A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 30 Chapter 1955: "Panlong" dimension (below)

“You claim to be from a dimension called Panlong, then I ask you, why is your life information element a square-shaped rune of the endless world dimension?”

The words of this unknown living body, whether true or not, in the fear and yearning for the truth, all show the wisdom of a wizard, observe the other side with calmness and wisdom, and attempt to pry into useful clues from the other side. Discover the essence of each other and add your own insights. . Fastest update

"Endless world dimension rune checkered runes?"

The book of mystery muttered, but said: "It's awkward. Right, you are still not living in this dimension. You don't know the name of the dimension. It doesn't matter. Seeing your appearance is not too long in this dimension. Time, telling you is no problem, this will speed up the accumulation of your main protagonist factors. Your dimension is called "The Wizarding Journey". As for the square-shaped runes you said, sorry, although the creation of higher latitudes There are many kinds of God's writings, but the creation gods of the Dimensions of the Panlong and the Journey of the Wizards come from the same civilization, so as you can see, I am also the square-shaped rune that you said. Otherwise I will not come to this dimension."

The Wizarding Journey dimension! ?

This feeling, this strange feeling is like Green who has never been to the East Coral Island, but it is ridiculous to hear the world name of the world of Bisser.

As for the so-called protagonist theory, Green has heard about the civilization of causality, and has studied it a little, and did not care, even because of his full cognition, his own life characteristics, even in a short period of time. It is not impossible to be the protagonist in the endless world dimension.

"You said before, the "Panlong" dimension and the endless world dimension... Well, as big as the "Witch Tour" dimension?"

After knowing from the other side that the two dimensions are parallel dimensions, Green's tentativeness continues to ask.

"No, no, no, even now, the dimension of "The Wizarding Journey" is only a medium dimension. There is still a considerable gap compared to the "Panlong" dimension! In the heyday of the "Panlong" dimension, "Witcher's The dimension of Brigade has not even been born. Even if it is born, it is simply a sesame next to watermelon. It is insignificant. But now, the dimension of "Panlong" has been affected by the creator or the creation of the gods at a higher latitude, and has dissipated a lot. The "Witch Tour" dimension is still in the growth stage, and the background rules of the two dimensions have many similar factors, so I will take a look."

After the completion of the "Dragon" dimension gap black hole, he went on to say: "Don't be surprised, the black hole of your dimension has also come to the "Panlong" dimension. The so-called dimensional gap is so vast and infinite, grotesque and interesting, imagine is unlimited."

The black hole of the imagination space of this dimension has also been to the Panlong dimension?

“We are parallel dimensions? How do you distinguish?”

For the time being, Green could not find the evidence of the other party's rebuttal and continue to tentatively ask.

“I can reach your dimension and try to associate the two dimensions of factors, creating countless possibilities. This is evidence, what evidence do you want?”

Green also felt that there was something wrong with this question. He changed the way and asked: "So, what is your way to prove that you are from another dimension?"

"Oh, as long as you promise to leave this dimension with me, get rid of the unique nature of the conditions set for you, let higher latitude creatures think that you reach the limit of the dimension and then go to infinite association, you can naturally verify my words. ”

Green thought about it and said nothing. "So, how much do you know about the creation gods and higher latitude creatures?"

"Don't bother with it, they are two very different dimensions from us. Although we can influence them through some rules, it is only a little bit insignificant. How much can you learn from those experimental specimens?" We at most affect their behavioral judgments on certain things, just like a whimsy, just like... Just like listening to stories, can you understand my metaphor? As for us, they look like them. When people look at the outside of the painting, the gap between the dimensions is the ink and ink, our limit."

The explanation for this mysterious existence, in addition to making Green more desperate, has no other help.

Green is not willing to say: So, in addition to my "Sorcerer Journey" dimension, what other dimensions do you have in the "Panlong" dimension?

"Oh, huh, huh, that's too much, just like your endless world, endless, constantly forgotten, new and never-ending, and the speed of our people is too short. The endless dimension, ninety-nine percent of the dimensions are not completely formed because of the lazyness of the creator or other reasons. In fact, the dimension of your "Sorcerer's Journey" has not yet been completely formed, but the complete rules have been completed, and the latter is also completed. It doesn't matter, so let me see if I can take the only factor in this dimension now."

Green is silent again, and the mysterious book is a little impatient. He continues: "We have different latitude contacts that can't last too long, because it will cause higher latitude biospheres that don't focus on two dimensions at the same time. Great dissatisfaction, this will feedback to your creator, things will become very serious, and it may cause some unnecessary rule changes. OK, tell me soon, willing to finish..."

"Of course not willing!"

Green's firm answer, let this book that lingers around the phantom of the butterfly stop and continue to ask questions.

Greenway: "If the struggle of life, the infinite pursuit of the truth and truth, is only a phenomenon of dimensional gap, become the imagination of the higher latitude creatures in the gap of dimensions, why is the hardship of the wizarding road? No, I am not I think that your endless world dimension is the same as your "Panlong" dimension. I don't agree! No matter what means you use, please leave now and lift the time and space effect here, otherwise I will use force!"

For this kind of answer, the mysterious book is no stranger~www.novelmtl.com~ you will come sooner or later, this is fate. You don't understand the indifference of the Creator, the ultimate goal of creating the world and enriching the world, just for the pleasure of other higher latitude creatures, to accomplish things that are difficult to accomplish at high latitudes in the low latitude illusion, to satisfy their own Unlimited desire + hope, for those who created the spiritual support and living materials. And you, but a plaything, a skeleton in a cage, a short-lived spiritual sustenance, a code under the creator, intelligence, ambition, restraint, persistence, repentance! Goodbye, wait for this dimension to end completely, and how many higher latitude creatures still care about you? Compared to the influence of the "Panlong" dimension, you will be forgotten forever. ”

After that, this mysterious book disappears.


At the same time, Green's entourage wizards inadvertently whispered, how did they enter the messenger's hall for a moment, the messenger of the ancient world of the voice disappeared?

While looking for the messenger, everyone looked at the king of the early wizards.

At this moment, Green's face is not good-looking. After seeing everyone looking at himself, he said: "A imaginary creature posing as a sham, I was escaped after I saw it."

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