A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 30 Chapter 1917: Sword land

The power of trajectory emphasizes the process of causal collision, similar to the existence of the forgotten world, but not the forgotten world in the dimension of the endless world.

In the endless world dimension, people only focus on the results, do not care about the process, and the forgotten failure process of forgotten world accumulation is more and more.

The force of the trajectory is the process forgetting between high and low latitudes.

As the king of the first generation of wizards, Green only needs to make a good deed, just set a good strategic direction. Now the wizard world has talented people, and there are enough spiritual wizards to execute the Green Will, and compared with the happiness brought by Green’s own growth, cultivate The Wizarding World forces have increasingly made Green feel excited.

"Is there a sure news for the ice age sacred sorcerer Millie to advance to the true spirit wizard? Even if it is a neat wizard of the inferior rule status, how much is the possibility of success?"

On the side of Green, the ghost-like wizard is quiet and silent. This person is the queen of Green's achievement wizard. One of the elite marks selected from the wizarding world is also the devote of Green's cultivation, as the will of Green. It is extremely mysterious and rarely appeared.

These devotees of Green's sorcerers have a normal identity as a cover in the wizarding world, and basically no one knows their second identity except Green.

"In the Ice Age, the Great Witch Wizard is in the Wizarding World. Although you have the help of you, master the rules of the glacial will, and the guardians of the summer are assisted by the side, you still can't say that you have the complete grasp of the promotion of the true spirit wizard. At least from Looking at the current trend, there should be no possibility of rule promotion in the next three hundred years, and there is no absolute prestige."

Ghost's answer, let Green "en" a voice, the face of the truth under the three-color light is dignified.

"So, what is the possibility that my great disciple, the unparalleled tower sorcerer Cappuccino, will be promoted to the wizard of the true spirit before the end of the fifth civilization war?"

After a little hesitation, the ghosts whispered: "It should be less likely to be promoted than the Holy Age of the Ice Age. But as time goes on, the possibility of the Holy Age of the Ice Age is getting lower and lower, and the Twin Towers The possibility of the promotion of St. Mark's Great Wizard is getting higher and higher, and she has quite amazing potential."

Once again, "En", Green played a piece of Kunming monster beast and continued: "Then, the number and potential of the basic wizards of other faction wizards, the number and potential of the holy witches, the potential resources of the real wizards The data is reported again, and which world in the league has changed a lot?"

The ghost behind Green is not only in itself, but Green has established a huge information system on the database of dawn intelligence, hunting demon, and Skynet information to help Green master the overall development of the Wizarding League. More objectively judge the development direction of the Demon Hunt.

This is also the case, Green can be a behind-the-scenes control, to develop a more accurate development plan for the Wizarding Alliance, and will be one of the legacy left to the king of the second generation of wizards.


A ring of spiritual wizard Silvana, the first to get the information of the sword.

"Swordsman? The land of the burial sword! According to the information obtained from the Vatican World Martial Arts Division, before the summoning of the Demon Expeditionary Wizarding Legion, the King of the Sorcerer had a battle with the ultimate powerhouse of the world. After a terrible battle, after the defeat of the evil spirits, the wizarding sect of the wizarding king came. The sword in the hands of the evil spirits is the sword of the sacred sword, a legendary evil sword that flows from the foreign world!"

A ring of real spirits muttered to himself and looked serious, which is likely to be an intelligence about the world of the fairyland.


Over and over again, the cloud of "Xian Xianjian" seems to suddenly think of something, exclaimed: "My father was not lost before the Wizarding World Group, but it is a million miles of the fairyland world group. According to the father, on the top of Jiuyou Xianzun, there are also several strongest immortals who truly rule the Xianyu. One of them is an incomparably powerful sword fairy, and the sword in his hand is the sword of the gods!"

As for the little pity, because I used to be only the three-tailed foxes in the lower bounds, I knew almost nothing about these immortals. At this time, I looked like a blank face.

"Oh!? It is one of the strongest immortals of Xianyu. It is no wonder that the remains of the film will be like this! All the time and space covered by the fate of truth are the edge areas of the endless world dimension dimension, and the time and space flow rate is extremely abnormal. The residue with higher latitude is the most sinister place in the endless world, and the extra land that is erased a little bit."

Seeing the pitiful look of a little pity, a ring of real spirits explained a little: "that is, the endless world dimension that is disappearing, those little wizards have good results when they break into them, otherwise why do we ask for the king of the first generation wizards? However, if you go, you should first go to the nearby area to look at the ruins of the fairyland where the sacred burial of the sacred swords, how exactly!"

A few days later.

Hey! call out! call out! call out!

Some of the little wizards who had discovered the information of the 诛 冢 冢 也 也 也 也 也 也 也 也 也 也 也 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。

At high altitude, a large number of space airships emerged from the space fortress temporarily dispatched from a distance. On the ground, the Guanglingbao base under construction has just completed the base part, and the wire mesh simply surrounds the land of this exotic falling sword.

Under the tenth reception of the sacred sorcerer, a ring of true spirits, Silvana, came with a cloud and a small pity.

"There is a sorcerer in the front, and the front is the land of the sacred swords. Because of the sinister danger, there are often some low-level slave monsters and wizards lost in it. I have sent people to make simple warnings and intend to send more elite wizards. The legion went to explore."

A ring of true spirits stood in the air, his eyes calm, and looked at the vast black land shrouded in chaos by the distance. He said: "No, the low-level wizarding corps is going to die."

Saying, in the hands of a true spiritual wizard, there is a green vine, which is a branch of the climbing sky.

With extremely rapid speed, Xianteng swayed into the chaotic fog in this black land, and avoided several time rules and space rules in the process of left and right swinging. After a small moment, in chaos Deep in the fog, the explosion of energy explosions such as "bang", "bang" and "bang" came out.

The low-level wizarding army regiment responsible for the guards was tight~www.novelmtl.com~ In the state of the sacred marks, the sorcerer was also full of alertness. As the vines quickly pulled out, several were wearing yellow headscarves, but the robes were empty. It seems that it was caught up by the amazing fairy spirits to hold up the drums and monsters.

"Imperial Yellow Scarf Guardian!"

A little pity exclaimed.

Seeing the doubts beside the clouds, Xiao Pian quickly explained: "The Yellow Turban Guardian is an ancient sacred sect that we have circulated in the lower world. I have seen it once in two different ancestral elders, but I have seen it once, but The yellow towel guards they summoned are far worse than these immortal guards, and they can't be compared."

On the other side, the martial artist who was held by the robot, trembled: "Swordsman guards!"

Different from the reaction of these low-level wizards, after seeing these yellow towel guards, the magical sorcerer suddenly turned a bright look and said: "I thought that after returning to the wizarding world after chaos, I can explore the relics of the fairyland. For the opportunity, ask the king of the wizard to enter in advance..."

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