A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 30 Chapter 1923: Xianyu conspiracy

"Seal! Have you tried seals?"

Green asked urgently to the six-ring true spirit wizard.

"Useless, any seals in the Wizarding World have been tried, even wrapping the dimensional gap seals you left in the heart of the world! Useless, the balance rules and rules of this dimension are rejecting me, unless from more High latitude power, or any means can't stop it."

At higher latitudes, the nature is mysterious.

Of course, the mysterious power in the ordinary sense is not good. It must be the same as that of Green Witch King, which directly summons the mysterious power of high-latitude creatures. However, these mysterious forces that are almost beyond the rules of the endless world dimension are born. It is too much. Difficult, let alone the special mysterious power of the six-ring true spirit wizard, the probability of infinitely equal to zero.

"Cough and cough, I have already explained the aftermath, it is also time to leave the Wizarding World. This fate lever magic wand, according to the contract of the creation of the Wizarding League, you will be handed over to the world in the contract ceremony..."

Green suddenly stood up and solemnly calmed: "The seal in the ordinary sense cannot naturally stop this extermination force, but it does not erase you with the most direct violent means. It proves that we have at least the possibility of influence through the rules. Sex! Since you can enhance your death by the Almighty Spirit, then in theory, this should also help you!"

Said, Green actually opened his eyes, took off his robes of the appearance, and handed it to the six-ring true spirit wizard.

In the unbelievable sorcerer of the Sixth Rings, Green explained: "There are four pieces of the Truth of Truth, this complete body of the robes is slightly incomplete, but with the nature of its truth, and then my book of truth. "Summon the Forgotten Rune to help you with your own seal, your body capacity will be further enhanced and your life will continue!"

Said, Green's "Book of Truth" has no wind, and he hurriedly flipped.

On the shoulders of Green, Xiao Ba also intervened in a timely manner: "Come on, this is the heart of the king of the early wizards!"

Under Green's insistence, the six-ring true spirit wizard took over the robe of the appearance, like an invisible body. The robe of appearance was placed on the six-ring true spirit wizard in an instant, and Green itself became a whirlpool of light and dark, to annihilate The characteristics of the force show, shaking the high frequency of the shock wave, very mysterious.

With the thoughts of the sacred mysterious curse in the mouth of the Green, a series of forgotten runes continued to flow out from the Book of Truth, and the robes of the appearance were poured out. The six-ring true spirits uttered an ambiguous “ah” 呻+吟.

In such an extremely painful moment, alleviating the pain has become the enjoyment of the six-ring true spirit wizard!

Sure enough, as Green imagined, self-sealing works!

"Hey, the self-sealing of the wizarding world, the king of the early wizards is the first to be deserved, but unfortunately less to Lafite's help, your passive self-sealing effect is slightly discounted, otherwise the effect will be stronger."

After seeing the self-sealing technique of Green's exhibition, Xiao Ba was relieved and sneered.

It is like eating immediately to find an effective antidote. The state of the six-ring true spirit wizard is good at the visible speed of the naked eye. The pus state of the body surface is gradually relieved, and even the **** state of the seven scorpions is effectively suppressed. Green is playing on the six-ring true spirit wizard. Passive self-sealing is providing more capacity for the six-ring true spirit wizard.

After a while, the "Book of Truth" was closed.

Under the face of Green Truth, the three colors of light flashed, from the elemental energy level gathered in the wizarding world to the state of each cell of the six-ring true spirit wizard, Green conducted a meticulous observation and hoped to get the maximum delay value of the seal effectiveness.

After a half hour of hourglass time, Green’s low voice broke the silence in a room full of repressed atmosphere.

"Two thousand years."

Excited, tears replaced the blood flowing out of the eyes, the hands of the six-ring true spirit sorcerer holding the fate lever magic wand colorful light trembled, but with the six-ring true spirit wizard inadvertently moving, just one step, clearly It is in the absolute field of the six-ring Santa, the place with the strongest self-restraint control, but it is still a "squeaky" sound, and the dense cracks seem to ripple.

Except for the area under the feet of Green and Black Witch, the entire hall was cracked all over.

Shaking his head bitterly, the six-ring true spirit wizard no longer dares to move, and after a wave of magical fluctuations, all cracks are repaired in an instant.

The magic of the six-ring true spirit wizard is too strong, but every time he uses magic, he is closer to the death period.

"It turned out to be really successful. It is worthy of being the king of the early wizards! Thanks to the king of the early wizards, I can see more of this endless world and feel the world of the wizard world for two thousand years."

After the "Book of Truth" income gap, Green re-sitting on the chair of the element, calmly said: "Retract your destiny lever magic wand, now the wizarding world, only you can make it play the most brilliant. ”

After a pause, Green continued: "Not only me, the Wizarding World needs you to support another two thousand years. By then, I have a special task for you to deal with. I believe that you will accomplish this task in the most perfect way. The glory and myths have been passed down, and the future wizards will live forever!"

"What mission?"

I heard that the king of the early wizards said that the newly-created six-ring true spirit wizard could not wait to be asked.

On the robe of the image, the forgotten rune in the form of multicolored light, crawling and crawling like a worm, providing a more solid barrier for the six-ring true spirit wizard to explode, preventing him from breaking immediately.

After Green’s “哼哼” smile, the three-color light looked into the distance, and his eyes flashed through a hard-to-find cold spot.

"The current Wizarding League has actually controlled two large world groups, the Wizarding World Community and the Diablo World Community. The Chaos World Group is also expanding to China~www.novelmtl.com~ I believe that the actual control will be completed in a very short time. At that time, the Wizarding League will be the super-civilization that actually controls the three large-scale world communities! In this case, it is not difficult to imagine that once the threat of the abyss civilization ends, will the surrounding world community immediately turn its finger at the Wizarding Alliance?"


The six-ring true spirit wizard is wondering: "What do you mean?"

"In the long unknown void, there was once a brilliant and prosperous civilization, named Xianyu. Although Xianxiang civilization is far away from the wizarding world community, it should be like the abyss civilization, and it has already been with its glory. Between the world groups of time and space, if we use this as a guide, gather the Supreme Masters of several world groups nearby to explore... Hey!"

Green's sinister laughter is such a kind of evil that is infiltrating and horrible.

"I have secretly dispatched the elite sorcerer and the head of the Alliance World to spread the news to the surrounding world community in various ways. For this reason, I have also abandoned some small materials, which I believe is enough to arouse the interest of those who dominate!"

The small material that Green refers to is naturally a fragment of the sword.

The six-ring true spirit wizard who clings to the fate lever magic wand looks awkward and low: "You mean, let me use the power of the peaks at that time to connect these masters to the celestial relics and exile them to other time and space!" ?"

"Oh, it is! At the time, the power of surpassing the eight-level peak creature after the eruption of your self-sealing, plus the blessing of the magical lever magic wand, no matter how many masters of the relics are explored, it must be Let them go back! Remember, don't leave any traces!"

In the words of Green, the six-ring true spirit wizard nodded solemnly.

The so-called do not leave any traces, including the six-ring true spirit wizard himself.

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