A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 31 Chapter 1990: Patrol guard

The Eight-ring Santa and the Sancha Santa Tower received the attacker's signal. Unfortunately, neither of the two true spirits were in the wizarding world.


The blazing light, only with a thin red yarn to cover the most critical parts, slender thighs and bare feet, playing in a small pool in the second ring of the Santa Valley, the hot and graceful posture pauses, the red lips whisper The words "enemy attack", first after a glimpse, the corners of the mouth under the flowing red lines, revealing a strange smile!

"How many years have elapsed since the Third Civilization War, the wizarding world has not dominated the invasion for many years, and the wizarding world, which is called the source of terror and mystery by people outside the domain, has always been the extremely dangerous world that the lords have avoided. Now it is Some people are looking for a dead end! Oh, I don’t know how many true spiritual wizards remain in the wizarding world. Unfortunately, Green is no longer a wizarding world. Otherwise, this kind of picking up a small one will kill one!"


Flame Phoenix crosses the graceful step and walks step by step. In the eyes of the summer guardian Mina, the pride in the eyes is not concealed. The long tail of the flames has reached the absolute control of the flame, and it is obvious that this flame is inside. The amazing heat, but where the fire and phoenix passed, the grass is still green grass, the soil temperature and the surrounding air have not changed at all.

The proud phoenix step by step went to Mina's side, and the head was clumsy on Mina's body, graceful and proud, and more surrender.

"No matter who the real wizards are, now the four guardians of the wizarding world are in existence, and together with the layered defense system that Green has carefully arranged to protect the wizarding world, even if there is no real spirit wizard, this one does not know how to live. There is also a very small possibility of being able to cross the rules of the third line of defense in the world to the rules of the fourth line of defense. However, the wizarding world is not easy to break the calm, not to join in the fun!"

Saying, the fire and the heart around him will lead the gods, and after a scream, they will merge with the rules of Mi Lixia, gradually merge into the sun, and rush to the sky, disappearing without a trace.


Beyond the void, every unknown violent warrior in the field takes a step toward the wizarding world and must deal with dozens of guards from all directions.

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom……

On the one hand, the violent warriors who dominated the field are the ripples of power on the body. In the future, the low-level attacks are smashed. In the far distance, the void will explode and explode. It is difficult to cause a fatal effect on it. It shines brilliantly on the other side. The violent warriors from the unknown world, each time the warhammer is thrown, the time and space lock direction will spread out radially, and a small team of delta wing fighters will be easily smashed into slag.

However, the number of these delta fighters is really too much. After being smashed by the extraterrestrial squad, they immediately swooped over dozens of other areas from the void. Although they could not pose a threat to the extraterritorial lord, they were bothered. bother.

call out!

The dark shadows are hidden in the darkness of the sky. With the ultra-long-distance AT position of the virtual mothership, it is striding across the wizarding world and constantly killing the horrific surrounding delta fighters. The warrior, tired of finally came to some interest, the darkness in the eyes was also illuminated by this AT stand gun.

"I finally got a look!"

Having said that, he could hear the disdainful tone. As the violent warrior murmured, he slammed his hammer in his hand.


The virtual airship AT power field cover is like a paper paste, and it is easily blasted by this unseen hammer. Then, with a dazzling fire, this shark-shaped virtual mothership with a length of about 2,000 meters will be hammered. In the segment, large and small fragments flew deep into the void, and some of the nearby delta wing fighters were also destroyed. For the lower wizards, it was a void disaster.


The warhammer returned to his hand again, and a rare moment in his ear, the violent warrior was generally screaming and grinning, revealing two rows of sharp white teeth, and the ring on the nostrils "ringing bells" sounded.

"Well? Where is the dominance, dare to let go in the virtual world of the wizarding world!"

This is a six-level sacred sorcerer who rushed to the scene. It seems that he was aware of the anomaly in the sacred mark. He came to explore, but he was shocked by the other party's control. He dared not go forward, but only threatened in the distant void.


A bright and long scream, the ray of light shone out, the face of the great sorcerer who had just arrived was changed, waving a magic wand and sending out a strange witchcraft, and after changing into an umbrella-shaped shield, each of its own pores There is a lot of blood stains in the air, and it becomes like a blood man in a blink of an eye.

Dominate the attack, even if it is just a random blow, but for this six-level holy sorcerer, even if this protective witchcraft is somewhat strange, under the power of dominance, it still supports even a moment, the light column is empty. The flow was dispelled by metal, and the umbrella witchcraft was instantly destroyed.

At this time, the great sorcerer with the help of protective witchcraft and short-term support, and finally succeeded in inducing the escape of witchcraft, the "咻" sounded into a **** spurt to the wizarding world, disappeared without a trace.

Outside the field, the dominant warrior locks in time and space.

call out!

At this time, another bunch of AT stand guns came.

The group of virtual motherships in the sacred world's guardian bastions rushed to the scenes, and these war platforms, which were controlled by a small number of wizards and a large number of intelligent robots, led the overwhelming delta-wing fighters.

Extending the left hand, the palm of the hand is like the most solid granite, showing a quaint gray-white color. After a short darkness gathers a dark ball of light, the sound ball is slamming toward the vacant virtual mothership AT stand. The direction spurred the past, there seems to be a gap in the gap between the two, the AT stand gun was swallowed up by the black ball, the entire virtual mothership "bomb rumbling" was buried in the sea of ​​fire, fragmented.

Qianlong rumbling...

Although for the lord, destroying the virtual mothership is nothing but a matter of course, when the extraterritorial lord saw hundreds of virtual aircraft carriers coming in from all directions, there were more virtual emptiness. The ship was hidden in the darkness of the sky and slowly rushed to the scene, not a little bit.

Obviously, he also noticed that after these orders were completely empty, the powerful and disciplined world was showing its terrible side because of its proximity!


"Super-power particle cannon storage preparation! Twenty-one percent! Twenty-two percent! Twenty-three percent! Twenty-four percent..."

Inside the Witch World Warfare Fortress Platform ~www.novelmtl.com~The Dark Matter Reactor is running at full capacity and shuts down all unnecessary energy-consuming equipment inside the Ball Fortress, concentrating all energy in the energy gun launcher, reducing unnecessary Energy loss.

The war is coming!

If the delta-wing fighter patrol unit and the virtual aircraft carrier battle platform wizard world have all achieved semi-automation, the outermost defense protection measures carefully designed as the king of the original wizards are also created in order to cooperate with the demon hunter plan. A large number of wizards are manipulative, and their importance is no less than that of the great sacred marks. Therefore, there are many elite wizards inside, and even if the frontline war is the most stressful, it has not affected this place.


Like the door of a prehistoric monster's teeth, it slowly opens, revealing a needle-like device with thousands of tiny spots, which is quite different from the traditional gun-tube launcher of the Wizarding World.

To nourish and nourish...

These tiny spots, each of which is a high-energy particle containing an amazing source of energy, can be activated at any time to exhibit its horrible destructive power. It is also one of the peak technologies in the field of energy research of Vantage Quantum Technology, adopted by Green Investment.

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