A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 30 Chapter 1956: Not perfect

time flies.

The election of the second generation of wizards has become the top priority of the Wizarding League, becoming the absolute focus of hundreds of millions of wizards, countless alliances, and even the attention of extraterrestrial civilization.

In contrast, Green, the king of the last generation of wizards, seems to have faded out of people's vision and become history.

Influenced by the election of the second generation of wizards, many famous wizards have embarked on the return journey. After seeing Green for a short time, they began to build momentum in the wizarding world and collect enough prestige support for themselves.

It is worth mentioning that Green's disciple Andre Seymour also participated in the election. However, the prestige gap is too big. According to Green, unless you fully help, no matter how you operate, hope is too embarrassing. At most, you can only participate. Let's prepare for the election of the king of three generations of wizards.

In this sorcerer's world, the peak of the whole people, the king of the early wizards who should have been at the peak of glory, but unexpectedly deserted, from the shadow of the world of the wizarding world, the shadow of the behind-the-scenes.

Green has his own plan.

Breathing, breathing, breathing...

咕咚, 咕咚, 咕咚...

In the heart of the wizarding world, Green felt the melody of the will of the heart of the world, blending with his heartbeat melody, which in turn led to the spiritual blueness of the body.


Green immediately inserted the truth balance magic wand into the gap between the colorful time and space rules.

After unloading this famous magic wand with the name of Green, the light of the milky white balance that lingers around Green's body is gradually straightened, like a river of heaven, running through the material world and the illusion of the void.

Truth balance magic wand, stick body is a light of balance rules, used for the equivalence balance of active display, while the equivalence of balance has objective rules, the active right is on the operator, so the flexibility is greatly changed. .

As for the balance of the truth, the basic part of the magic wand head is the big world ball of the Gujac civilization's box-in-box refuge. It has the effect of forcing the sub-element and semi-sealing, and then it is transformed into the dimensional dimension ball by the combination of Green and the universe. With inexhaustible energy blessing, the power is amazing.

The head of the stick and the body of the stick are the rare worlds in the dimension of the endless world. The two understand the combination of Green's path to the wizard of the truth and truth, and the power is infinite!

As for Green, who used to find a similar addition to the world ball in the fairy field, it is relatively irrelevant.


Unlike the ordinary people think, Green will be weakened by the fact that he has put down the balance of magic wand and less blessing. At this moment, Green is a long breath, and it seems that he has unloaded the burden and relaxed a lot.

Then, Green opened the gap between the dimensions and took out the Book of Truth.

"The Book of Truth" has not turned from the wind, "哗哗啦啦", and the eyes of the three colors of the face of Green Truth swayed with the pages of the book. After a while, the sound of "嘭", "The Book of Truth" "Closed."

Beckoning, the heart of the Wizarding World has a platform out of thin air. It looks like there is no difference between the mentor's podium of the Witch Tower School. They are seamlessly spliced ​​together with natural marble blocks. Green puts the Book of Truth on it.

"The Book of Truth" is a psychic media witch that Green opened the forgotten world crack after recording success, and with the use of Green's dimensional gap seal, he has borrowed the memory of the forgotten world instead of the dimensional gap seal. Memory consumption, secondary turbulence dimension gap seal power.

In this way, it is no exaggeration to say that the Green Seal is the first person in the world of the wizarding world.

In the way of Green's growth, this piece of witch was also heavily infused by Green.

Soon, the figure of Green flashed, the most inconspicuous piece of truth set, the robe of appearance was taken off by Green.

boom! With the moment when Green completely took off his robes, he lost the rune of the Book of Truth for Lafite's wonderful time self-sealing, and the unprecedented energy of the horror was stirred up.

The darkness of life and death, from the cracks in the Huangquan boundary of the other shore, the shadow of Green's feet instantly expanded and expanded, and the roots of the darkness seemed to be the most terrible tentacles. After a pair of **** eyes opened, Huang Quan and Lafite Carrying an arrow, silently appeared behind Green.

I have to say that Green's efforts on the robe of appearance are far worse than the book of Truth, the balance of truth, the magic wand, and the truth. Although several are different performance witches, if they can In the vertical comparison mode, if the truth balance magic wand is judged to be one hundred percent, the robes of the appearance are at most ten.

Of course, even so, the performance of this weapon is far more than the general meaning of the witch.

At last!

After taking a deep breath, Green reached out his right hand and slowly unveiled the truth. The third eye on the forehead swayed and then closed, and the gray-white mask full of spiral lines was greened. A little revealing, it is accompanied by the fact that Green's view of the surface of the veil is gradually obscured by the appearance. Everything that is seen, the square-shaped rune is gradually restored to the elemental energy and the rule mystery, and then it is all things. The appearance, the heart of the world, is full of colorful and beautiful.

If Green's most representative witchcraft is, there is no doubt that this is accompanied by Green, who has grown from a low-level wizard to the ever-evolving truth.

Its insight into the autumn, its ability, whether it is a lower wizard or a true spiritual wizard, it is equal to uncovering the veil between appearance and truth, with the ability to directly understand the essence of truth, and this ability for the pursuit The wizard of truth as the source of power is almost equivalent to unlimited potential!

What's more, its auxiliary function is enough to minimize the mistakes and mistakes of the wizard and maximize the strength of the wizard!

After the truth suits were all taken off, the azure spirit of the Green's body surface became more and more splendid. As far as the essence of truth is concerned, Green is a reincarnation of the wizard's runes. At this moment, the endless world checkered origins are affected more and more. Low, the blue glory is getting more and more pure.

"It's still the last point!"

Mumbling, Green stretched out his right hand~www.novelmtl.com~ There are still some world's main nourishment in the ring of Tata's loss. After taking a deep breath, the influence of the square-shaped endless world's original runes has been reduced. The lowest Green, took the last step.


Even the horrible energy of the self-sealing burst is assisting Green, and the cells of the right foot are being soaked by the blue brilliance until the tip of the toe.

Three days later.

"Crying, snoring, snoring, snoring..."

While breathing, "Beep", the ring of Titan's loss was also taken off by Green.

The whole body is blue and the spirit is brilliance. At the same time, it looks perfect. When you look closely, Green's right-footed little finger still maintains the characteristics of flesh and blood, and does not complete the mental transformation.

This is because the Titan's loss ring itself is the endless world's original rune factor, affecting the evolution of Green's spiritual strength, but the removal of the Titan's loss ring, Green can not continue to add the final flesh and blood, this is a contradiction.

In the world, there is nothing perfect.

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