A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 30 Chapter 1949: Wizarding era


The breeze blew, and the clouds of high-altitude elements gradually spread into a horrible vortex of vast potential. Such a vision naturally alerted many wizards in the following cities, or boarded a mechanical spaceship, or rode a flying carpet, or floated out of the air. The little wizards were horrified and looked up at the vortex of such a magnificent element suddenly formed in the sky, and the horrible time and space fluctuations in the center of the vortex eye were amazing!

Not only the nearby guardians emerged from the disguised animals, plants, and ordinary wizards. The emergency hunters of the civilized wars also heard the news and notified the nearby Santa Tower in the first time.

call out! call out! call out! call out!

Naturally, it is the Green Four who caused such a astounding vision.

The cents of the sacred domain have been in the past 100 years, but the outside has passed thousands of years. At the moment of coming out, the souls of several people are also diluted by the endless world and are being digested by the balance rules.

Difficult to break from the space and time diaphragm, in addition to Green is relatively flat, a ring of true spirits Sylvana is full of gasps, and even the show in the show Tennessee tentacles also withered, smashed down, and Xiaoyun and Xiao Pity is even more embarrassing, the skin burns like a living person, after taking the prepared medicine, the force of the element is being tried to repair, and even the strength of a sentence is gone.

It is also the mountains and the sea, the vegetation is lush, but the strangeness and tranquility of the fairyland is suppressed by the oppression of the endless world. Nowadays, hundreds of millions of small wizards who have vacated the sky have added too much to the world. Prosperous, let a few people who have just separated from the fairyland feel warm, not as cool as the fairyland.

call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out……

Soon, in addition to thousands of ordinary wizards floating above the horizon, they are admiring, the emergency hunting squad and the world guardians have vacated, close to Green et al. After easily confirming the identity of several people, everyone can't help but turn into a surprise exception.

"This, this... this is the king of the early wizards, a true spiritual wizard!?"

Although a few people's information has been clearly revealed from the crystal ball light curtain, even from the wizard's will perceived by the world's guardian, it can be confirmed from the circadian rules that are clearly gathered in all directions, but suddenly and intuitively see the wizard world in the world. The first person, who is almost equal to the existence of myths and legends, still makes everyone feel unprepared, even some low-level hunting wizards feel that they can't breathe.

This is the king of the early wizards who were educated by myths since they were born!

Soon, they represented the Wizarding World Guardian and the Emergency Hunting Demon Squad, and they came to the Green Four.

"The great king of the early wizards, the illustrator of the truth and wisdom of the wizard world, I feel a lifetime honour to see you!"

"I have seen the ultimate guardian of staying up late!"

After the night, Green and the two wings gathered under the glory of all sides, gradually forming a pair of wings with the radiance of the sun and the moon, extending from the holy milky white light surrounded by the side, and the three-color light was skipped from the low-altitude sorcerer. I also watched the gathering of seven or eight hunters of flying squad, and the vortex of the vast Thousand Miles behind it was just like the beginning of it, and it disappeared without any reason.


Green looked at the two.

The guardian of the world is an image of an elk. The antlers are covered with blue moss and the deer eyes are moist. It should be in the cold area for a long time. There are some flower spots on the buckskin, which seems to be in the thorns for a long time.

As for the demon sorcerer, it is enveloped in an advanced white mech, surrounded by several small flying aids.

Both of them are level five sacred marks, and now Green is randomly returning to the wizarding world, and it is almost unimaginable to quickly launch such an emergency corps in such a short time.

"Well, these two wizards suffered some injuries while following me to explore a relic. You are responsible for sending them to the Witch Tower for cultivation. Now I need to deal with some wizarding world events, I can't sign them, and I bother." ”

Being politely requested by the king of the original wizard, the two felt that they were immersed in endless happiness.

In the eyes of the lower wizards, the Green at this moment is a milky white light source that illuminates like the enlightenment of the mystery of truth, the spokesperson of wisdom in the world, the original source of the wizard, and the myth of the world.


Xiaofu and Xiaoyun followed the hunting wizard who wore the mech, and flew weakly to the fast-reaction aircraft of the delta wing fighter.

"About the nightmare, you are responsible for proper handling. If you can resolve the contradiction through communication and dialogue, the wizarding world does not mind asking for compensation for the time being. After all, those illusory worlds are too far away. In contrast, compared to these old hatreds. The hunting expedition is more important, and I am responsible for the **** rain."

Silvana calmly said: "Cang Tianteng is losing too much. I am afraid that the delicate links between the two worlds have become unstable. Therefore, the future pattern of the two worlds still depends on the **** rain. I try my best. Having said that, with the strength of the current wizarding world, you are not afraid of any war. Under your leadership, the Wizarding World has the ability and confidence to deal with all threats!"

With a slight smile, Green shook his head slightly.

"Unexpectedly, the fourth civilization war has ended. It is also time for us to abdicate the sage and elect the second generation of wizards by the wizarding world. After all, there is no real eternity in this world, the wizarding world can only With continuous development, I am gradually unable to adapt to this new era of wizarding."

From the various hunters and the thousands of planes on the ground, Green knows that the fast-developing wizarding world has been thoroughly integrated with the world of science and technology, and this old antique, for these sorcerer eras that have developed from the bottom up, It is too old and backward, and still uses the wisdom and wisdom of the older generation of the ancient wizards.

For Green to evaluate himself, Silvana looked stiff.

Although he also knows Green's plan for the King of Wizards, he also believes that Green will abide by the rules of the Wizarding King set by himself, but never thought that the King of the Wizards would personally admit that he was "expired" and "can't keep up with the times."

Greene had a deep look at Silvana and said: "Although you have unique accomplishments in the study of Xianyu, you are also in the face of the development of the wizarding world. At the same time, you have become a new generation of wizards. The stumbling block of development has become the peak they want to cross and exceed. If you don't want to be kicked off by the times, let's put down your rights and hand it over to the people below."

According to Green, Silvana certainly knows that Green is referring to it, it is Yunyun and Xiaoshi.

"Mom, this stinky woman is actually playing with the Eight Lords, and I am sure that I am playing mahjong with those cosmic people. Hey, I am her bird!"

Xiao Ba complained of complaints, it seems that it was because the leaf was not connected.

"You guy, go talk to Ye Ye, now you are not as happy as ever, don't lose your cherish because of the old wife."

"Know it, you know, you have to be taught."

Xiaoba is not angry.

Green is saying, through the guidance of the soul, a group of blood fog gradually gathered into a whirlpool around Green, the time and space fluctuations, the **** raindrops from the sky ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ gradually gathered into a **** rain.

"Ontology, you can count it back. I have found the nightmare coordinate cues of the nightmare, but there is some confusion there, as if fighting is going on with the world. Hey, they were not very screaming before, and we licked us for the third time. When the war of civilization attacked the wizarding world, if we can attack the past, we will be revenge!"

Bloody rain stalked Green, a pair of eyes bright and glaring, ambition, like the rising sun.

"Oh? A war is going on!"

Green thought and muttered at the same time, alongside, the elk world guardian tentatively said: "The respected guardian of the day and night, the guardian of the summer commanded three hundred years ago, if you get your message in the wizarding world, ask all guardians In the first time, I will inform you that the Holy Age Wizard of the Ice Age has successfully promoted the true spirit."

This news, the fact that the return of Green just felt very intimate, can not help but feel refreshed, and opened the troubles of the heart for a long time.


Green muttered in surprise.

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