A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 30 Chapter 1863: Dark trend

The Saiyan warriors who conquered the dark sand world were only the epitome of the first division of the Diablo Army in the core area of ​​the Diablo World.

Without the big rear scruples, no strategic arrangements, and even no operational plans, this combat group does everything for the sake of occupation. Compared with the fact that the wizard is merely plundering resources, the Saiyan people are doing destruction and destruction. Once the rulers of the world overthrew, destroyed all resistance and then sold it to employers.

Due to the extortion of the Black Witch King, this Saiya Army did not stay too much in the outer world of the Diablo World and went straight to the core area.

Like a wolf group, it is like a wolf group. Due to the cold and **** cruelty inside and the amazing fighting talent, this Saiyan army has a very high efficiency in plundering. Over 200 years, it has captured more than ten small and medium-sized worlds. I can imagine this battle. The horror of the heyday of the ethnic group.

This battle, from the sorcerer's army that is still in the gap of the world's clothing rules, is far behind.

All the sub-worlds in the Diablo World, everyone is in danger, and there are horrific legends about wizards everywhere, some of which are just in the air, others seem to have something to do, true and false, and hard to tell.

The ancestors who used to live only in the legend, one after another, came and fought against the invading wizards outside the domain.

The dark creatures who have not participated in the battle against the Demon Sorcerer have kept imagining the horrors of the wizards and are only synonymous with the devil. The dark creatures who participated in the battle with the wizards have definitely realized their own thoughts after real understanding of the horror of the wizards!

It is a group of sinister, embarrassing, cold, evil, and even fearful of death when necessary!

Gradually, the dark world has no common spirit, culture, and the defects of the will. The gap between these dark creatures and the wizarding civilization is not only the crushing of the advanced nature of civilization, but also the absolute strength of the civilized world. The advantage, the deeper is the determination of the four wars and the coping.

Between the two, the high judgment!

The core area of ​​the dark world, centered on the Dark Portal, has a twisted disc shape in the rules of the world.

Under the high-temporal mass extrusion, the Dark Portal, with its supreme power, runs from the material energy world to the deepest illusory world, reaching the end of the legendary dimension, the second esophagus.

Although the eternal dark ancestors have lost their true bodies, their eternal will has become no different from Skynet, becoming a heterogeneous life between illusory and reality.

The beginning of the ancestral ancestor is scattered in the dark world, but it is not evenly distributed. Most of the areas are vacuum thin areas. Only the core area and the world's clothing rule interception can achieve all-round insight. As for the dark door, time and space are distorted. At the beginning, the dark sacred ancestors can even use the will to transform the true body, the imagination into reality, and the more eight-level living body exists in the endless world.


"Those wizards are really wolf ambitions. Two years ago, the proposal to reject the Jagged River civilization to the Abyssal World is a wise choice!"

In the darkness, a dark ancestor resented and roared.

The dark bones, the collapses blinded a circle of eyes, and the other dark ancestors said: "Although we have preserved the strength, it is precisely because of this, now the Jagged River civilization has rejected our transaction. Other world groups They are also trying their best to resist the abyss world. After hearing the wizarding expedition plan of the wizarding world, they have shown their welcoming attitude and are subject to the pressure. In addition to the limited support of the Quanzu world group, we can provide us with limited support. Only starting from the Mussel World Group and the Chaotic World Group."

“The mussel world group?”

Disdain sound came.

"The sorrowful mothers are all murdered, and the king of the wizards can only resist the ancestors of the sorcerer. The scorpion mussels are only afraid to completely close the access. As for the chaotic world group, they suffer all the year round. Under the chaotic storm, those terrible chaotic creatures have already destroyed several powerful worlds. Have you been a chaotic creature of your king?"


A ancestral singer who is chewing bones said: "A few days ago, wasn't there a few special robots from the chaotic world group? A guy who claimed to be a celestial net had to cooperate with the ancestors of the ancestors to resist the king of the wizard. How? ?"

After mentioning the chaotic world group, this ancestor recalled the Skynet independent will robot and raised it.

"Don't mention it, just kill the dog!"

The dark ancestors who used to be responsible for the independent will communicate with Skynet sneered: "Tiannet once created the world of Skynet, but after a short history, it was completely defeated by the metal destroyer Quantum Quantum Quantum, and the metal was destroyed. The civilization was later defeated by the wizarding civilization~www.novelmtl.com~ Now that the wizarding civilization has completely unified the world community, it dares to say something to cooperate with us? Funny!"

This group of dark ancestors is the backbone of the great world community of the ancestral ancestors. The discussion of war matters here, but because there is no systematic overall strategic arrangement, there is no unified civilized system guidelines, and there is no result.


There is no beginning to darken the ancestral will, except for a few short-lived appearances in the battlefield of the Demon Sorcerer in the initial period, then there is no condensation, and the whole body is devoted to the door of darkness.

This dark door, which has been poured into the eternal will of the time, has already arrived in the second esophagus. Everything seems to be a success, but it is such a grotesque coincidence. China Unicom is actually a period before the Dimensional Esophagus War!

Controlling the door of darkness, the beginning of darkness is far more sensitive to changes in the quality of space and time than other masters.

After knowing what situation he was facing, he experienced the initial hesitation, and the beginning of the dark ancestors was finally occupied by fear, giving up the idea of ​​thoroughly communicating the rules of the Dark Portal.

Unlike other creatures, the beginning of the dark ancestors has experienced the horrible existence of the Dimensional War!

In the face of the most terrible disaster of that dimension, any individual creature, any world in front of it, is not a reef in front of the raging waves. It is insignificant and will be easily destroyed.

It is precisely because of this that after the long wait of the beginning of the ancestors, the end of the war of the Yuan Dynasty, and finally the rules of the Dark Portal can be promoted in the new reincarnation of the time and space of the second esophagus, the Demon Expeditionary Wizarding Corps appeared. .

"As long as you can promote the rules of the Dark Portal, all problems will be solved!"

The beginning of the ancestral will will twist the time and space with the dark door, squeezing to the deeper imaginary dimension esophagus. 8

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