A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 30 Chapter 1948: Xianyu 0 years

After a hundred years.

Still immersed in the lush and fairyland debris exploration, I can't extricate myself. Xiaowei and Xiaoyun show a smile full of faces. A true spiritual wizard, Silvana, is also very rewarding, and has completed the expected goal. Flashing staring at the ancestral spirit of the ancestor in the hand, showing some accidents.

This charm, the yellow symbol, the red handwriting, although it is only a few simple strokes, and seems to be very sloppy, but it is constantly squirming, like the scent of the fairy spirit, the perception of the truth and the surrounding square The original runes are in sharp contrast and are incompatible.

This charm is really unusual.

In the past 100 years, a group of people such as Green have explored the shards of this fairyland world. There are more than 20 sects of Xianyu sects that have been directly or indirectly explored. Some of them are more than the sacred world. However, this is only the remains of Zongmen. The grandeur of its heyday has become a fascination for thousands of people in the lower bounds.

"Hey, how is this characteristic of this fairy tales and the fate of the page? What are the characteristics?"

Xiao Ba asked on the shoulder of Green's shoulder.

The index finger and the **** are sandwiched with the charm, and Green calmly picks up the charm. After thinking for a moment, he replies: "Although it also involves the mysterious power of higher latitudes, the page of fate is the will of the 'truth of truth'. These charms are the mysterious powers of the higher latitudes artificially shaped by the immortals. In contrast, these immortals are indeed better than the wizards in exploring higher latitude forces."

Speaking of this, Greenton paused and added: "One is to curse with the help of the truth and the destiny of the truth. One is to use the higher will to bless themselves. It depends on their different purposes. The strength is not good enough. But breaking this charm, only It is the seal of a part of the mysterious power of the so-called ancestors, and the power of the mysterious power of the original ancestor should be a lot worse."

At this moment, Green et al. is floating in the middle of a mountain where it is no longer a ruin. This is the place where the skin of the skin is the deepest, and the mountain village where the immortal once lived.

It's hard to imagine that this ancestral master's charm was found in a room that was broken and like a broken temple. However, since the long era, the small temple has not changed at all, so it is obvious that the small temple is extraordinary.

In addition, the so-called mountain village is long gone.

The reason why the relics of the Immortal Zongmen can be preserved is because of the incomparable materials used in the construction of the Xianren Zongmen and the protection of the ancient array. Even if the years go by, the digest of the endless world dimension is the most difficult to digest. Metal bones remain in the endless world, but these mountain villages are not as lucky.

Do not say that the long-term era, some mountain villages if it is abandoned for a hundred years, it is completely disappeared, the reason why the painted skin can lead everyone back here, the full name of the stone in the left unknown unknown magic, the information coordinate circuit map imprinted into her memory .

This is the so-called mountain village, the space is in an extremely unstable and weak state. Occasionally, the space crack is like a sharp edge. The material energy will be easily cut into pieces by the passage of time. The space here has already been digested, flowers and trees. Basically, it has disappeared, leaving only some moss on the stone wall of the mountain fault, tenacious growth, revealing the stubbornness of life.

"Shi Bo, let's explore to find other sects, or go back and open the sarcophagus? Or continue to discover the nine flames and phoenix bones before? And the eye of Lingtan, if you can find a way to use the eye as a fairy We can even change the wizarding world and turn it into a rule and be promoted to a true spiritual wizard! This treasure map we only have fragments, the Tongtian Ding recorded above must be..."

孽云神采奕奕 asked, only a hundred years of exploration in the district, under the leadership of Green, the omnipotent wizard king, any forbidden land is invisible, so this harvest has found that it has far exceeded the imagination of several people. .

Even a ring of true spirits, Silvana, did not think that under the leadership of Green, who could easily open the ban, the trip was so fruitful that he once had a total harvest in the small fairyland.

Green calmly said: "Look at the area of ​​this jade jade, there are more than one hundred large and small sects. It takes a lot of time to explore all of them, and it is very likely that it involves other things. After all, the secret here is not Less. The rules of the eye can indeed be the way to promote the true spirit, but its intensity is at best the minimum rule of the wizarding world. The nine-headed flame bones are only a weak eight-level creature at birth, extracting some bones as specimens. Research can be done, there is no need to explore all. As for Tongtianding..."

Silently sighed, Green shook his head and said: "It is time for us to go back compared to these uncertainties. Even with the omnipotent clues that I left in the material energy world, I feel the tens of times of time. If there is no such clue, I am afraid that it will be more than a hundred times. If you are addicted to it, we will be digested by the endless world together with this piece of world."

Hearing Green said, Jin Yun, Silvana, and little pity have revealed regrets.

"Yes, this trip has been more than expected. It is indeed time to leave. If you don't say anything, just say this mountain seal, although it is a fairy that is driven by Xian Lingli, but its power is strong, 哼Hum hum!"

It can be seen that a true spiritual wizard is satisfied.

"Walk and go, my grandfather suddenly felt uneasy, and it didn't matter much. I was so annoying. Go back and see what happened!"

Green comforted and touched the clouds and little pity, and said to Silvana: "It is difficult to come in. It is easier to go out, but we need to minimize the loss time. You should try to find clues to climb the sky."

"it is good."

After Hill’s good night promised, the old witch extended her arm, and a green vine in the sleeve gradually grew out, and quickly merged into the neutral space and time, stretching to the unknown.

At the same time, Green's balance of magic wand slightly waved, and the milky white spot that lingered around the body vacated, bright and beautiful, beautiful, shrouded everyone.

"That, then... me?"

The skin is weakly asked.

Just like sometimes, Xiao Ba doesn't know that he is a children's drawing. At this moment, the painting skin does not know. He has become a group of inks, which are separated from the human skin and become an illusory existence similar to the imagination of the dimensional gap. Not a unique creature in the fairyland.

"You have gained freedom."

Green has been thoroughly researched on this illusory creature. In the past 100 years, he has also collected a lot of strange things in the fairyland, and lost his interest in collecting his collection as a specimen.

A few days later.


Difficult to open up the cracks in time and space, it is still Green to do its best to protect a few people, a colorful strip of light across all sides, each light spot represents a world rule of time and space, forming a twisted vortex, several people are like a time and space vortex slide The villain, in addition to Green, the rest of the people who are free to slide in the slide will be easily lost, and the endless world will be digested as a residue.

Under the face of Green Truth, the three colors of light flashed, and the milky white spot of the whole body extended a tentacle, and the light of these worlds was used as a stretch to find the wizarding world.

Of course!

A more dignified, unclear red smoother, several of which are more powerful will perceive Green, and at the same time, Green also perceives the Wizarding World.

Because of the relationship between the climbing and the vine, Hill Goodnight also noticed that it was different, and exchanged a brief will for Green: "It is a nightmare world."

The world of dreams under the control of thousands of nightmare worlds, to control the real world creatures, to build civilization, is a very ancient and distant strange and illusory world!

Even a piece of nightmare that has been out of control of the nightmare can be attached to the alien by chance, establishing a nightmare alien civilization, causing life and death to the ancient and weak wizarding world at that time, so the wizarding world in the third civilization war Have had contact with ~www.novelmtl.com~ even the Black Witch King personally entered this illusory world, but it is still a king of the ancient nightmare, but still not disturbed, in a deep sleep.

But this time, Green can easily perceive that the kings of nightmare have awakened!

And the reason they wake up is...

"Hello, hahaha, you are finally back. If you can make the nightmare fit into the nightmare rules, and then combine the unique blessings of the wizard's world element rules, the subtle difference between the two, I will also promote the eight-level creature. Get the Eternal Almighty Spirit!"

It’s a **** rain, screaming in arrogance, full of excitement, greed, and eagerness. He asked Green for hope to reconnect the two worlds and launch a war.

"Maybe, we should eliminate misunderstandings and avoid unnecessary wars..."

At the same time, the will of a king of unknown and powerful nightmare was tentatively contacted by Green.

However, due to this distorted time and space channel, Green could not make an effective response. After finding the wizarding world and determining the direction, the familiar rules met.

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