A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 30 Chapter 1947: Pattern (below)

Abyss world group.

It is difficult for the outside world to count the world group. They are trembled and feared for the abyss civilization. They are transformed into the most evil and horrible darkness. They overlook all the civilizations that their eyes are in. No civilization can fight against it alone.

It is precisely because of such a strong, everything in the scope of the abyss civilization is so incomprehensible.

"The Alliance of the Beasts, the Promise of the Promise, the World of the Evil Dragons, the World of the Springs, the Civilization of the Suihua Division, the Civilization of the Jagged River, the Broodel Civilization, the Sanskrit King Kong Civilization, the Voidwalker Civilization, the Plane Monitor Civilization, the Nightmare Civilization , Mussel World Group, Chaos World Group, Nanzhao Head Association, Frost Devouring Beast, Wild World Group, Wizard Civilization, Chaos World Group, Diablo World, Jiudou Civilization, Fog and Civilization..."

Oh la la!

A large number of colored pieces were picked up by the unknown ancestor, and then fell from the dark and slender six-finger gap. The face was flat and there were no facial features. It seemed to be a petal-like sensation in the surrounding world with sound waves and will. The giant mouth emits Sen Hansheng sand, which is sent from the depths of the throat behind the rows of sharp teeth.


The flag representing the world of the wizard is crushed by the ancestor!

Looking at it again, the demon ancestors had only one arm, and for some reason, the other arm seemed to be cut off from the air. The broken wall was strange and the purple light flashed. The abyss ancestor with the omnipotent soul could not Regenerating a new arm, this seems to be an incomparable powerful curse.

"In this century, the actual control area of ​​our abyss world has dropped by 0.54 percent. If we continue to do so, we will not be able to use two eras. The abyss civilization will be swallowed up by these many civilizations driven by the whole dimension. Admit it, your void plan has failed, and we have to start the journey of the new dimension as soon as possible. That is the only opportunity and the fate of all the peak civilizations in this dimension."

Next, another ancestors said calmly.

"Do not!!"

The hysterical roar, the one-armed ancestors' legs are like frogs, and the movements are only completed in an instant, and people can't help but feel a groan, it seems to be only an illusion, so floating from the sitting position to the air.

"We are only temporarily declining the offensive. A new batch of elite dragons are gestating. Soon, soon we will be able to organize a larger attack and complete our dream of connecting the endless world together. This dimension is called the abyss. !Evil evil, evil spirits!"

Anything encroached by the abyss world will inevitably be polluted by the abyss and complete the abyssal change. This is what the abyss devotees envisioned, connecting the endless world together, completing the deepening of the endless world, and also the vertical and horizontal void!

The magic ancestors laughed and resounded.

"You still think about those dragons? Compared to the dragons, the civilization alliance called by this dimension is growing even more amazingly. We are not only the public enemy of these civilizations, but also the objects they are about to eat, even the wizards we defeated. Civilization can re-emerge and join the rebel army. It is hard to imagine that there is nothing else to do in this dimension. Now it is the reappearance of those civilizations that should have died in history. I am not surprised."

This abyss demon ancestor, who gradually stood up in the dark magic fog, should have spread a face and a whirlpool eye!

When this whirlpool eyes slowly opened, from this alum, people seemed to see the moment when the world first opened, and the big explosion of thinking was also become whimsical.

This eye is the eye of whimsy. It can experience the existence of this power, and most of it has become history.

"From the beginning of the infatuation, the origins of the abyss, the origins of the abyss, and the abyss of the abyss, and the abyss of the abyss, and the abyss of the abyss, have been accompanied by miracles, and there has never been any real opponent. This dimension has a myriad of epoch history. Most of the powerful civilizations have chosen the door of the dimension, eager to master the power beyond this dimension, and rewrite the dimension history. Not to mention whether they have success, or this is the ultimate pole of this dimension. One of the ways to digest, but at least I have gained a glimmer of life, and what I see from your vain vision is just endless desperation."

The two ancestors represent the two pursuits of the Abyss civilization and the Dimension of the Dimension!

Control the power beyond the dimension, and the qualitative change, it is like many beautiful people in the picture dress themselves, one of them is re-rendering with the outline.


Suddenly, the mysterious figure of the two former ancestors who had never argued before, after hearing the desperate talk, suddenly murmured, seemingly filled with inexhaustible ridicule.

"Your roads are still being explored. They are all hopes of the abyss civilization. Never let go of despair! Speaking of despair? What are you experiencing? What is the real desperation of the path of infinite microscopicity? Why? Put your hands on your feet and hide yourself in an attempt to avoid the real despair..."

The abyss civilization began in the abyss moss, originated from the infinite microscopic, which is the oldest and powerful ancestor of the abyss civilization, but the outside world almost never knows it.


The abyss of the abyss, the number of ethnic groups is not much compared to the wizard or other ethnic groups.

Every adult abyssal demon has a three-pole peak life intensity, and beyond the imagination of tenacious life and all kinds of strange ability, when it has enough territorial resources to launch the abyss call, the power of hundreds of millions of abyss dragons is enough to fight The owner of the lower world, this is the strength of the abyss civilization!

It can be said that every abyssal demon is a world-class creature.

Although it is said that the process of civilizing is the endless **** and civilization, but the words of so many world leaders can affect the battlefield initiated by any dominance.

These are the so-called underlying forces that can change the process of civilization in the conventional sense, and ultimately they need to be dominated to launch.

Among the dozens of battlefields opened up by the abyss of the abyss, the most famous of the larger battlefields, the battlefield of the time and space of the tri-family.

The tri-family alliance is the alliance between the Suihua division, the Jagged River and the Broodel, and the other side of the door against time and space to reach the battlefield in the hinterland of the abyss!

And this so-called tri-family alliance, the real joining of the war is far more than three civilizations ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ and not to mention some unrelated legacy civilization, such as the Voidwalker civilization, and several micro-world groups forced to join There are several large-scale world groups that are only invited by the three-legged, and there are wizard civilizations that the Xinghe River civilization strongly invites.

"The wizards, haven't they promised to join the league?"

The 12th Iron King, asked in the death star conference room, a group of elders stood up.

"We are still waiting for the news over there. According to intelligence information, the ruler of the Wizarding League is not in the real world. It is said to explore the memory world of a predecessor wizard to obtain a lost witchcraft. I don't know if this is the case. But one thing is certain, the wizarding civilization is swallowing up the communities around the world and will soon grow into a powerful civilization that spans three world groups."

Other iron age elders read threats, those originated from the inner fears and jealousy, but the 12th Queen of the Iron and Blood in this moment of life and death, but did not know what considerations, actually told: "Tell the messenger, The counterattack is about to begin, and if the Wizarding Alliance is finished, it will lose the right to distribute the abyss."


Four pyramid-shaped Death Stars accompanying each other slowly descended into the void.

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