A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 30 Chapter 1921: 3500 military order

Two hundred years later.

As a core of the chaotic world group, the chaotic world has disappeared completely in such a short period of two hundred years. Everything is too sudden.

The chaotic storm affects not only the chaotic world community itself, but also the indirect influence on the wizarding world community, the mussel world community, and the dark world community, so that the once very weak wizarding world can survive the most difficult period. The chaotic storm has wiped out most of the interference factors of the Diablo World Group and the Mussel World Group.

There is a legend in the Hunting Witch Wizards of the Battle of the Vatican World.

After many real wizards fought **** battles, the king of the early wizards could not bear to see that there were countless endless witches who continued to die in front of themselves. Driven by their compassion, they will be chaotic with an unparalleled legendary space-time seal. The world is sealed, and the chaotic world has become a deep and illusory world, which can no longer easily affect the material energy world.

Arriving in the core city of the chaotic world group, the Sky City Hunting Witch Wizards immediately received the latest combat plan from the Wizarding King and spread it.

Centering on the large worlds of the chaotic world group, we will promote the rules of the Wizarding League and use force to force the local world to forcibly promote the rules of the wizarding coins!

A core conference room in the sky city.

"The chaotic world has become history, and now it is the unprecedented and weakest moment in the history of the chaotic world. Before this world group has yet to develop a new center, it is just a wilderness similar to the wizarding world in the ancient times. Now, you have received so many Sky City War platforms and elite hunting wizards, and there have been the foundations of my world community. You two talk about how much time it takes to fully promote this world community. Wizard will?"

Green sat on the high chair of the element and looked at a member of the real spirit wizard and a round of real wizards.

As for the vast majority of other spiritual wizards, they have already been sent to the major and medium-sized worlds to carry out their missions.

"Hey, I want to hear the Eight Lords. How much time do you have to solve the chaotic world of the King of the Wizards?"

Xiao Ai's indiscreet look, leisurely said: "The ancient wizards used less than six epochs of time, from scratch, a little conquered the wizarding world community, established the rules of the wizard, the fourth civilization The battle was carried out behind the scenes by the king of the early wizards. The 17-round true spirit wizard Pumirosius served as the chief commander of the war and conquered the dark world...."

Just halfway through, the one-round real wizard slammed his teeth and firmly said: "Five thousand years! Up to 5,000 years, I will complete your will, and spread the rules of the Wizards League to this film. World community!"

Green is not okay, after a slight smile, the three-color glare looks at a round of true spirit wizard.

Holding a magic wand, burning a raging anger metal flame in one hand, after a moment of flashing a flash of true spirits, the low voice said: "Three thousand five hundred years! If the king of the wizard can open the door of time and space again, support two The Sky City Elite Hunting Witch Wizards, I will do my best to sweep all the obstacles in this world community within 3,500 years!"

Next to the circle, the real wizard looks like a monster and looks at a real wizard.

Five thousand years is already her limit, and even prepared for the time beyond, now the round of true spiritual wizards has been directly reduced to 3,500 years! ?

"Three thousand five hundred years? Oh, good!"

After Green smiled, he looked at Hess and Ansimo, who stood behind him.

In the war of Chaos in the Vatican World, the two men also made great contributions. Green, with the instructions of the mentor, said: "You two will stay here and follow the two theaters to learn, and help the two masters from the side. Complete the task, don't let it down as a teacher's expectation, go."


Anderse Seymour and Hessou went to a round of true spirit wizards and a true spirit wizard.

"Hey, since the military order has been set up, the strategic arrangement of the two of you will not interfere and gesticulate. If you pay attention to the 3,500-year period, you should also pay attention to the casualties of the demon sorcerer. Regardless of the casualties of the lower wizards, it is important to know that prestige is also an important selection condition for the selection of the king of wizards!"

A majestic sigh, the short-lived meeting of the four people ended, and Green turned away from the core area of ​​the Sky City, which is also a reminder of the two people's right to compete for the king of the second generation of wizards.

"Hey, where are you going now?"

Xiao Ba asked curiously.

More than two hundred years ago, Green solved the problem of the chaotic world~www.novelmtl.com~, and thus got a macro philosophy that may be the origin of the endless world, and it is in a good mood.

"Back to the Wizarding World!"

Green's answer is also in the expectation of Xiao Ba.


Two years later.

Crossing the emptiness of the sky, Green came to the world of death crows, and the death crows of 呱, 呱, 呱, 呱, 呱 screamed one after another.

After the spiritual world, Greene was the second colonial world developed in the chaotic world community. It was also the first medium-sized world. After the death of the crows for thousands of years, it has become the time and space of the wizarding world community and the chaotic world community. Transit hub.

Of course, this so-called space-time hub is only for the lower creatures.

To put it bluntly, it is the Quanzu world group that is better at crossing the time and space of the world community level.

The arrival of Green naturally caused a great sensation in this medium-sized world. The three-legged death crow was in the bloodline. Even a few old crows fled with Green. I saw this benefactor again. Expressed from the heart and gratitude, Xiao Ba was also treated as a guest to do his best.

After only a short-lived arrival, even if there is a world guardian to greet, in order not to have a greater impact on this medium-sized world, Green chose to leave, and the death crows that have been jubilant all over the world have gradually returned to calm.


Light and dark intertwined, the way of annihilation is like a firework in the heights of the wizarding world, and the silkworms bloom, followed by a three-eyed wizard holding a magic wand, stepping out from the light and dark staggered passage.


Just after returning to the wizarding world, Green noticed that the amazing macro energy fluctuations were blooming with the power of destiny. Even if it was the introverted self, the vast energy fluctuations were not weak at all.

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