A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 30 Chapter 1957: Deep recall (on)

The first thing you need to run for the king of wizards is prestige. . Fastest update

The so-called prestige, according to the current world standard of wizards, is to obtain the support of not less than one billion official wizards, three thousand holy witches and four true spiritual wizards, three conditions are indispensable.

The lower formal sorcerer has relatively little understanding of the real sorcerer. Although the quantity requires one billion, it is nothing compared to the total amount of formal sorcerers today. If it can be promoted through a large amount of resources with the help of the wizard family and the sorcerer, It is not difficult to get a billion votes on Sky. This is the easiest to achieve in prestige conditions. It is considered a popular offer for lower wizards.

As for the conditions of the three thousand mark marks, it is relatively difficult.

Although after the rules of the Green Wizards, the wizards of the wizarding world were merged, the competition between the different faction wizards was greatly weakened, but it was only the lower level of the wizards, but still in the field of the holy marks wizards. Residual consciousness, coupled with the sacred mark wizard's understanding of the true spiritual wizard is far more than the lower formal wizard, the resources will not be too scarce, will not waste some of their subjective votes because of some small profits, so can get the holy mark The wizard's prestige vote also indirectly symbolizes whether the sacred sorcerer has the strength to run for the next king of wizards.

This is also the goal of the two younger disciples, Hessian and the three disciples, Andre Seymour.

In the end, it is undoubtedly the most difficult for the King of the Wizarding Wizard to win at least four votes from the real wizard.

Between the wizards, the mutual understanding is extremely deep, the interests are extremely great, the development of thinking consciousness is inevitable, and the ideal goal is different. The most important thing is that while receiving the support of the real wizard, it means that the supporters will give up this. In the second campaign, the stakes are self-evident, and the number of candidates for the wizard's king is also idle, so this is the most difficult part of the wizard's king's prestige conditions.

If there is still a glimmer of hope in the condition of the second brother of the Green II disciple, there is no doubt that Andersemos is completely hopeless.

Outside, all the wizards in the wizarding world fell into a boil, and shouted for the election of the king of the wizard, for the glory of the wizarding world, but in the heart of the wizarding world, the whole body of the blue brilliance only left the right foot little finger, the last trace of the green is completely I gave up all the witches and waited alone.

While giving up these witch blessings, Green also avoided the influence of the endless world dimension square-shaped runes to the greatest extent. So quietly in the heart of the wizarding world, guarding the wizard's king truth set.

In front of Green's body, the small eight-eyes of the children's paintings were stunned, and the once-in-a-lifetime scorpion turned into a stiff and distorted children's picture, motionless.

"Little eight?"

After Green injects a blue brilliance into the body of the small eight, he tries to call the other party, and still does not get the corresponding. This is already unknown how many times Green tried.


Sighing, Green reached out and put Xiaoba back on his shoulder.

The situation of Xiao Ba is like a curse of the ancient wizards. The effect is to seal the self-consciousness of the creature in the depth of spiritual power, which is also the state of vegetative.

Any creature, consciousness and spiritual power are integrated. Spiritual power is connected with the endless world energy material, controlling the body's body, while consciousness is the essence of biology. A small segment of the choice of judgment based on memory determines the grid-like origin. Text.

If Xiao Ba is really the case, it is only the separation of consciousness and spiritual power. For Green, he is hand-to-hand, but the real problem is only much more difficult than Green imagined.

Because Green did not find the awareness of Xiaoba!

Is it that Xiaoba has a problem for some reason and is dead! ?

However, through the perception of the soul, Green can perceive that Xiao Ba is still alive. The biggest problem may be derived from the different life characteristics of Xiao Ba itself. Because it is the strange life created by Antonio, Green has considerable research on Xiao Ba. However, the deepest research is limited to the page of the fate that Antonio left in the body of Xiao Ba. So far, Green has not really figured out that Antonio left the true meaning of the letters of wisdom.

Involuntarily, Green recalled the scene of the page of destiny in the depths of the gap between the small eight.

At that time, according to Antonio's guidelines, Green reached the deepest part of the gap between the dimensions, which is also the belly of Xiao Ba.

The ordinary world of light and dark phantoms, as if it is a ghost, walks in the ordinary world, but can't make any changes.

As the little boy with white skin gradually became clear, I did not know why, and I had a feeling of incomparable absurdity.

I hate him very much!

"That aversion?"

Green, who kept thinking in the heart of the wizarding world, muttered, and still can recall that kind of disgust, just like when he first saw the little eight, then the self-important smug-stricken scorpion also made himself very disgusted, though After the two people have been running together, they adapt to each other and become harmonious. But if you want Green to find similar feelings, only these two feelings are very similar.

“Is it a mystery?”

It must be said that the truth of the truth of Green's exploration at this moment is already too mysterious and mysterious, close to superstition, similar to philosophy, has risen to plausible unwarranted speculation, the line between madman and genius.

While the blue-blue brilliance frowned, Green continued to recall the scene at the time, and Antonio stayed in the small eight-necked hint that the secret could not be expressed straightforwardly.

That kind of disgust, for no reason, seems to be just his own instinct, and even this disgust has risen to the level of hatred.

The white-skinned boy, about sixteen or seven years old, is not tall, his skin is very delicate, a pair of intelligent but timid eyes, as a wizard who lived for countless years, Green was almost instantaneous I will identify the inferiority of the little boy.

Seeing the boy’s inferiority complex, the disgusting hatred of his heart was even more obvious, and he couldn’t help but break out.

At that time, I closed my mind, opened my mind, controlled my emotions, tried not to let emotions affect myself, but looked at it calmly from the perspective of a bystander, waiting for Antonio to store the fate page here. After .novelmtl.com~ I found some exceptions myself.

Everything in the room, including the exterior of the room, this room should be in the four- to five-story building. Looking around, everything seems to be covered by a layer of gauze, not clear.

In addition to the little boy, including the clothes on his body, the pen in his hand, everything is a layer of illusion, can be perceived, but it is so unreal, like things in the meeting dreams, know their attributes, know their Use, know their function, but there is no specific image, because they have not really seen them, just the things they have imagined. In the world of thinking, they only need to know that they have their own subconsciousness and think it is reasonable. It is also said that it is likely to be a dream or a memory influence of others.

Only one thing is clear, that is, half of the paper written by the boy, which means that this paper has really appeared?

And this paper represents, this is the page of fate!

What is the relationship between the high and low latitudes that are linked through the page of fate, and let Antonio put the page of destiny in the illusion of the small eight belly. Is there any meaning of concealing the little eight?

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