A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 30 Chapter 1864: The evil grandfather of the gourd doll

After the end of the twilight war, the thickness of the space barrier of the secondary esophagus was significantly weakened and began to weaken. ???

Once the exiles were able to survive, they were one of the best, and a lot of new bodies were added to the vast bones. After the raging storm, they gradually became cheekbones.

The old era has passed, and the secondary esophageal digestion rules temporarily enter the inactive period of sleep.

The sturdy and almost indestructible time and space barriers are melted and dissipated. As more and more new invaders continue to accumulate, more and more, the secondary esophagus digestion will eventually wake up again and enter a new era to meet the next dimension. war.

In the empty and lonely sacral big 6 sky, the dark cloud whirlpool twisted, and gradually turned to the will.

"Submitted to me, out of despair."

There is only one purpose of creating a dark door for the sacred ancestors, that is, to help the equatorial esophage exile monsters as a condition, at the expense of the rule consumption in the dark world, to obtain the assistance of the secondary esophageal exiles!

This can be seen as an investment or as a new civilization system.

Long-term consumption of the rules of the various sub-worlds in the core area of ​​the Diablo World, through time and space, and at the expense of consuming the beginning of the dark will, forcibly bringing away the exiles trapped in the secondary esophagus, thus serving as the seed of the dark world. Plunder the resources of the exotic world community, enhance the black will of the beginning, and form a virtuous circle.

The stronger the Vietnam War, the more civilized!

Of course, the dark sacred ancestors know that hidden in the esophagus is not only the exiles, the gatekeepers of the Dimension, but also some truly ancient creatures that even the Yuan War Corps did not feel, as the peak left before the unknown. The living body, even with some means to influence the progress of civilization, is hidden in the depths of the bones.

The eye of destruction is not a case.

"According to the ratio of the era of the virtual world of the esophagus, the war of the second dimension should have passed over three thousand years. Even if the war of the Yuan Dynasty has thoroughly cleaned the previous generation of exiles, there should be a new generation of exiles in the past three thousand years. Why is this so? For a long time, only those rare exiles are called?"

The beginning of the dark sacred ancestors muttered to himself.

In front of the true body of the sacred sacred ancestors, it was a layer of time and space faults. It used to be a very rich time-space fault. At this moment, the dark door runs through as a film, and it is easily drilled by the sacred ancestors. There is a vortex.

It seems that after a short moment, you will be able to freely enter and exit the esophagus.

"Listen to the exiles who say that there are a group of unknown monsters guarding the rules of the Dark Portal, having the energy to change the rules of the living body, turning all the callers into another image. So describe, look at the place In the illusory world of the finger, there is only a dimension gap imagination rule as a barrier layer between dimension dimensions. This can be the case."

Realizing that his plan is suffering from unexplained interference, there is no sense in the heart of the sacred ancestors, and there is a sense of unsatisfactory feelings, and with the approach of the second esophagus, this feeling is not strong.

"Right! It is rumored that the wizards have the power to influence their destiny, is it..."

The sound of "噗", at the moment when the beginning of the dark ancestors of the ancestors broke through the time and space barrier of the secondary esophagus, suddenly remembered some of the possibilities influenced by the wizard. After a moment of time and space chaos, the beginning of the dark sacred ancestors suddenly opened up .

"Oh, such a grand and pure willpower, you have a real change in quality compared to the original."

On the big bones 6, there are three small figures standing.

In the middle of the gray-faced face, there are three eyes of the wizard, and the sorrowful sorrow of the wizard is not surprising.

And next to the two, one strength can not be underestimated, the other seems to be a frosty exile, is watching himself coldly.

Without a dark ancestor, the majestic will turn into a stunning face in the dark vortex, composed of smoke from the dark source, rolling over, condescending to the three unseen guests who seem to have long waited for themselves for a long time. .

"Do you even have the means to break into the secondary esophagus? Well, it seems that the rules of the dark door have long been expected in the wizarding world. It is no wonder that the secondary esophagus has spent more than three thousand years of illusory years, but only a few escaped. Out of the exile."

Saying, the beginning of the dark sacred ancestors turned to look around the dark areas of the rule of the door to spread.

After more than three thousand years of proliferation, the rules of the Dark Portal shrouded the scales of some of the largest gathering places before the Yuan War. In the gaze of the dark ancestors, a starling holding a purple gourd appeared in the vision of the sacred ancestors. .

"Hey, come on the exile, hurry up, come on, why don't you come, it's so fun."

The staring laughter of the starling is so harsh, and there is nothing in the darkness of the dark sacred ancestors. After seeing it with the three-eyed wizard, look at the other end of the dark edge of the dark door that is relatively far from the small eight. .

This is a five-level creature.

At a relatively short time after the end of the Dimensional War, the Dimensional Esophagus has not been as large as Green’s time, and has accumulated a large number of six-level creatures. Almost every exile is a six-level peak, and all exiles are not. In the midst of squatting and struggling, it is the killing of powerful exiles. There are too many ways to digest the lower worlds.

Black-and-white cow-like appearance, the cat's flexible and healthy posture, seems to be a female creature. This little guy seems to be attracted by the specific time and space of the Dark Portal after nervously gazing at the moment of dark source vortex. That is the beginning of the dark sacred will.

The smog of the dark source of the smog is disordered, and then gradually merges into the image of the projection of the sacred ancestors according to the rules of the Dark Portal, a majestic and fair and intimate image.

There is nothing to say about the projection of the rule of the dark sacred ancestors. In a sudden, a crack appears in the air above the projection of the sacred ancestors of the sacred ancestors. The ridiculous, weird, unfamiliar and unknown atmosphere will not cover the dark sacred ancestors, and then they will be in the eyes of everyone. In this, the projection of the Holy Father became a beautiful snake?

"Don't be a weak guy, feel the despair that is being digested by the world? As a me, I can get a second life!"

It should have been a kind and persuasive persuasion of Diablo, but at the moment, under the influence of the rules of the dimensional gap, it has become a fascination of the beauty snake. The effect is greatly reduced, and the first reaction is the trap.


At the same time, this five-level creature has not yet reacted to such grotesque phenomena, and it is also a bizarre, bizarre, full of unknown bizarre atmosphere, which is also shrouded, unable to struggle, can not resist, this five-level creature It became a pangolin with watery eyes and shouted.

"Look, there is a pangolin!"

An excited childish voice shouted.

"Pangolin? Wow, the national level of protection of animals, is already on the verge of extinction, can not eat after eating, and quickly grab back to the grandfather tonic ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ Grandpa will be very happy!"

Another voice full of childlike voices, but the meaning contained in it is so evil, evil without a bottom line, innocent evil without morality.

At the beginning of man, is it evil?

Two young children, strong and strong, are two different colors of gourd, step by step on the mountain rock shaped by the gap rules.

In the center of the vortex of the Dark Portal, the beginning of the dark ancestor will also be affected by the rules of the dimensional gap. In the absurd, weird, full of unknown and bizarre rules, the beginning of the dark ancestors twisted into a strong The scorpion looks like a strong, but full of kindness.

"The scorpion Buddha who saved the disaster! Wow, hahaha, the old man will come to you for a while!"

On the other side, a small white torn gap in the gap crack out of a white beard, white-headed grandfather, bare upper body, the muscles of the stone is like a granite, the water chest is sharp, surrounded by a circle of brass bullets, waist A few grenades, a pair of sunglasses, and a hand-held Gatlin machine gun walked out like a Terminator, with a sneer in the corner of his mouth, revealing the white teeth.

"Wow, grandfather, grandfather, it is bullying me, not to preside over justice, to punish evil, it is so kind, we slowly kill it."

Xiao Ba uses the dimensional gap between biological thinking and this evil grandfather.

嗒, 嗒, 嗒, 嗒, 嗒, 嗒, 嗒, 嗒...

Gatlin’s machine gun squirted a long fire snake, and the white-bearded grandfather “hahahaha” laughed. The flickering fire snake reflected his crazy face, full of eyes, and the blue ribs on the forehead were exposed. So kind? Hahahahaha, using his meat to make the stuffed stuff of my gourd grandchildren, they must be very happy!"


Ps: The second is after ten. 8

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