A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 30 Chapter 1914: Chaotic world

Reach out. - Miscellaneous Locust -

"咔嚓", Green took an empty shot, and after grasping the sword, the first thing was to look around. There were several chaotic creatures in the gap between the stones, as if the black coal **** were hidden in the gap. Weak, treacherous, and extremely aggressive, in the chaotic world, similar to the wizard world grass plants, can be seen everywhere, but no one cares.

Like a rolling screen, after the chaos of the Vatican world, after the initial brief calm, the gray world gradually began to be occupied by the real chaotic creatures that came from the chaotic world.

call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out……

A large number of metal robots are attacked indiscriminately by chaotic creatures, losing power from the sky, turning into waste, and rapidly decaying at a visible speed.

The Vatican world is like being trapped by a large hood. A weird chaotic creature flickers and crawls along the edge of the hood.


After a short buffer time, the chaotic sleepers have completely awakened.

The yawning old man put aside the alarm clock that still ticks, ticks, and ticks, seems to be doing normal day activities for the elderly, washing, breakfast, reading newspapers, and sunbathing. Repeated, boring and lonely, faint eyes revealing incomparable squats, no one knows what he is thinking, but also like the evil spirits of the sacred swords. He does not realize the existence of chaos, but others have already lived. In the chaos he shaped.

"Is it a certain form of high-latitude regularization, what does someone else mean in his thoughts? Is this the meaning of the power of chaos in the endless world?"

Green muttered to himself, and collected the sword that had considerable research value in his hand.

It’s awkward!

The balance of truth balances a black and thunder arc on the head of the magic wand. After a short twist and gathers, it flashes away, and the old man who reads the newspaper in the sky with reading glasses spurs away.

However, it was still like that, the old man wearing a bubble dragon pajamas fainted, and once the annihilation arc could disappear, it appeared again.

"Not at all, Green Beast, you use the power of the Wuzu to simulate chaos, attack with chaos!"

For the supernatural phenomena that are unclear and unclear in these endless world dimensions, super-singular life, Xiao Ba also showed considerable interest, suggesting to Green.

Slowly shook his head, Green Road: "Forget it, he represents chaos, which is probably a subconscious projection of high-latitude creatures in the endless world dimension, even before the distant unknown years, like this. The nine-level creatures are concealed in this dimension. They do not affect the sense of autonomy in the endless world dimension, and don't care."

In the distance, Chaos Optimus is gradually hidden in chaos in the sly smile.

咚, 咚, 咚, 咚, 咚, 咚...

Even if they are still far apart, they are not hidden in the chaotic fog. Green and Xiaoba, who are floating more than ten meters above the ground, can clearly perceive the hugeness of this unknown chaotic creature behind the gray mist. I am afraid that it is no longer chaotic. Optimus, and the speed of movement is relatively slow.

Initially experience chaos, since Hessian and Black Witch King can sway the chaotic world, in theory, Green can naturally do the same, not to mention that this is only a transit world that is temporarily connected with the chaotic world. It is not really deep in chaos.

A chaotic creature like a huge stick insect, the long legs that swayed into the clouds, slammed into the 30,000 meters of Green, and squatted on the ground.

Because its body is too high, the body part is still hidden in the fog, but Green can see through the face of truth, this weird chaotic creature legs are still more normal insects, but its body part is full The ridiculous cartoons are ugly, with simple lines and even a bit of chaos.


A group of flying shoes, slid into the adult glyph from the sky.


Suddenly, in the endless pit of Green's feet, the rock fragments began to distort and deformed. The black coal ball in a rock seam was noticed by such changes, and panicked and fled.

"Dare to break into the chaotic world, I feel hostility from your body."

The endless pits gradually turned into a big mouth, so they squirmed on the ground.

Green had nothing to do with this, and the little eight was looking at his head. After a while, Green, who was silent, suddenly waved the truth to balance the magic wand. The "bang" sound composed of hundreds of thousands of butterflies that were approaching. The slow-moving monsters smashed, and then the figure was blurred, rushing into the mouth of the giant mouth.

The winding tunnels are full of stalactites. The three-color diaphragm under the face of Green Truth can observe the fluid liquids in these stalactites. Without any pressure, Green directly rushes to the deepest part of the tunnel.

Chaos fog is getting more and more intense, and there is an empty space at the end of the tunnel.

It seems to be a place of sacred consciousness sacrifice. The red rope is tied with a lock made of bones. The altar is full of strange lines, filled with grease and liquid, exudes the burning smell of meat, followed by A ten-meter-long bronze ancient urn.

After the bronze coffin cover was opened by the strange force inside, ~www.novelmtl.com~ a semi-rotted humanoid creature slowly sat up, and only one of the remaining eyes was raised, and it was possible to fall at any time. Going to the green and small eight at the mouth of the outside tunnel.

"I have been sleeping here for 100,000 years, and you dare to wake me up..."

Flashing, Green stood on the bronze urn, and the blue hand crossed the chest of the monster.

After a short moment, Greenman was ridiculously pushing his body back into the bronze ancient urn, and after seeing his eyes, he was injured by the 诛仙古剑, and he was almost thrown away by the horror who was drained by himself. Go in.

"Hey, what monsters are in front of us, this altar is not bad!"

The little eight refers to the altar, which is why Green came here. Sen cold evil laughed: "It is indeed a good altar. The bird should have left some means of causing chaotic biological hostility on me, but it doesn't matter. After summoning the Demon Expeditionary Wizarding Legion, let the Nightmare Wizards study the absurd illusion here. This time I will summon a true spiritual wizard, a true spiritual wizard to assist me, responsible for the expedition mission, and establish in the chaotic world. Wizard order!"

Due to the poor state of the six-ring true spirit wizard, Green is also not good at this time to call the six-ring true spirit wizard to launch the fate lever magic wand to launch unlimited time and space, only to rely on the altar of space and time to dispatch a small number of elite troops, and then wait The big troops behind the void came forward a little.

In this way, the palm of Green's blue spirit is pressed on the altar, and the surface chaos is instantly dispelled. The unknown runes are quickly smoothed out. One wizard rune is inscribed in the blue light, replacing the former one. Chaos runes.

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