A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 30 Chapter 1915: The 5th Civil War


The melodious horn sounded from the center of a ring of Santa.

Under the celestial celestial celestial celestial celestial celestial celestial celestial celestial celestial sorcerer Sylvana, after a little sighing, sighed: "It’s a little earlier than the date of the appointment, but it doesn't matter. Let's go, as soon as possible. Help the king of the wizard to complete the expansion of the chaotic world, and also set foot on the relics of the fairyland as soon as possible."

The one represented by the true spirit wizard is just the corner of the wizarding world.

The Diablo World Hunting Expedition has been basically completed smoothly. There are quite a few witches with rich combat experience who have been transferred back from the front line. There are also quite a few new hunting wizards who follow the large and small commercial wizards to the Diablo World. Add a part of the emptiness after withdrawing from the Diablo World Hunting Wizard and expand the will of the Wizarding Alliance.

These hunting wizards with rich combat experience naturally become elites in the world of wizards and enjoy high salary and salary treatment.

Responsible for teaching the new generation of wizards to grow.

“So fast? The seven-seat new generation of Sky City is still planned to take about 350 years to reach the core area of ​​the Chaos World Group, ahead of the original time?”

The new generation of Sky City is based on the ancient city of the sky, combining the stronger war platform of the Quantum Quantum of the Universe Great World, and when it is in the dark world, it is the first to show off the stellar orbital gun in the eternal sky city. The Diablo World and the Wizarding League Expeditionary Legion are simply unable to carry out large-scale group wars.

The metal flame burned and the horn sounded to the entire wizarding world, alarming a round of true spiritual wizards who were exploring the mystery of infinite micro truth.

After a will to pass, soon, in this large mechanical laboratory with mechanical display and process mottled, entered a female mechanical wizard.

This man is the youngest disciple he received after the fourth civilization war of the real spirit wizard.

"To confirm the accuracy of the war horn of the hunting demon record, the Demon Sorcerer Legion continuously opened the fourth and fifth civilization wars. If this chaotic world trip is successful, according to the rules of the wizard king, the first generation of wizards Wang has already become a fame, and he has taken the initiative to let the sage."

In the hands of playing an eight-legged self-propelled gun mechanical arm parts, a round of true spirit wizard said low.

"That said, by the time the second generation of the wizard king, it is likely that the mentor will take over!"

The witches are instantly caught in the infinite fantasy of their own self. In just a few short periods of breathing, they will associate the instructor with the influence of the second generation of wizards, the changes they have made, the height of their standing, and the excitement. .

"Yes, mentor, I will confirm it. But the King of the Wizards has already left the war preparation plan before leaving. If the horn of the war is confirmed, I am afraid that the elites of the War Demon Hunting Legion have already poured into the door of time and space, the mentor. Also prepare as early as possible, in response to the call of the king of the early wizards to come to the chaotic world."

After that, the savvy and skilled witch turned and left.

A true spiritual wizard wrapped in a flaming metal flame, staring at the witch's departed figure, accompanied by deep contemplation, sighing with a voice that only he can hear: "The two rounds of the real wizard, Hessian, now There is also a thirteenth ring of the true spirit wizard Ansimo, a two real spirit, in the wizarding world is also unprecedented."

In the dark world of the fourth civilization, the best of the true spirit of the wizard, naturally in the invitation of Green.

In the world of wizards, almost everyone knows that a true spirit wizard, a true spirit wizard is heavily weighted by the Greens, and intends to support the two. In addition to the friendship between the two and Green itself, it is inevitable that some people will not think of the king of the wizard. Balanced strategic power.

"My mentor has created the rule of the king of wizards,

Everyone in the wizarding world is the ultimate goal of the king of wizards. I am also the second generation of wizards because of the identity of the disciple of the wizard, and the infernal furnace that was unintentionally acquired during the third civilization. One of the king's potential contenders. ”

It seems that it is self-deprecating and self-satisfied. The black scorpion figure is against the burning of the blazing blazing furnace, and the darkness of the scorpion has no brilliance, and it is like an ice.

"But I don't know, the short-term advancement of the seven-level true spirit wizard, and the gap between the eight-level real spirit wizard in the quality of the Almighty Spirit! Moreover, this purgatory furnace can only be used in the hands of the fire giant. Unmatched warfare has exerted full strength. Over the years, although I have used the power of purgatory nightmare to adapt this smelting furnace to a nightmare melting pot, it is difficult to give full play to its prosperity. There is... Hey, the instructor of the instructor is the third division, Anderse Seymour, not me!"

At the end of the day, full of embarrassment and annoyance, the black palm and thin palms clenched into a fist "bang", the subconscious hammer hammered on a round Santa tower, "咔嚓", "咔嚓", cracks collapsed, silky nightmare Power is pouring out.

A round of true spirits frowned, after a slap in the air, the cracks in the ground that had collapsed were re-smoothed.

"It seems that as time goes by, your soul will be married, the will of Hessota II, has become weaker and thinner, and more and more agree with the identity of the two-round true spirit wizard III. Also, after all, How can the spirit of the wizard be able to achieve the first two worlds? If you don't mention it, don't put too much pressure on yourself. Your new 13th Ring Spiritual Witch and Arthur Seymour is actually eternal. The Soul, as far as I know, was the king of the early wizards who followed the then six-level sacred sorcerer, and lost information in the world of the earth before the third civilization."


The two men who are discussing Green are awake by the Wizards World War horn and stop the words.

"Well? The war is ahead of time! Call the four rounds of true spirits to prepare for the chaotic world. Unfortunately, the three rounds are in the dark world, otherwise the power of the nightmare wizard should be stronger."

On the other hand, Hessian established a connection with the four rounds of true spirit wizards through the crystal ball. "After all, it is a battle of civilization. Although this battle has won a great victory, it still cannot avoid the fall of the true spirit wizard. But from a macro perspective, this The number of true spiritual wizards promoted by the Wizarding World during the period has completely replaced the loss, and even three more spirits before the war. The mentor's answer is enough to set an example for the kings of future generations."


The world of chaos.

The time-space cracks on the top of Green's head are getting bigger and bigger. The smashing of the Kunming demon stalks, the pain of the one-stop slogan, is gradually plagued by the cracks in the time and space that Green opened, and turned into an endless crater.

The chaotic treacherous ghosts of the black briquettes have also come out from the cracks of the rocks. If they find the weak creatures, they will inevitably attack the past, and there will be no residue left in the moment.


The rock layer in the center of the crater is agitated ~www.novelmtl.com~ It seems that there must be something like a huge monster coming out of the ground.

The nearby chaotic creatures are accustomed to any grotesque things. The chaotic world is the same as the dimensional gap. Almost anything can happen. The difference is that the dimensional gap is the separation of the endless world dimension and other dimensions, infinitely huge, and the chaotic world. It is a semi-independent illusory world with no specific regulatory restrictions. Failure to follow conventional rules is the rule of the world.


The central area of ​​the pit was finally broken by the behemoth below.

The top metal part of the Sky City broke out, and tens of thousands of hunters and wizards stood in the tide of metal robots, slave monsters, full of curiosity and greed gazing at this gray world.


pS: The second is 9:30.

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