A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 31 Chapter 1988: Right in grip

Not to mention the intrigue of the Wizarding League and the Quanzu World Group, this unprecedented wizarding expeditionary army in the Wizarding World is under the auspices of the second generation of the Wizarding King, with an unprecedented rumble in the wizarding world, a strong attack!

In other words, in this era, the Quanzu world group is in the eyes of the Wizarding League, at most, it is another dark world. Perhaps it is slightly stronger than the Diablo World. The cohesion is far worse than if it is alliance with the wizard. Hard hit hard, but it is the stone hitting the stone, and even this single hunting demon expeditionary army has the ability to defeat the world of the ancestors!

At the same time, it is true that as the eternal Quanzu said, this Demon Expeditionary Legion is the essence of the wizarding world.

Booming rumbling...

Perhaps after assembling the stellar orbital gun, the side effects were over-modified under the condition of immature technology. When the eternal sky city advances in the void, it has issued a "booming rumbling" humming, which is not the dynamic structure. The stability caused by the concept is completely different from the original design of the World War Fortress command platform stability concept.

Like a metal world created by human consciousness, the pride of the long-time emphats of the wizards, the city of eternal sky carries too much history, with too many hopes, the wizards always make them stronger and more perfect. But in fact, there is never real perfection. When it is too strong, it gradually becomes bloated.

The majestic magic gathers to form the eternal sky city witch hood, and comes with a layer of AT force field cover, which is equivalent to the rules of the two-layer world made by the wizards, and stirs up the emptiness of the emptiness stars along the way of the eternal sky city. Broken to protect the security of the Wizarding Legion on the mainland.

Inside the eternal sky city protection cover, a space fortress with a diameter of 10,000 meters to a diameter of 30,000 meters, densely arranged in the air, like a **** moon, releasing the **** brilliance of the wizard's revenge, the heavy pressure overflows. With the city of eternal sky ahead.

Each space fortress is full of space airship battleships, and there is a ship with a length of more than 2,000 meters. The virtual mother ship is shark-like parallel, orderly, high and low, like a wolf group, waiting for opportunities, if it is in the vast void Encounter, the squadron of the virtual airship will be able to tear everything along the way into pieces.

As for the small number of small aircraft interspersed between the mainland and the space fortress and the virtual mothership, in the eyes of higher organisms, there are so many that they are automatically ignored.

"Free, really good."

The world tree has been replaced by a pair of elf girl faces, slender thighs under the leaf skirt, the looming between the branches, the youthful smile, the fate lever magic wand colorful radiance, perfect match with its appearance.

The world tree overlooks the bustling army in the city of Eternal Sky, watching the grazing between the hillsides, the wizards who breed domesticated monster slaves, and the war magical array training of the Demon Sorcerer’s Legion, although only the insignificant dynamics of the lower living beings, completely In accordance with the will of higher living creatures, I tried my best to influence the higher biological warfare pattern through lower organisms during the war, but this is an unspeakable happiness for the world tree.

Because there is no destiny lever in the hands of the magic wand, the world tree is unable to step out even one step, what a heavy sorrow!

"Well, let's go to the space fortress group behind us, la la la la la la la la la la..."

With a moving melody, the world tree flashes in time and space, and disappears without a trace. The city of eternal sky is followed by thousands of space fortresses and tens of thousands of virtual motherships, which are mighty and mighty.


On the mainland of the Eternal Sky City, the second generation of true spiritual wizards who mastered the truth set stared at the sky that the world tree had just disappeared, and the eyes were dignified.

Although I don't want to admit it, I have to admit that he mastered the truth suit and faced the world tree with the lever of fate. At most, the strength was flat. He never reached the state of suppression, far less powerful than the king of the early wizards.

On the one hand, the truth set itself, which has its own potential, has infinite potential. It is not just a single piece of fate lever magic can be compared, but it is the king of the original wizard who tailored it for himself, and he can only play a part of his ability. The increase did not reach the level of rebellion, and it did not coincide with the truth of its own truth.

On the other hand, the fate lever magic wand does not match the world tree attribute, but for the world tree, it is equivalent to the shackles of the rules that have been suppressed, equivalent to the world tree that has been in self-explosion and can move freely. How does strength increase the degree on the numbers?

In this way, together with the life characteristics of a real spiritual wizard and the world tree itself, the two sides are evenly matched and flat.

"Hey, the previous generation is also a bit of a force, so I tied such a monster firmly to the chariot's chariot. The existence of this level, a world community can come out to the limit, now it is a Surrounded by the ring, as a fulcrum of the wizard's incitement to the world, the world really is in the hands of the most intelligent people, and becomes the rule of play."

Absolute power has already made the second generation of true spiritual wizards completely addicted.

Originally thought to be a true spiritual wizard, the founder and leader of the mechanical wizard, one of the oldest wizards in the wizarding world, who thought that the wizarding world had no secret at all, even what he knew and influenced the wizarding world. I think that it will never be weaker than the king of the early wizards.

However, when he truly became the king of wizards, he knew that he had mastered the absolute power of the wizarding association. He knew how ridiculous he was, how arrogant he was, and the king of the first generation of wizards who created the truth suit. What a terrible!

The endless world, in the long river of history, is there such a horrible existence as the king of the early wizards, and how much?

"Since it has become a myth, it is good to live in mythology. This level of life, one is enough to make the endless world dimension form a quality vortex. Until now, it has not been excluded by the endless world, and it is also the king of the early wizards. It is only possible to go against the heavens, to make a fortune, and to penetrate the wisdom of the truth."

Said, the king of the second generation of wizards took the next round of metal Santa, leading to the core of the eternal sky city.

After a few hourglass hours.

Pumirosius, who is the core metal cube of the Eternal Sky City, looks at his mentor, once a true spiritual wizard, and now the king of the second generation wizard!


After the metal fire has turned, it transforms into a metal form with a distinct angle. In this vast open space, the sound reverberates.

The king of the second generation of wizards looked around in a circle, did not see the traces of the influence of other wizard rules, calmly said: "All are resting?"


Pumirosius said: "The last glorious moment of the Demon Expedition, although losing the thickness of life, but with the essence of the life of these true spirits, if it is enough in this isolated space, plus the energy reserves obtained in the universe. Technology, if you can get the most out of the war, these wizards are equal to the wizard version of the metal destroyer!"

"The metal destroyer energy reserve technology, I have also heard, is said to have very similar properties to the power of the annihilation of the king of the early wizards. The universe world is named dark matter reaction energy, you can actively make progress and absorb the legacy of the metal destroyer civilization, It’s also good. Right, I haven’t heard about the Skynet’s information report recently. Has it been completely eliminated in the chaotic world group? These bugs are very tenacious.”

Yi Shiyou, the king of the second generation of wizards for the seventeen rounds of true spiritual wizards, far less Green is as strict as the disciples.

"One after another, and then the three are annihilated ~ www.novelmtl.com~ Even if this Skynet will be a little special, in front of the wizard can not afford any waves, do not care about it, it should be to escape to the wild world. Our current goal is the Jagged River World Group. At the current speed, if there are no accidents in the middle, it will be reached after 1,500 years. There are no things for us for 1,500 years, but for those little wizards. I am afraid that I will die again. I will pay more attention to the follow-up training plan and the transmission of time and space."

Pumirosius is full of hunters and heroes for revenge. For the development of the wizarding world, he never asks, all for the final war, which is extremely powerful for the king of wizards who dominate the overall planning and development of the wizarding world.

"Well, you can rest assured."

When it comes to the follow-up development, the king of the second generation of wizards reveals a smattering.

I don’t know Chai Migui, but now he has become the king of the second generation of wizards, and finally realized the joy and hardship of the resources of the first generation of wizards.

It seems to be a solution to the sorrow, the second generation of the king of the wizards, a glimpse of the small light points of the thousands of stone world that are gradually drifting away from the emptiness, and the faint fluctuations of the rules of the world group, and sighed: "This time and space turn The station area is so beautiful, but it was a pity that the king of three generations of wizards and the king of four generations of wizards..."

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