A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 30 Chapter 1916: Not what I see

"First Generation!"

"The King of Wizards!"


Holding the truth balance magic wand, turning on the true spirit of the Wuzu, and still supporting the door of time and space on the altar, the second city of the sky is getting closer to the chaotic world.

On the steel and metal war platform, the hunters and sorcerers are crowded, the space fortress is flying, the slave monsters, the metal robots, the machinery are vast and vast, and boundless.

"Teacher, leave the rest to us!"

The thirteenth ring of the real spirit wizard Andre Seymour stood behind Greene, watching Greene's tired figure, low, and the black line was silent, looking humble.

With the real body of Wuzu, the door of time and space is forcibly supported, and two new generations of Sky City are summoned one after another. Even with the preparation and support of the Wizarding World, Green has indeed reached the limit, and the three colors of the face of Green Truth are slightly blurred. Many of the true spirit wizards who came to the chaos, the time, the king of the wizards was filled with imperial majesty, and the suppression of rules and ideology allowed a time to solidify between the people, leaving only the black and white cross in the world. The short-sighted illusion.

"This is a transit world linking chaos. It is also likely to be a fantasy projection world of a ninth-level creature or even a high-latitude creature. Without rules, it is its rule. Some unremarkable creatures are likely to grow up in a short time. Dominant, it is not impossible for some masters to be suddenly violent. I want you to control the interface between the world and the chaotic world within three hundred and fifty years, and wait for the Void fleet to arrive and attack the chaos."

At this time, the true spirit wizards who listened to the Green Commander had a total of eleven, plus one of the Emperor Quantum's Quantum Emperor, and more of the rulers were still following the city of the sky, on the way of the void.

Said, Green also looked at a true spirit wizard, and said: "Chaos is illusory, nightmare is also illusory, I hope that the nightmare wizard can play a vanguard role in the chaotic world as a wizard of the wizard rules."

The king of the wizard was so named, and he was entrusted with a heavy responsibility. The true witch of the round was glorified. The old witch smiled lowly: "The Witch King is assured that the old man will do his best and live up to expectations."

After Green nodded, he said to the black cord behind him: "More than one assistant, a true spirit wizard."


Hessian should answer.

"Yeah, Mom!"

The small Bayone screaming at the edge of the distant altar, but seeing Xiaoba somehow ran to the altar. As a result, the invisible and inferior treacherous stalker caught by the black coal ball in the stone caught a leg, struggling to the stone. In the seams, the other treacherous ghosts in the nearby stone are afraid of the pressure of the wizards, but greed and jealousy have already overcome the fear, just want to eat this seemingly poor fellow.


After the invisible fire burned these treacherous ghosts, the little ones flashed and appeared on Green's shoulders. The real spirit wizards of the temporary meeting had led the Demon Expeditionary Legion and rushed to the chaotic fog.

"It’s here to study the power of the trajectory, and the curse of the beginning of the dark ancestors is serious."

With the words of Green, I saw at the foot of Green, on the altar used to open the call of time and space, the edge line of a wizard rune is slowly disappearing.

"Oh? Ok!"


The long and chaotic fog has completely overwhelmed the Vatican world.

From the end of the chaos of the once spiritual world, it is not difficult to imagine what kind of suffering the Vatican world warriors are suffering.

Although the strength of the Vatican world is far superior to that of the once spiritual world, even if the two are not at all a level that can be compared with each other, the ability to withstand chaotic catastrophe is naturally much stronger, but now the power of chaos in the Vatican world, Nor is it once the world of the spiritual world can be compared.

In terms of the concentration of chaos, the Vatican world at this moment is almost equivalent to the chaotic world, influenced by the sleepers, the two worlds have officially joined, and as time goes by, the chaotic creatures coming from the chaotic world will become more and more many.

one year later.

Hey! Hey! Hey!

After a few metal robots smashed a martial art sect of the martial arts, they caught a martial artist.

This world, after the invasion of the Tianwang Metal Robot Corps, was followed by chaos and witches, and living in the Vatican world itself was a test.

"嘭", the noble knee of the warrior was forced to suppress under the metal robot, kneeling on the ground and fell in front of the Shanwei wizard.

"Hey, say, why the wizards who entered this chaotic time and space are inexplicably dead. You are hiding here all the year round. You must know the secrets here. What are the reasons why those chaotic creatures dare not approach here?"

The warrior struggled a few times, but he could not get away from it. He could only look at the wizard who was surrounded by dozens of tyrannical monsters with a murderous eye. He snarled: "This is the place where the swords and the swords are smashed, and the exotic time and space coincide. Where we are the guardians of the swordsman generation, responsible for blocking anyone who tries to stay close and retain their lives."

Saying, the martial arts teacher looked at the shadows and sorcerers nearby and said: "And you, not people at all!"

"Oh, it seems that you have got a great clue, why is it to be reported to the Pota St. Marks Wizard, let the above send people to occupy this place and build the Guanglingbao equipment!"


In one year, Green's guide to the ancient wizard's classics combined with the observation of the specimens of the Kunming behemoth experimental specimens, and finally the gains of the trajectory mentioned by the ancient wizards.

Since the key clues to the power of the trajectory have been found, the means left by Green's ancestors in Green has naturally progressed.

"Sure enough, it involves the power of the endless world of origin!"

Green is concentrating on observing a golden rubber tree seed in his hand, starting from the contour of the outer shell, disappearing little by little, and the force of the simulated trajectory obviously affects the disappearance of the outline of the seed.

"What power did the Dark Holy Father exert?"

Little eight puzzled to ask.

After the slightest thoughts, Green's tri-color flashes ~www.novelmtl.com~ slowly said: "We are in the endless world dimension, the endless world dimension felt by materialism is absolutely boundless, no matter one world after another. The space of the community, or hundreds of millions of years, is not the objective existence that we can explore, so we feel that we are very small. But if you stand in the idealistic angle of the chaotic sleeper, not what I see. None of them exist. It is comparable to the high-latitude creature's gaze to look at the endless world. The endless world dimension is regarded as a core space-time node. The information clues generated by a series of causal and random relationship characters may be more Intuitive."

After a general explanation, Green immediately followed: "The power of the sacred ancestors is to let our story nodes be ignored, become part of the imagination, and be forgotten by those high-dimensional creatures to become high latitudes. Part of the creature is not what I see. And their non-self sees enough to make us an objective imaginary world dimension gap creature!"

Xiao Ba listened to the fog, with its IQ and relatively simple thinking, I am afraid that this life can not understand Green's words.

"For a few hundred years, the use of the trajectory will take some time!"

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