A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 30 Chapter 1958: Deep recall (below)

At that time, I was delighted to reach out and take it to the page of destiny, but I was surprised to wear it. I didn’t get anything, just an illusion?

Obviously it is because Antonio's letter of wisdom has not been read.

Later, I found some changes in the atmosphere of the room. I don’t know if it has anything to do with my own changes, because all the people and all the students are watching themselves!

No, not looking at yourself.

I noticed that what they were looking at was this figurative little boy. Some people covered their mouths and smiled. Some people continued to read the head of the book but turned to look at the little boy. Some people pretended to concentrate on reading books.

They are just a group of 16-year-old little guys, they are in an innocent age, enjoying the good, with endless energy, full of infinite unknowns, just like the Greens during the wizard apprenticeship, every day is happy and fulfilling. .

The world is so big, enough for a person to use his life to illusion its beauty.

Later, I noticed that I was standing behind a tall man without knowing it. I was watching the little boy’s handwriting on the page of writing the fate. Although I couldn’t see the specific face, I felt Green’s majesty!

This feeling, I have had, that is, during the apprenticeship of the wizard, Peranos looked at himself.

Looking at yourself with earnest eyes is extremely high for your own expectations. For this reason, often small insignificant mistakes are infinitely magnified in the eyes of your own Peranos mentor, and the requirements are more demanding.

For this reason, Green will inherit from the fear, the later dependence, the last gratitude, and the will.

Fortunately, Green is very strict with his own requirements, and has not been repeatedly reprimanded by Peranos.

At this time, the little boy, while other students were eager to read books, he was writing the page of destiny, and he was completely ignorant of the gloomy anger of the mentor behind him.

What will happen?

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Suddenly, the instructor slammed the boy’s desk and the boy who was writing the page of fate was so scared that he quickly collected the pen and turned to look at it. When the tutor was tall and mighty, he quickly stood up and wanted to say Something, but I don't know what to say, my lips are shaking, and my inferiority is more serious.

Note that the little boy wants to desperately put away the page of this fate, but he is held down by the instructor's sullen face. After the boy grabs it, he is finally taken over by the tutor.

Low and cold tone, what the instructor said, although Green can't understand his language, he can probably guess what it means to "follow me."

The little boy fears fear and despair, seems to be looking forward to what he is eagerly looking for, but he can't say anything.

The little boy sat in the back of the room, bowed his head, and followed the instructor silently. The tall tutor stopped at the desk aisle. At that time, he could feel the fear of the little boy, but after all, the tutor was in the middle. The girl pretending to read the book stopped next to her.

Green can't see the girl's specific appearance, but it can be felt faintly. This girl should be beautiful, but contrary to the hatred of the little boy, Green has a natural affection for the girl, the kind of affection, very strange, obviously I don’t know each other, but I feel very cordial, just like a memory of first love.

The instructor said something low, the little girl was unclear, so he stood up and followed the mentor and boy to leave the lecture hall.

"Hee hee hee……"

"Ha ha ha..."

Green is in front of the door, looking at the children who are going to be happy after leaving the mentor, boy, and girl. It seems that they already know the reason why the mentor and the sorcerers called them away. They talked about each other and danced, how can they read what they read, and the black world of the wizarding world? The lecture hall of the Sota Sorcerer College is a far cry.

Later, I followed the room where the mentor had entered the boy and the girl.


When he entered the door, Green saw the instructor who was angry and rushing to the crown. He was crying and roaring, the girl was crying, it was so helpless, and the boy was pale, and he didn’t know what to do, just staring at the tutor, his face Pray, weak and humble, no opinion.

In the illusion, the instructor looked at the little boy who hated the iron and did not become a steel. He couldn’t help but think of the original attempt to rescue Lafite. He once prayed for the mentor of Peranos, which was a wrong decision and was a violation of the Seventh Ring Santa. Peranos also knew this, but still agreed to Green rescue and gave the necessary help.

This is also the case, during the Green Advancement of the Holy Witch, there was no limit to the slaying of the sacred, and the soul of the sacred mark was directly condensed.

At this time, the practice of this instructor is likely to be the opposite of the original Peranos.

The instructor looked at the little boy with a heartache, but chose to give the girl the page of destiny in her hand. The girl cried and tore the page of fate into a few days and then discarded it. She cried and ran out of the room, leaving only insatiable inferiority. Awkward, desperate little boy.

Then, the light of wisdom disappeared, and in Green's gaze, everything began to dissipate and re-degenerate into the light of wisdom. Everything is disappearing, returning to the unknown darkness, but only that one is full. It seems to be the page of the destiny of the endless world paper scroll rule rune, and stayed.

This is the entire contents of the time and space letters that Antonio left, and he still remembers it. In Green's opinion, Antonio's reason for leaving time and space letters in the belly of Xiao Ba is probably also an extremely important clue. Those phantoms are very It may be that Xiao Ba’s memories or even experiences, but I don’t know who Xiao Ba represents who is inside. www.novelmtl.com~ is a little boy, a little girl, a tutor, or a background classmate who knows how to do this. What use?

"If you can know the real origins of Xiao Ba, but how to get Antonio..."

Green continued to ponder through these broken clues. The closer he was to the illusion, the more reasonable he felt. With Green's muttering, suddenly, Green thought of something.


At the beginning, Green was able to get the little eight, but the handkerchief through Millie!

Millie probably knows something deeper, but for some reason she didn't tell herself!

There is also my own strangeness. Whenever I am in a coma, I always call Ye Ye, but I don’t have much involvement with Ye Ye. I can forcefully explain the relationship between myself and Xiao Ba’s soul, but it is too far-fetched. And, after each coma, the more times the shouting leaves are, is it being strengthened by the influence of Xiao Ba?

Now think about it, maybe there is some secret. r

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