A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 30 Chapter 1920: Son of Chaos (below)

The first thousand nine hundred and twenty-two chapters under the son of chaos

The first thousand nine hundred and twenty-two chapters under the son of chaos

It is ten years later.

These corps, who have been dispatched from the Wizarding World, finally realized how fiercely the war of civilizations that were rumored by fifty, and finally know why the wizarding world would give the surviving hunters. High treatment.

"Why is the king of wizards still not present! The king of the early wizards is in this world. If he intervenes, the situation of war costs will not be the case! Why, why the king of the early wizards did not come, the war should not be like this. of!"

The sorcerer who was smashed in the ruins of the crater by a spaceship was being rescued by several mechanical scorpions.

However, the wizard did not care for himself. He had been completely occupied by the war and he was resentful and roaring.

Not to mention spacecraft. The space fortresses that serve as the wizarding world war platform don’t know how many seats have fallen. Even the only two sky cities, or some space-based starships that the wizards used to call, have fallen. The true spirit of the wizard fell three, the holy mark wizard is difficult to count.

The war is too fierce, and the son of chaos is too powerful!

These chaotic creatures, which are summoned by the Son of Chaos from the depths of Chaos, seem to be endless. How can they kill and kill them? If the non-element wizards find a way to form an absolute vacuum to dissipate the chaos with a short moment of super-enchantment, I have created a large time and space trap, I am afraid that the situation of this war will be even more fierce.

Nearby patrol wizards pass by, metal wreckage, slave monster corpses, chaotic monster corpses, endless, large and small craters have already covered everything seen.

There are so many disabled wizards.

Low-level wizards, even if they have just died, as long as the soul has not dissipated, or those who have been left by the higher wizards, can still be resurrected with the core medical device of the space fortress, although the cost is slightly larger, but in the years of war, the use of It is also quite frequent, and even the legendary king of wizards has been saved in this way during the low-level wizarding period.

It can be said that if the space fortress at that time did not save the king of the wizard, then I am afraid there would be no such brilliant and powerful wizarding world.

More than 30 meters long, the giant bull-like slave monster made a low-pitched voice.

The same hunter-hunter wizard performed the best defensive posture in the first time. The first few kilometers in front was a true spirit crater. The power of the violent rule did not linger for a long time, and there was a fierce conflict with the power of chaos. It is also a frequent occurrence of chaotic creature attacks, and is one of the most dangerous areas for hunting witches to patrol.

Sure enough, a long tongue came from the depths of the chaos.

The wizards, while retreating at the first time, protected themselves one after another, and made other preparations to launch a combat warning.

The metal robots, mechanical cymbals, and slave monsters swarmed up and rushed toward the chaotic tongue, ignoring the past, regardless of the existence behind the chaotic fog, what a terrible monster might be.

This is how the low-level wizards live.

It’s not that these wizards are timid, but in the battlefield of such civilizations, the probability that low-level creatures encounter high-level creatures is too high. Before they have a certain grasp, survival is the first factor, and the enemy is the second. .

This is the case in the lower battlefields, and the higher battlefields are another matter.

"The battle that lasted for twenty years, is his power like the king of the wizard, with the perpetual motion blessing, the power is endless?"

A round of true spirits and sorcerer's breath is confusing, staring at the son of the chaotic chaos in his mind, muttering in the corner of his mouth.

Beside the real spirit wizard, the state of the real spirit witch who burned the flaming metal flame is not ideal. Even the super robot, which is still fighting in the hope, is also beaten and bruised, if not its volume. It is too large, and it is controlled by the metal fire, and replaced with other metal destroyers or flesh-and-blood creatures, I am afraid that it has already been fragmented.

"Probably related to the special regularity of the power of chaos. Before the essence of the truth of chaotic rules is completely clarified, such an attack is indeed somewhat reckless."

On the other side of the round of the true spirit of the wizard, on the other side, the black flame that bursts into the sky has already blossomed into an incomparable mighty power, rising to the sky!

It seems to be squeezed out from the depths of the throat. The black cord that squats on the ground, the black purse of the purgatory in the shoulders slides down, and the high roar of invincible warfare: "The power of nightmare, infernal purgatory!"


With the black line as the center, the earth suddenly melts into an endless black ocean.

The raging black fireball skyrocketed and smashed into the chaos of the suit in the sky.

"A strong monster is too exciting. It has been too long to experience such a dazzling battle! Only in such a battle, only the victory gained through such a battle can prove the meaning of my life! Hahahaha! ”

It’s so unscrupulous to laugh and laugh.

The infernal purgatory black fireball has a diameter of more than 100,000 meters, which is equivalent to the side of the three largest space fortresses in the world of the wizarding world.

However, behind the man in the suit and chaos, there is a black disc that appears in a moment, like a call of time and space, with the son of chaos swept away, 咻, 咻, 咻, 咻, 咻, 咻, 咻, 咻, 咻, 咻, in an instant, every black space-time disc spurred tens of thousands of chaotic shock waves, welcoming the mighty black fireball.

The black fireball is getting slower and slower.

"Chaotic irradiation!"

An indiscriminate and large-scale attack that spreads around the Son of Chaos.

This is not the first release of the Son of Chaos. Only a handful of wizarding corps that are accidentally in the edge of chaotic irradiation are turned into chaotic fog, while chaotic creatures in chaotic irradiation are obtained in a very short time. Amazing improvement!

In contrast, the black fireball in the infernal purgatory was diluted to the majority, and even the dark furnace was exposed.

"Seventeen-way road dark matter gun!"

A Skynet sorcerer who was under the sorcerer's sorcerer's sorcerer, actually did a perfect sneak attack at this moment, but the one who greeted him was the backhand of the son of chaos.

"嘭", the Skynet Real Wizard was transformed into a metal destroyer, instantly broken, and then reorganized hundreds of thousands of meters away.

Just one hand, the sound of "嘭", the furnace of infernal purgatory was actually taken over by the son of Chaos!


The strength of this chaotic son seems to be endless, there is never a strong bottom line, and there is no fault except for the presence of the power of chaos. Is this a perfect life?

The Purgatory Furnace flashed and reappeared on the shoulders of the black cord. It was also a "squeaky" sound, but it was a black rope and a knee.

"Well? It is the king of wizards!"

At this moment, if there is a sense, several real-world wizards will surprise and look at the sky, holding the truth-balanced magic wand in the teleports of the “small smashing”, “small smashing” and “squatting” elements. Green took the small eight on his shoulder and rushed across the battlefield at full speed, pointing to the chaos of the battlefield center suits!

"Be careful, this wizard is different!"

In the face of the reminder of the woman of Chaos, the son of Chaos is excited and full of blood: "It is not the same."


Unlike the unusual wars that everyone thinks, even the sons of Chaos are ready to fight. The Green, which rushes to the battlefield at full speed, uses chaos from high latitudes to induce chaos in the moment of reaching the center of the battlefield. The words: "The father's greatest pride is that he can have a group that listens to his will, so that he can have a son who will continue to complete his will on the day of his solitude and inability to complete his will! The eagle is a beginner, the eagle is old, He misses his son!"

Quiet, very strange and quiet.

The chaos of the suit and the chaotic son stunned, and the woman of Chaos standing on the side of it was also stunned. The chaotic creatures and the wizarding corps that had been fighting overwhelmingly had completely become the background.

Tick, ticking, ticking, ticking...

After a short moment, it was unbelievable. The son of Chaos, who was previously arrogant and invincible, was moved by a sudden sudden sentence from Green. He stood in the same place and his eyes gradually became wet.

"I, I have tried to prove success for many years, what is it for! Just want to be the father's pride! Hey... Father! Ah..."

The son of Chaos, with the daughter of Chaos, rushed toward the lonely, contemplative bubble dragon pajamas chaotic sleepers, gradually faded and gradually disappeared.

In the battlefield, it was such a dramatic, chaotic creatures from nothing to nothing, one by one disappeared in front of the fierce battle of the demon witch at the last moment.

Not only is the chaotic fog dissipating, but the entire chaotic world seems to be collapsing a little!

Snoring, snoring, snoring, snoring...

All the wizards were incredulously looking at the king of the early wizards who were breathing slightly.

This, this is a miracle, although it is illusory, but it is too bizarre, it is incredible, this can not be expressed with wisdom.

This is simply beyond the scope of truth and truth, this is the ability of the legendary god!

"Wow, no, that high-latitude creature wants to pass you, tell the chaotic creatures these words?"

Xiao Bayi was shocked and called ~www.novelmtl.com~ sighed: "Mom, for such a sentence, it hurts us to kill so many wizards, those high-latitude creatures are not too boring, such How is the war in the second war?"

"No, the Son of Chaos is just his fantasy rule. He wants to tell us through the endless world dimension box, telling other high-latitude creatures... and so on, no, there are others!"

In this way, in the silent face of many real spirit wizards, holy sorcerers and sorcerers, Green turned his eyes on such a place, just like the induction of heaven and earth.

Ten years later.

In the Vatican world, where the rules of the past have been completely restored, Green has suddenly opened up the tri-color.

"There are no winners in the war, only the orphans and widows will be left behind."

Just like the moment of tranquility in the Suihua Division world group, Green at the moment is full of shock!

"This is completely contrary to the cruel rules of the endless world of the main body! Can it be said that the endless brutal war of the endless world is only the experimental product of the box creator, the same latitude creature that tells him through this dimension, is it ridiculing the war?"


Green swallowed a slobber: "If this is the case... the opposite, the opposite rule, everything is reversed... the dimensional gap is reversed, and the low latitude is reversed!"

Ps: Now, the shallow meaning of the book is completely revealed. It is only the end of the story of the book and the final foundation of the book. Why do you think about the imagination of the gap between the dimensions? You can understand a little bit. Interest can be found in the opposite dimension gap phenomenon. (*__*)嘻嘻...

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