respected Nether Power, here is the scope of the Wizards World Security, please show your identity, stay away from the Wizarding World, or you will be met..."

The warning words have not been finished yet, and the warhammer has locked the time and space of this small-scale patrol patrol. The next moment, accompanied by the "banging rumble", the patrol squad consisting of ten delta-wing aircraft is easily Crush.


The warrior continues to approach the wizarding world, and the hostility is not disguised. It is to destroy everything in this world with his own hatred!

call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out……

Now the regional patrol squad has also discovered this emptiness anomaly, quickly assembled and sent an alert message to the back of the Void Guardian Fortress. It should have been a dark and dark void, and it was suddenly squashed by these little bees. The delta-wing attack aircraft illuminate, but waiting for them, followed by the "bang", "bang", "bang", "bang", "bang" into pieces and the fate of destruction ~www.novelmtl.com~ First level alarm! Repeat, this is not an exercise! First level alarm! First level alarm! Void orientation XY34588, KJ85788972378, GH22665, find unknown hostile creatures close to the wizarding world, please prepare for the war immediately! ”

In addition to the most peripheral regular patrol guards, there are a large number of fortress transfer stations between the St. Marks and the regular patrol guards, silently hidden in the void, as a berthing guard's mooring break, also immovable. Enlarged space fortress, with a diameter of about 50,000 meters, hundreds of spheres, surrounded by the wizarding world, and very close to each other.

咔嚓, 咔嚓, 咔嚓, 咔嚓.

After receiving the alarm, the chain of seven successive transfer stations had a chain reaction. After opening the mechanical door, one and another virtual-airship carrier in combat readiness appeared. It was faintly visible to see the busy wizards in the internal combat readiness. A large number of delta-wing fighters accompanied the flight, and the number was far from being comparable to the patrol squad. The virtual mothership barely paused and rushed to the warning coordinates.

At the same time, the holy sorcerers of the nearby St. Marks, the two holy towers, also received warning messages.

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