A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 30 Chapter 1922: 7 bleeds

"Oh, it seems that the Sixth Ring is coming to an end. This may be his fate..."

A sigh of sighs, I wanted to urge the world of the universe to build the city of the sky in the first place. Now, because of the Sixth Ring of the Real Wizard, Green will also suspend it.

"Mom, it’s all like this! Or else let him leave the wizarding world as soon as possible? If the energy of his body is blew as soon as possible, even if you have no way, its power disaster is just as good as a wizarding world. The disaster has changed!"

Even Xiao Ba also felt the pressure on the other corner of the wizard's mainland. After staying for a while, he suggested to Greene.

call out!

After the night, Green's wings and wings were blessed by the Wizards' World Rules. They gradually opened up, and the appearances of the colorful and inscriptions of the dark and the inconspicuous are like one, one side is light, the day is reflected, one side is dark, and the moon is shining.

At full speed to the six-ring Santa area, Green's tri-color strabismus, looked at the small eight eyes on the shoulder.

The dawn is sharp and seems to be ruthless warning.

"Oh! The Wizarding World is the home of the wizards. All the wizards who carry the wizard's will have the right to enjoy life and death in this homeland. They are free. My responsibility as the king of the wizard is to build a better wizarding world, but The root of the wizarding world is the freedom of the wizard! Now the six-ring true spirit wizard is desperate in the last period, filled with endless loneliness and fear. If he is driven away at this time, I am still the king of wizards!"

Green gloomy: "This kind of words, don't let me hear it later."

"Rely, don't say it without saying it!"

Xiao Ai's deputy grievances, screaming hard to let himself cry, Green's glare is rarely seen, a paw keeps drawing a circle on the robes of Green's shoulders, saying: "The Eight Lords are also thinking about the wizarding world! In case the six-ring true spirit wizard really blew himself in the wizarding world, the king of your first wizard will be greatly reduced in the myths and legends of the future wizards."

In the heart of Grimm, the anger was relieved a little, trying to keep himself calm, and slowly said: "The six-ring true spirit wizard is the head of the elemental wizard, and one of the ancient wizards who experienced the second civilization war. These enlightenment is there. believe him!"

A few days later.

At the height of the sky, it was supposed to be a fleeting green, and the wings of the night and the night were so fierce that they stopped in the air.

As the guardian of the night, Green uses the power of the wizarding world in the world of wizards. There is no loss in the movement between the movements and the world. There is no venting at all. The water curtains are roaring on the top of the head, and Green is in this dome. On, overlooking the true spirits of the vast sorcerer's mainland.

The ancient war of the ancient wizards, the large and small squats and the sacred pits left by the wizarding world, countless.

Since the crater is caused by the creatures of the true spirit, even if these unbeatable powerful creatures have fallen, the rules will linger in the crater for a long time, forming a harsh environment that is extremely unsuitable for living.

These craters have been plaguing the limited valuable land because they occupy a considerable area of ​​the sorcerer's continent. Therefore, they have always been a problem that plagued the wizards. Until the emergence of the six-ring true spirit singer, the wizards have these true spirits. Hope for the management of the pit!

Of course, according to the original plan of the ancient wizards, the treatment of the true squats by the six-ring algae is a rather slow process, and it is necessary to start from a small number of small-scale sacred pits and gradually cover the entire wizarding world.


At this moment, this true spiritual squat overlooking Green, the six-ring algae devour all the elements of energy, destroying all the rules attributed to the blank emptiness, but it has reached its limit, even more than just cleaning up the perpetual violent rules in the true spirit crater. There is also a tendency to spread to the periphery. Obviously, the control of the six-ring true spirits is no longer perfect for the control of the six-ring algae.

"Come on the Sixth Ring Tower soon, there is not much time for the Six Rings Spiritual Wizard."

In the hustle and bustle, the elements of light and dark staggered, and Green disappeared to the horizon.

Six Rings Santa!

The horrible elements of the magic cloud, vast and magnificent, endless, extended to the end of the horizon.

Centered on the Six-ring Santa, the Elemental Magic Cloud forms a super vortex that is shocked by the wizards of the true spirit. Under the pressure of the majesty, Green is the ultimate guardian of the wizarding world, passing through a layer of nearly liquefied. After the dark clouds of the elements, the core area of ​​the Sixth Ring Santa.

Such a thick cloud, too much than the normal dose, is not a good thing for the lower wizards.

Hey! call!

One side is the essence of the majestic elements, while the other side is the power of endless life and death. The power of the black witch king and the power of the six-ring true spirits form a faint confrontation. The six-ring true spirit wizard not only does not fall into the wind. On the contrary, because more and more powerful powers have gathered over time, there has been a tendency to gradually overwhelm the black witch king. The colorful light of the fate lever magic wand runs through the heavens and the hands.

"Thank you for the master's advice, I can talk to the masters in the last period, and I don't want to be a wizard."

I don’t know what the Six-ring Real Spirit Wizard and the Black Witch King had previously talked about. After Green’s arrival, he slightly used his influence on the Black Witch King’s will, knowing the philosophy between the high and low dimensions of the two sides, the human and the endless world. The system relationship, historical fate, etc., there is not much language.

These are also what Green is searching for. The end of the truth is the philosophy and fate of the endless world!


The black witch Wang smiled and said no more, and let go of Green, who came here.

Green strode forward and came to the front of the six-ring true spirit wizard. With the will of the six-ring true spirit wizard, Green's elemental high chair rises.

The voice is full of infinite resentment, and the six-ring true spirit wizard barely smiles: "The first generation."

At this moment, the six-ring true spirit wizard, the seven bloodshed, can not be suppressed at all, every cell is rapidly metabolizing, a layer of disgusting mucus is like pus, "tick", "tick" out, not only flesh and blood body itself With his will, he is also being squandered by the constant motives of foreigners. www.novelmtl.com~ This is a balloon that is about to explode!

In the face of truth, bitterness, Green Road: "Is there a solution?"

"It's useless."

The blood flowing out of both eyes seems to be crying. The six-ring true spirit wizard opens his mouth, and the blood in his mouth rushes out, which is so miserable.

The six-ring true spirit sorcerer said: "Now, I can only continue to warm my torso, soul, and will in the form of burning the Almighty Spirit, forcing the end of my life, but it is only in the end. As more and more energy is filled, I will soon be completely destroyed and return to a part of the endless world. The six-ring algae should not exist in this world. It is contrary to the system of the endless world, and it violates the complicated Rules, no creatures exist for the purpose of destroying everything, and I have adapted myself to a creature that should not exist in the world."

Even the little eight of Green's shoulders saw the six-ring true spirit wizard so miserable, and completely closed his mouth.


Suddenly, the six-ring true spirit wizard in silence seems to have sensed something, and the **** eyes are looking to the horizon.

Green also sensed it, but at this moment, there is really no reason to think about it. I just want to do everything possible to help the true wizard.

"Oh, it is a true spirit that has been promoted to the bottom of the abyss. I don’t know whether it’s a war witch or an abyss sorcerer. I hope that the warriors will fight for the blood of those Saiyan people. ""

In today's wizarding world, the true spirit wizard is no longer as rare as ever. Green as the king of wizards will not be a giant ritual for every promotion wizard. Every wizard has his own duties.

It is not emotions, but rules, that Green controls the world of wizards.


PS: Around 9:00.

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